Should there be a "Temporal Cold War"-angle to SNW?

If stories are all you care about you're missing out on a lot.
Like what? Yes, I want stories, and characters carry value in of themselves. That is the purpose of story after all, to communicate a feeling to the audience, to share a moment together, and find common connection. How am I missing out?
I think using the Temporal War as an in-universe explanation for all the lore/ visual retcons to the TOS era and other time periods throughout the current Prime Timeline would be brilliant.

It doesn’t need to involve the SNW show leaning into time travel stories. They could heavily imply it elsewhere on another show that this war did a big number on the Prime Timeline/ multiverse, maybe even showing records of ships/ characters that “predate” the war.
I'd prefer it if they didn't make it canon that time travel has invalidated years of episodes.
Years of episodes wouldn’t be invalidated if they used temporal shenanigans to explain away the lore/ visual retcons of DSC/ SNW or even ENT lol.

The older shows/ films still happen in the current iteration of the prime timeline or a past branch of it.
Just slight or significant differences in details or design.

Like, SNW is definitely not gonna lead into the TOS, TMP movies, or etc 1:1, but the basic events will still happen.
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Yes. I don’t see any real way there wouldn’t be some changes in the timeline based on all the time travel on the various Star Trek shows. It was even acknowledged on Enterprise that the Xindi War and attack on Earth had not occurred in the original timeline. Acknowledging it would explain various discrepancies like Michael Burnham being Spock’s foster sister and his much closer relationship with T’Pring and Chapel and also give them an option for writing new endings for some of these characters. I’d personally like a different ending for Captain Pike.
I think using the Temporal War as an in-universe explanation for all the lore/ visual retcons to the TOS era and other time periods throughout the current Prime Timeline would be brilliant.
I don't.
It was even acknowledged on Enterprise that the Xindi War and attack on Earth had not occurred in the original timeline.
That's not what was said on Enterprise. According to Daniels and Xindi attack on Earth did not happen in his history. All that could mean is that he's from a different timeline than the one all the other Trek shows took place in.
I don't.

That's not what was said on Enterprise. According to Daniels and Xindi attack on Earth did not happen in his history. All that could mean is that he's from a different timeline than the one all the other Trek shows took place in.
Kind of proves the point that there are multiple timelines. I just don’t think the original series had a Xindi war or a Michael Burnham as Spock’s foster sister. Some of the discrepancies from year to year are new writers forgetting previous details — i.e. Trip had a brother and a nephew in one season, never mentioned again, and later “one sister” killed by the Xindi. The books explained it though I like other versions than both the show and the books.
I just don’t think the original series had a Xindi war or a Michael Burnham as Spock’s foster sister.
Well, there was a Xindi War in TOS and Michael Burnham was Spock's sister in TOS. The is the franchise's Official Party Line, and therefore so say we all.
Kind of proves the point that there are multiple timelines. I just don’t think the original series had a Xindi war or a Michael Burnham as Spock’s foster sister. Some of the discrepancies from year to year are new writers forgetting previous details — i.e. Trip had a brother and a nephew in one season, never mentioned again, and later “one sister” killed by the Xindi. The books explained it though I like other versions than both the show and the books.
All shows have that. That's why I'm not fussed by details like that getting added or taken away.
Like what? Yes, I want stories, and characters carry value in of themselves. That is the purpose of story after all, to communicate a feeling to the audience, to share a moment together, and find common connection. How am I missing out?
Personally I get a lot out of the setting as well, both the world that's formed out the details and the aesthetics of the sets, props and costumes etc. I don't just put a classic Star Trek episode on and enjoy the story, I'm also enjoying taking a trip to that world, and seeing a slice of history that's been built upon in later chapters.

If time travel changes the visuals and the details, then 100% of what we see on screen in old episodes is now wrong and my DVDs are chronicles of an erased timeline. (Instead of just some of it being wrong because of the remastering).
Personally I get a lot out of the setting as well, both the world that's formed out the details and the aesthetics of the sets, props and costumes etc. I don't just put a classic Star Trek episode on and enjoy the story, I'm also enjoying taking a trip to that world, and seeing a slice of history that's been built upon in later chapters.

If time travel changes the visuals and the details, then 100% of what we see on screen in old episodes is now wrong and my DVDs are chronicles of an erased timeline. (Instead of just some of it being wrong because of the remastering).
Agree to disagree because that's a rather extreme view that I can't even fathom.
'When time travel changes something the old thing never happened and you can throw out those useless old DVDs full of lies' is just basic temporal mechanics! :p
It was even acknowledged on Enterprise that the Xindi War and attack on Earth had not occurred in the original timeline.

hat's not what was said on Enterprise. According to Daniels and Xindi attack on Earth did not happen in his history. All that could mean is that he's from a different timeline than the one all the other Trek shows took place in.

In any case, Daniels still waited months into the Xindi mission to show up. Which is odd if the event wasn’t supposed to happen, and the future of Federation was put in danger. Future Guy was the more responsive. But perhaps Daniels was okay with that; it’s been acknowledged that the Suliban (at least Silik) owe Daniels favour. That bit has never been explored before, and the door is open for SNW to do just that.

Acknowledging it would explain various discrepancies like Michael Burnham being Spock’s foster sister

Considering that Klingons were tracking down time crystals, and Section 31 created Project Daedalus to counter the Klingon Empire's interest in time travel (no doubt spurred from the return of Klaang decades earlier), the door is open for that event being a part of the Temporal Cold War.

Some of the discrepancies from year to year are new writers forgetting previous details — i.e. Trip had a brother and a nephew in one season, never mentioned again

That’s not a discrepancy. They weren’t the focus of the show. No need to bring them up again unless the plot required it.
Daniels still waited months into the Xindi mission to show up. Which is odd if the event wasn’t supposed to happen, and the future of Federation was put in danger.
Convenience. Daniels only showed up to alert Archer to the Xindi presence on 21st century Earth, so he had to wait for a point after that mission started. As it was, Daniels said just doing that much was a bureaucratic clusterfuck in the 31st century.
I'm thinking a lot about this lately.
I don't think the Temporal Cold War was done very successfully on ENT. But it would actually solve a lot of SNW's problems - even more than on ENT.

Pike knows he won't die.
He saw his accident. He knows exactly WHEN and WHERE it's going to happen. No matter what crazy stunt he pulls - no matter how bad the odds - he will survive. Doing one-shot manoevers against the Gorn? Picking chances on blowing up one of two asteroids? He can do that. For him, it's not "a lucky throw". It's the logical choice. Basically, the only time he should be worried is when he leaves the Enterprise, then worry for his friends. But whenever he's in command? The big E won't blow up.

ENT introduced a time-conflict atually TWICE: Once in the series premiere - and then AGAIN in the Xindi-war, to make us believe Earth actually "could" be destroyed.

In fact, this is the whole reason Berman & Braga introduced the Temporal Cold War in the fist place - and it's a GOOD reason (only the execution was lacking) : If you make a prequel, people know how it will end. This is my problem with all the relationship drama on SNW: We know how these end. By having actual altercations to the timeline, there's at least a chance things will go differently. They probably won't - the same as Earth won't be destroyed on DIS - but at least the option is theoretically on the table.

So I say: SNW needs to introdue some timey-wimey conflict. Something that clearly clashes with Pike's vision. Maybe kill one of the kids he's supposed to save. Basically - Pike should be uncertain if his vision actually IS his future, right up until the very moment it happens. And we as viewers should be guessing - is this timeline different? Do Spock & T'Pring actually have a future here? They can even play with it why everything looks "a bit different". Also IMO it would be neat if that thread from ENT would be carried over - it's a time conflict, it should take place at multiple times.

So - bring it on! Do some time-travel stuff! Don't actually make it an alternate timeline. But play with the possibilities. And most importantly - make stuff LESS pre-determined.

What do you think?

Coming back to the original premise of this thread - the SNW season 1 finale actually did it!

Granted - it wasn't Future guy. It was future-Pike and the monks of Boreth playing the whole "protecting vs. changing the timeline"-thing. And let's not even get into DIS' time crystals.

But - It managed to get the main point across: The future isn't fixed yet!
It can still be changed. Future-Pike can live, and present Pike can "die" at any moment. The stakes are real, he's not "safe" by having seen the future through time travel. Anything can happen. It's just that this future timeline is what's supposed to happen, and needs to be protected.

Which is a bit of a retcon from how it was presented on DIS (where it was pretty much "inescapable")
But that's a change I can absolutely live with, and which is much better for the series as a whole, as it means Pike has to be careful and can die at any time as much as anyone else on the show (with the additional stake that that would royally screw up the "good" future timeline).

So, well done SNW! You got the point across, and still managed to surprise on how it's time travel story was done.
Also no Daniels, Future guy or Sulibans, for anyone who was fearing that :guffaw:
Yeah, I think they resolved that in a way that's made pretty much everyone happy. I'm definitely glad that it's proven that the monks were wrong and the magic time crystals don't determine your fate, much the opposite in fact. It's not a retcon really, just additional information that changes our understanding. Though I suppose Discovery already hinted at it when the other time crystal visions ultimately didn't come true.