Spoilers The Expanse Season 6

I'm enjoying reading the final book Leviathan Falls even though it's somewhat predictable and the villain is annoyingly one dimensional in their thinking.
I should have written "villains are" rather than "villain is" but I get why they are as they are. The whole thing ends in the way I thought it would logically and is unsurprising. It'll be a pity if the final three books never get adapted as they do form a satisfying conclusion. There would have to be one major tweak as one main character died at the end of season 5 as we know. There is a possibility for continuation but the nine main novels tell a complete story.
I should have written "villains are" rather than "villain is" but I get why they are as they are. The whole thing ends in the way I thought it would logically and is unsurprising. It'll be a pity if the final three books never get adapted as they do form a satisfying conclusion. There would have to be one major tweak as one main character died at the end of season 5 as we know. There is a possibility for continuation but the nine main novels tell a complete story.

"Never" is a strong term, since its already came out that the series is only ending because the contract between Alcon, Amazon, and Syfy only gave Alcon & Amazon the rights to continue the show until now and that once the rights fully revert to Alcon after a few years they're open to continuing the franchise.
"It'll be a pity if..." - adaptation of the last three books (or any of the novellas) might happen. It must appear to be economically viable though and the more time that elapses, the less likely any continuation will be as the series fades into obscurity. I doubt it has a strong enough following even now. Nobody I know in real life has heard of the series nor are they interested in watching it when I describe it to them. I'm not a good salesman, obviously, but I seem to know a lot of people who just aren't interested in SF. In the UK, this is possibly because of the perceived childishness and cheesiness of Doctor Who.
I hope a lot is done with the protomolecule, since that has been the big threat all throughout the series.
I beg to differ. People have consistently been the biggest threat all through the series. The protomolecule is just a dumb lump of insanely sophisticated nano-tech. It was quite happy being inert, sitting in orbit of Saturn for three or four billion years until people stated poking around, trying to activate and jury-rig it's programming . . . and the first thing they do with it, is try to turn it into a weapon. Like if a homo habilis found a laptop and the only thing they could think to do with it is to beat another homo habilis over the head with it so it can get all it's food.

The political storyline of the Expanse is not separate from the protomolecule story. It's both the same story, as each one catalyses and propels the other. Indeed, literally everything that's going on here is a direct result of humanity's contact with the protomolecule. The gates have massively re-written the social-political and economic landscape of the whole system, and it would be terribly storytelling to just handwave that away.
"It'll be a pity if..." - adaptation of the last three books (or any of the novellas) might happen. It must appear to be economically viable though and the more time that elapses, the less likely any continuation will be as the series fades into obscurity. I doubt it has a strong enough following even now. Nobody I know in real life has heard of the series nor are they interested in watching it when I describe it to them. I'm not a good salesman, obviously, but I seem to know a lot of people who just aren't interested in SF. In the UK, this is possibly because of the perceived childishness and cheesiness of Doctor Who.

It's perhaps possible they could continue in some Clone Wars cartoon way in the future. I really would like to think the series will find away to continue somehow though after this season.
Well, there's always the novels and novellas. I'm not sure what the video game will be like - not my sort of thing. The whole thing started off as some sort of table-top gaming scenario I believe. I can't envisage the final three novels working as animation but the novellas might.
Well, there's always the novels and novellas. I'm not sure what the video game will be like - not my sort of thing. The whole thing started off as some sort of table-top gaming scenario I believe. I can't envisage the final three novels working as animation but the novellas might.
IIRC it actually started off as an MMO that never happened before being converted to a pen & paper RPG . . . that also never happened. So this is almost, but now quite like coming full circle.

As for the video game, if it's like all the other Telltale games like Walking Dead, Batman & A Wolf Among Us, then it'll be less of a game and more like an interactive character focused movie/tv show. They're generally all about dialogue and action choices, with very minimal puzzle solving and the odd QTE.
Yes, I had to look up MMO to remind myself what that means. I'm far too old to spend my remaining time indulging in such pastimes. I'd rather learn something new as I find that much more diverting. I do make time for the occasional quality SF show just to remind me that some talented people have far better imaginations than I do.
Knowing how much attention this show pays to details, this question has probably been addressed and I either missed it or forgot, but the Belters are sitting on the most valuable objects in the solar system, so why aren’t they running shit?

I just read an article about a meteor that will pass within a couple million miles of earth soon, that is valued at nearly 5 billion dollars. They’ve tracked another meteor that I believe is still in the asteroid belt that is worth over a quadrillion dollars. That’s right, quadrillion. Both are valued at these levels because they are made up of pure iron and nickel.

I must have missed the explanation, maybe the Belters just aren’t able to take possession of any of the meteors, or maybe they’re just not able tp guard what they might own. But seems like Belters main goal should be to grab one of the moderately sized meteors, and open up for business.
That was really good. Filip doing what he did was a major shock, he seems an increasingly confused young man (hardly surprising) Great to see everyone again, and Avasarala was awesome as always. While he isn't exactly Joffrey or Ramsey levels, I'm looking forward to seeing Marco Inaros getting spaced one day!
I just saw the first episode of season six. It was a good start. I think that Filip might be developing a guilty conscience and is lashing out as a result.

Marco Inaros has openly admitted killing both Anderson Dawes and Fred Johnson. I am sure there are plenty of Belters who will not be happy with that. Drummer can certainly recruit and build up a Belter alliance to counter the free navy.

Marco inaros is an egotiscal mass murderer who don't seem to be interested in the handling of the hard logistics of running a government.

Avasarala is my favourite character in the Expanse. She makes the political drama of the Expanse exciting.

The Earther and Martian capital warships are playing defense against asteroids launched by the Free Navy. That means that smaller classes of ships like the corvettes and patrol boats will be used to hunt down free navy ships. Rocinante is doing that right now.
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Knowing how much attention this show pays to details, this question has probably been addressed and I either missed it or forgot, but the Belters are sitting on the most valuable objects in the solar system, so why aren’t they running shit?

I just read an article about a meteor that will pass within a couple million miles of earth soon, that is valued at nearly 5 billion dollars. They’ve tracked another meteor that I believe is still in the asteroid belt that is worth over a quadrillion dollars. That’s right, quadrillion. Both are valued at these levels because they are made up of pure iron and nickel.

I must have missed the explanation, maybe the Belters just aren’t able to take possession of any of the meteors, or maybe they’re just not able tp guard what they might own. But seems like Belters main goal should be to grab one of the moderately sized meteors, and open up for business.

The show mirrors what has been happening on Earth for centuries. The closest recent analogy would be what has been happening on the continent of Africa for hundreds of years. Weak and corrupt governments allow for the exploitation of resource rich areas. A few individuals get extremely rich while the rest suffer in poverty.
Knowing how much attention this show pays to details, this question has probably been addressed and I either missed it or forgot, but the Belters are sitting on the most valuable objects in the solar system, so why aren’t they running shit?

I just read an article about a meteor that will pass within a couple million miles of earth soon, that is valued at nearly 5 billion dollars. They’ve tracked another meteor that I believe is still in the asteroid belt that is worth over a quadrillion dollars. That’s right, quadrillion. Both are valued at these levels because they are made up of pure iron and nickel.

I must have missed the explanation, maybe the Belters just aren’t able to take possession of any of the meteors, or maybe they’re just not able tp guard what they might own. But seems like Belters main goal should be to grab one of the moderately sized meteors, and open up for business.

They lacked manufacturing to create the ships and weapons on a level needed to protect them. Right now the Free Navy is propped up because they used the protomolecule to buy a chunk of the Martian Navy that went rogue.

The Belt's population is like 50m-75m. Earth/Luna/some other settlements was like 25 billion people. Mars had close to 9 or 10 billion. (Well these were all pre-asteroid attack levels anyway)
A bit more upbeat this week, with the good guys getting a win. It was interesting seeing their plan essentially go off without a hitch despite virtually everything going wrong. A testament to the importance of having a good crew that can improvise and adapt. There was a disappointing VFX shot in the slow pull-out of Naomi and Clarissa looking out through the Roci's airlock, where it was very obvious the live-action part was just a 2D image attached to the 3D ship, but there was an excellent VFX moment when the Roci's hull was visibly glowing and softening, then cooling back down, as the Azure Dragon kept trying to melt them in their exhaust.

I wonder how long Marco is going to put up with having an advisor who doesn't just kiss his ass all the time once the novelty wears off. The ex-Golden Bough captain's pissed-off apathy was a lot of fun, I hope we get to see him some more with Drummer's incipient militia.

It turns out I misjudged the premise of the "One Ship" shorts, they aren't specifically about, well, one ship, but seem to be character-focused vignettes going around the cast. Tonight's was about Avasarala.

Oh, if you're into after-shows, the official one, "Ty and That Guy," with co-author Ty Franck and Wes "Amos" Chatham co-hosting, has returned to doing after-shows, taking a break in their retrospective reviews of The Expanse. However, the first episode was kind of loose with spoilers, so I'm saving those for when the season ends (the after-show for the season premiere talked about block-shooting and how they filmed scenes from the premiere and finale in their first days back on set, and mentioned several combinations of characters and locations in the finale that I would've rather not have heard before I switched it off). The descendant of the old official after-show, "The Churn" from SyFy, (which is now an independent production, "Space the Nation") is also doing weekly recaps, and since their hosts don't actually make the show, there's a considerably lower risk of spoilers.
Kind of sucks they killed off Dawes off screen, though I understand that Harris was probably now out of budget and completely booked, even for a few days.

There is a lot to wrap up in four episodes...I feel like they're gonna start making video games and focus on other media afterwards to tell these stories...
Another great episode! Technically, I guess it was mostly setup for future events, but excellently done! I enjoyed the space chase scene, but also how it allowed Peaches to win over the crew.