The most beautiful people in Trek?

It's kind of a shame she didn't have that haircut (or the S7 haircut) the whole time.

You know, I think she and Chase Masterson actually look a little bit alike.
^ Gotta disagree, the short hair I never liked. That was what I didn't like about Ezri's look too.

As for my top pick, gotta go with Deanna Troi.
^ Gotta disagree, the short hair I never liked. That was what I didn't like about Ezri's look too.

It also annoys me when they give women hair that's too short (although I can't comment on Ezri as I haven't seen her episodes yet). I don't think Tasha ever had a good hair-do, except maybe during her last appearance in "All Good Things...". I especially hated it in "Yesterday's Enterprise" where she has it slicked to one side...that was how I had my hair styled back in sixth grade. :( It's just too...boyish.

I guess Tasha was supposed to be tomboyish and have a more "militaristic" look to her hair, but that short hair (particularly in season 1) was just so unflattering, especially because she actually is an attractive woman. You can really see how limiting it is when you look at the lame attempt to make it "sexy" in "The Naked Now".

God Damn, he is just too beautiful.

He had me at HELL-YES!
Female: For me its a toss-up between Zoe McClellan (played Tal Celes on Voyager) and Nicole deBoer (Ezri Dax on DS9)

*That navigator who resembled Jeffrey Hunter
No idea who you mean. :confused:

*Kira's love interest (I forgot his name at the moment)

Vedek Bareil?

Of course there was also Shakaar, but he was less featured on the show. If you meant Bareil, then I agree with you.

OK, here are my choices.... but it tends to be a little more confusing since the word is "beautiful" rather than "good-looking" or "hot" and my choices will in some instances be different depending on the word. There are some men I could call both handsome and beautiful. But then some others I'd call handsome, but not beautiful. And then some men are beautiful and/or handsome but are not sexy. And also "beautiful" tends to refer more to the face (I think?) while "good-looking" would emcompass the body, too.

- Uhura
- the form that the salt vampire monster took in order to try to seduce Uhura in The Man Trap
- not sure about Spock - he's definitely my pick for the sexiest, maybe handsome, but I'm not sure if I'd call him beautiful - though he does seem so at times (but I'd still rather call him beautiful than Kirk)
- Pike was certainly beautiful, but I didn't find him sexy at all.
- Kirk was handsome (in season 1 at least, before he started gaining weight), but not beautiful.

TOS movies:
- Saavik from TWOK
- Valeris
-? I can't think of anyone

- Uhura
- Spock
- honorable mentions to Robau and McCoy

not sure, the choice would be between:
- Deanna Troi (depending on the hairstyle and makeup)
- Ro Laren
- K'eleyr and the Vulcan played by Suzie Plakson
not much to choose from...
maybe Riker before he gained weight
Data was 'cute' and Picard was 'good-looking' (nice build) and charismatic but I wouldn't really use the word 'beautiful' for either

- Kira Nerys
- Bareil
- Bashir - but this is an example of a beautiful man that I don't find sexy, he never did anything for me. Maybe it was the character... I'd prefer Siddig post-DS9. And I also wouldn't pick him for best-looking because he was too skinny (just look at him in Trials and Tribble-ations)

If you change "beautiful" to "good-looking" or maybe "handsome", then I can include Dukat and Damar, and I must say Dukat is defintely the sexiest :alienblush:

I haven't seen much of it, so I am basing this only on main characters:
- Seven of Nine
- Chakotay

erm... I have only seen the pilot. I guess T'Pol for women, but I didn't like any of the men. Trip is not my type, Merryweather is nice-looking but that's it and has very little character, and I don't like Bacula at all, never found him attractive... and all their characters annoyed me in the pilot. So if I ever decide to watch the rest of Enterprise, I hope that there are some more attractive or at least interesting recurring male characters.
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Deanna was really beautiful too, she really peaked in "Generations" in my opinion, she looked best there. Its a pity she was plagued by horrible hair and outfits for six seasons though.
Both Troi and Crusher peaked in the later seasons. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because it was the 90s and not the 80s.