The most beautiful people in Trek?

ENT: Madeline Reed (Malcolm's sister). I know it was only one episode, but dayum. :drool:

TOS: Number One

TNG: Beverly Crusher

DS9: Kira

VOY: Seven of Nine

And it's not just her looks... also her warm and vivacious personality. Together, what an unbeatable pair. ;)
We have a winner! Case closed.:techman:
From main i say Jadzia, Ezri, Beverly, Deanna, Hoshi and Seven

from guest stars i'll say Briannon (i think---Graves' assistant), the Andorian engineer in ENT, the Katarian from 'The Game'...Ensign Ro, Keiko.....
Just saw "Who Mourns for Morn?" again and felt compelled to mention Bridget Ann White, who played Larell. A fine example of an actress far too gorgeous for her looks to be ruined by silly "alien" make-up. The same goes for Suzie Plakson, whether she was playing a Vulcan, Klingon, or Female Q...always a total babe.
Just saw "Who Mourns for Morn?" again and felt compelled to mention Bridget Ann White, who played Larell. A fine example of an actress far too gorgeous for her looks to be ruined by silly "alien" make-up. The same goes for Suzie Plakson, whether she was playing a Vulcan, Klingon, or Female Q...always a total babe.

I met Suzi at a creation a couple years ago, and in person she is an absolute doll. Beautiful, friendly, sweet... *sigh*
TOS: Kirk and Spock though I gotta' say I'm slightly more attracted to Spock
TNG: Riker once he got the beard
DS9- Bashir hands down
VOY: Paris and Kim
ENT: TRIP!!!!!!
My vote goes to Captain Picard. Between the eyes and the! I don't think I could've concentrated on my job if I served on that ship.
Ezri Dax as played by Nicole de Boer, no question. She's one of the cutest girls I have seen ever, both in her face and in how she acts. She has a very nice figure too, and exceptionally beautiful eyes.

Jadzia and Dr. Crusher are very close runners-up for me.

As for the men, Captain Christopher Pike as shown in "The Cage" always struck me as a very handsome man.

I think we have a winner. Nicole de Boer earns top place.

Nana Visitor and Linda Park are both outstanding as well.

As for dudes, I guess Avery Brooks, Alex Siddig, and Jeffrey Hunter. Leonard Nimoy's got something going for him, but I don't know if I'd call it "beauty." I think it's some kind of Vulcan mind trick, but my girlfriend loves him.

*That navigator who resembled Jeffrey Hunter

*Beverly Crusher
*Deanna Troi

*Kira's love interest (I forgot his name at the moment)

*I do have to admit, I've seen some [decon gel] pics of Malcolm and Trip online lately...and--even though I'm not necessarily a Trip fan--I do have to say...'Hey!'
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