Fully intended to get back into this project, but life seems to have had other ideas so it’s still on hiatus.
Three weeks ago on the evening of April 1st my mother slipped and fell in her bedroom. Fortunately she didn’t hit her head, but we learned she did break her hip. Got her into the hospital right away and two days later they operated on her hip. The hip surgery went well, but Mum developed postoperative delirium. She seemed to rally briefly, but then relapsed and she never really recovered and got worse and dragged on for two weeks in that state.
Mum had a DNR in the event her heart stopped so obviously she thought about the point-of-no-return. With that in mind my sister and I concluded Mum could not remain confined to bed in a restless delirium indefinitely—she had reached a point-of-no-return. If she couldn’t rally mentally then she couldn’t recover physically, and she wasn’t eating or drinking for days.
In the end we elected to give her comfort management and palliative sedation to ease her discomfort—definitely not a decision I ever wanted to make. Mum was 93 when she succumbed at 3am on April 16th.
It’s been a difficult three weeks. I am glad my mother is no longer suffering, but even though you know your parents will not live forever you are never prepared for this. And it’s not really over as I feel somewhat ghoulish going through her things and her affairs.