The most beautiful people in Trek?

Dur, also Robert Picardo. He does the balding look pretty well. He still seems totally confident and I think he's got such a lovely face.
Some of my picks, in no particular order:

Spock (I actually think he's very handsome. Not sure why lots don't think so.)
Kira Nerys
Bev Crusher

There's been a good number of beautiful people on the show.
I think Nimoy was handsome when he was young, but he had very unusual features. People are usually more inclined to call people handsome or beautiful if they have more generic features. Although, I think more peopel wouldbe inclined to call him handsome in his 20s, when his features were somewhat softer. In his mid-30s, his cheekbones got more prominent and his features sharper, which made him look interesting, but less similar to the conventional beauty standards. Also, the bowl haircut was not that helpful.






Sadly, he aged a bit too early and his looks deteriorated by the time the TOS movies were being made. But, oddly enough, these days he looks great for his age. Another example of the Iggy Pop Syndrome - ages before his time, but then stays the same the next 30 years, and as a result, looks great as an old guy?

BTW Spock's eyebrows were quite awful in the first couple of TOS episodes - fortunately they gave him a much more attractive look soon afterwards:



In a similar way, Worf's early look was a lot less attractive:

early TNG Worf with his huge forehead:


Cardassian makeup also cahnged between what it was like when they were first introduced in TNG and what it was like later, and again, I much prefer the later version. The uniform also underwent a change, although it was similarly tight in both cases. :techman: :drool:



I'm not sure if I would've realized it was the same actor if I didn't know it already (even his voice sounded a bit different), although Marc Alaimo's physique is quite easily recognizable. ;)

BTW, anybody besides me think that Nana Visitor and Chase Masterson actually look a lot sexier with the nose ridges than without?
I find Bajoran noses very cute. :)

And whether others agree or disagree, I think that there is something about the latter Cardassian makeup (not the early TNG one) that makes every actor look sexier than when they're not wearing it. :)
LOVE the "Iggy Pop Factor" re: again...would have to agree w/you about Nimoy looking great for 80! Shatner...not so good...As for the Cardassians...those uniforms always left me wondering what was worn under them! Tight black shirts perhaps?
The Boy Who Cried Worf said:
This only reminds me of one silly aspect of WOK. How is it that Khan is 60, but all his crew is like 23?:lol:

Perhaps the Augment genes slowed their aging? (Why that didn't happen with Khan... Dunno)

Or they were the children of Khan's original crew.
M.U's Dax could be described as sexy-- she has "naughty" look to her. The hairstyle does it.

Amanda Cole from Enterprise is stunning to the point of being abnormal:

Susan Oliver is beautiful, but she could have done some real damage today.

And finally, Uhura is naturally beautiful and her abs have to be the most perfect set I ever seen.

A few years late to this thread, but I want to add my few cents. I have no opinion on TOS or ENT yet, since I haven't made it to watching those series. (On S6 of Voyager at the moment.)

TNG: I have a crush on Data. I don't think he's physically beautiful, but I love his character.
Captain Picard is striking.
I don't really like the looks of any of the main females. Famke Janssen as Kamala is, of course, absolutely gorgeous.

DS9: Sisko! I've noticed that the only black person getting any attention on these boards is Uhura. What about the men? I love me some beautiful black men. Though Sisko is a bit heavy, especially towards the end, the usually do a pretty good job hiding it with the uniform.
Bashir has that awkward tiny body, but I still find him really appealing.
KIRA NERYS is my girlfriend. The combination of her personality and her good looks. Yum. I like her short hair much better, though.
Vic Fontaine is beautiful.
I found myself having a crush on Gul Dukat for a few seasons and hating myself for it. Am I the only one?
Jadzia's hair is just way too ugly for me. I can't see past it. And she looks gross in her uniform until they switch to the grey. Poor Terry. I do like her in the TOS costume, though.
Oh, and Vedek Bareil, YES PLEASE! Yum.

Seven of Nine. Jeri Ryan is such a versatile actress, and I really love the way she plays Seven. I like that her character is not at all concerned with how beautiful she is. I love her brownish outfit. :-D
Tuvok is very attractive. I love Vulcans, but I think he's got such a pretty face. I actually have a friend who dated Tim Russ for a while.
I think Chakotay has a really appealing boyish grin, but he's too bulky for me and I HATE HOW HE ASPIRATES HEAVILY AT THE ENDS OF PHRASES! Just had to get that out. His character is also so alarmist and Riker-esque. And Riker repulses me.
Harry Kim is so freaking adorable I can't handle it.
And I LOVE Kes with her short hair. WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ON THE SHORT HAIR? I think the long hair was Fugly, capital F. Her voice is so gorgeous.
Those are really good picks. :bolian: Though Riker doesn't repulse me :rommie: I think Brent Spiner looked good back then though, his body in particular look good in the uniform.

I like Kira with shorter hair, too - but not her season 1 haircut, that was too short. I don't like her S7 hair, somehow it was too...ladylike?

I found myself having a crush on Gul Dukat for a few seasons and hating myself for it. Am I the only one?
No, you're not the only one. :cardie:

Tuvok is very attractive. I love Vulcans, but I think he's got such a pretty face. I actually have a friend who dated Tim Russ for a while.
I think Chakotay has a really appealing boyish grin, but he's too bulky for me and I HATE HOW HE ASPIRATES HEAVILY AT THE ENDS OF PHRASES! Just had to get that out. His character is also so alarmist and Riker-esque. And Riker repulses me.
I think Tuvok is very attractive, too. I thought Chakotay was hot when I first saw him, he's a handsome man... but I don't like his grin, it's somehow smug, and his wooden acting put me off very quickly.
I also find the Cardassians very attractive in a "dangerous" way, and I definitely think that their uniforms bring out their masculine and virile "charms". I also prefer my men on the lean side, so Dukat fills the bill! Michael Dorn is also very attractive. I will post a recent pic of him....he has lost some weight (went Vegan !!) and looks really good.