Should there be a "Temporal Cold War"-angle to SNW?

Truly, there are no people that hate Star Trek more than Star Trek fans* :guffaw:

*also applies to Star Wars
I don't even want to know what demented contortions of logic you went through to take my assertion that a particular plot device for one show was a failure and twist it into my hating an entire sci-fi franchise. Truly, a stupefying feat of twisting words that weren't even there.
No one wants to do the Temporal War.
Nobody can. Doctor Who spoke in tantalising detail about their time war, then when we see it, it's just a pewpew battle. It would cost blockbuster money and need a LOT of thought to make anything meaningful. A temporal war would be an epic clusterfuck, agents constantly respawning from alternate timelines and attacking, each attack causing new timelines where counterattacks originate... how do you tell a story in such chaos, much less one with any meaning? It would be the Rick and Morty Asimov Cascade only 1000x more insane.

Hence, us getting bizarro side stories in pocket universes where alien Nazis invade the White House, or Archer spends a day in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth because his handler accidentally erased the future.
Even after having only seen seven episodes, I can already tell that the Temporal War just doesn't fit SNW. "But how do you know?" I just know. Long, convoluted, and messy isn't what SNW does. Short, straight-forward, and neat is what it does.

Not only that, but the only reason the Temporal Cold War was even in ENT was because UPN didn't have total faith in the prequel premise. Whereas I think Paramount+ has total faith in the premise and setting of SNW. The two situations couldn't be more different. Most importantly: SNW wants to evoke TOS, not ENT.

Each of these shows are different in their own way. And once you know the show, you know what it will and won't do.
I’m a bit worried about how many spin offs Star Trek might need at the moment. Rather than a ‘Temporal War’ could we not have a ‘Temporal Cold War’ instead? It could be a story told in an ‘anthology’ series perhaps that all have a discreet link but all lead up to a movie! I would love to find out who ‘Future Guy’ is after all of these years.

But Seven of Nine still needs a spin off of her own so I don’t want to promote a fan campaign for something that would thwart any chances of this happening…
Sorry about my double post and I should have remembered the episode ‘Shattered’ but look what I found in my collection!
I would need to level her up a bit though for this mission.

But this can not happen in my head canon as she needs to be the Captain of the Enterprise. :(
I don't even want to know what demented contortions of logic you went through to take my assertion that a particular plot device for one show was a failure and twist it into my hating an entire sci-fi franchise. Truly, a stupefying feat of twisting words that weren't even there.
I hate this show so much that I keep watching it every week and giving episodes high marks because.....that's what you do when you hate something. :guffaw:
I'm thinking a lot about this lately.
I don't think the Temporal Cold War was done very successfully on ENT. But it would actually solve a lot of SNW's problems - even more than on ENT.

Pike knows he won't die.
He saw his accident. He knows exactly WHEN and WHERE it's going to happen. No matter what crazy stunt he pulls - no matter how bad the odds - he will survive. Doing one-shot manoevers against the Gorn? Picking chances on blowing up one of two asteroids? He can do that. For him, it's not "a lucky throw". It's the logical choice. Basically, the only time he should be worried is when he leaves the Enterprise, then worry for his friends. But whenever he's in command? The big E won't blow up.

ENT introduced a time-conflict atually TWICE: Once in the series premiere - and then AGAIN in the Xindi-war, to make us believe Earth actually "could" be destroyed.

In fact, this is the whole reason Berman & Braga introduced the Temporal Cold War in the fist place - and it's a GOOD reason (only the execution was lacking) : If you make a prequel, people know how it will end. This is my problem with all the relationship drama on SNW: We know how these end. By having actual altercations to the timeline, there's at least a chance things will go differently. They probably won't - the same as Earth won't be destroyed on DIS - but at least the option is theoretically on the table.

So I say: SNW needs to introdue some timey-wimey conflict. Something that clearly clashes with Pike's vision. Maybe kill one of the kids he's supposed to save. Basically - Pike should be uncertain if his vision actually IS his future, right up until the very moment it happens. And we as viewers should be guessing - is this timeline different? Do Spock & T'Pring actually have a future here? They can even play with it why everything looks "a bit different". Also IMO it would be neat if that thread from ENT would be carried over - it's a time conflict, it should take place at multiple times.

So - bring it on! Do some time-travel stuff! Don't actually make it an alternate timeline. But play with the possibilities. And most importantly - make stuff LESS pre-determined.

What do you think?
Nah i had enough of the cold war. The storyline went nowhwere the first time
I hate to jump on the bandwagon and everything, but I'd rather jump naked into a pool filled with broken glass and rusty fishhooks than ever see the Temporal Cold War return to Trek again except as a brief reference to a historical event, like they did in DSC.

Poorly conceived, under-planned, terribly executed, badly written, a hot mess of inconsistent, contradictory and convoluted ideas that often went nowhere or made no sense, they rivaled the now notorious JJ Abrams "mystery box" of mediocrity in sucking you down a rabbit hole that has no meaningful end in sight.

Time travel on its own is hard to keep consistent even in a single episode, so making it a dominant feature of a season or entire series is just begging for trouble unless you go the Doctor Who route and throw continuity to the wind and just have wild, inconsistent fun with it. But that is not something Trek fans at large would seem to tolerate for this franchise.
I hate to jump on the bandwagon and everything, but I'd rather jump naked into a pool filled with broken glass and rusty fishhooks than ever see the Temporal Cold War return to Trek again except as a brief reference to a historical event, like they did in DSC.

Poorly conceived, under-planned, terribly executed, badly written, a hot mess of inconsistent, contradictory and convoluted ideas that often went nowhere or made no sense, they rivaled the now notorious JJ Abrams "mystery box" of mediocrity in sucking you down a rabbit hole that has no meaningful end in sight.

Time travel on its own is hard to keep consistent even in a single episode, so making it a dominant feature of a season or entire series is just begging for trouble unless you go the Doctor Who route and throw continuity to the wind and just have wild, inconsistent fun with it. But that is not something Trek fans at large would seem to tolerate for this franchise.
Exactly. Plus we had a whole season of Picard time travel. Enough is enough. Anyway Kirks enterprise is also the first to time travel. I hope they keep it at that and we get no time travel at all.
fact, this is the whole reason Berman & Braga introduced the Temporal Cold War in the fist place - and it's a GOOD reason (only the execution was lacking) :

My recollection is that the suits at Paramount insisted that Ent have some kind of time travel element because the concept had been a ratings winner in the preceding spins.

I don’t want any parts of the TCW in SNW, and I LOVED Ent. BTW, I don’t see any of those “problems,” as problems ar all.

If you make a prequel, people know how it will end. This is my problem with all the relationship drama on SNW: We know how these end. By having actual altercations to the timeline, there's at least a chance things will go differently. They probably won't - the same as Earth won't be destroyed on DIS - but at least the option is theoretically on the table.

The standard reply to this complaint; “it’s about the journey, not the destination.”
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