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I don't like this news about SNW season 3 from Screen Rant


Red Shirt

PROBABLY JUST MY OPINION! So far I have loved SNW season 1 and a few episodes of season 2, but it has now started to drop off. I feel that things have just been getting worse since episode 1, which felt like traditional "Star Trek". Captain Pike is currently my favorite captain, and he especially stood out to me (positively and basically made the second season for me) when I forced my self to watch DSC seasons 1 and 2 just to know what happened before SNW and had to endure Michael Burnham's terrible character arc.

Samson 1 had only 2 episodes that sucked: "Lift Us Where Suffering May Not Reach" because it was sad, followed by "The Elysium Kingdom" which wasn't a bad episode, but I didn't like it. Honorable mention is "The Serene Squall" for having a non-binary main antagonist, no need to force that on us please when that kind of thing should be left in the bedroom and no one cares.

Now I feel SNW is becoming more trouble than it's worth, especially since now I don't like quite a few episodes in season 2. "Subspace Rhapsody" is among the worst I've ever seen, though it was funny at parts which only redeems it little (I dare say Star Trek should have a serious tone with some light laughs thrown in such as "The Trouble With Tribbles", not be a comedy like this). The same goes for "Those Old Scientists", attempts to be too funny. Not a fan over Lower Decks from what I have seen. "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" ruins the Romulans because La'an sees them when no one should have to this point (though Pike did as well, but I think he can get away with that because he might just forget the visuals and instead just remember the events after the vision like some people do in other movies). Finally, "Hegemony ruins the Gorn for me because it now makes them the main enemy of SNW. Star Trek TOS, despite still not really having Canon from developing it still (and getting retconned several times of course by new trek shows) made it clear the federation had never encountered the Gorn like this before. This skirmish nearly turns into an all out war from what the season 3 episode 1 teaser shows.

Season 3 is not looking good, with the characters becoming Vulcan in the first ever teaser for season 3. And they're looking to diverge even more and make Star Trek "Not Star Trek" by sticking to classic themes. If anything, SNW should be working to stick with and get back to the feel and similar themes of Star Trek: The Original Series, because it takes place right before. This includes SNW now clearly becoming a MUCH more serialized show, though having a new event every episode things carry over too much. SNW is going downhill for me, and I really want to see them "improve". The very first episode, convirntly called "Strange New Worlds" was absolutely perfect, one of the best Trek episodes I have seen thus far from Kelvin Movies, TOS, TAS, TOS movies, TNG season 1, Trials and Tribblations, First Contact, Voy seasons up to 3, and DSC seasons 1 and 2. I just hope SNW "gets better" and much more like TOS episode atmospheres and feels.
Honorable mention is "The Serene Squall" for having a non-binary main antagonist, no need to force that on us please when that kind of thing should be left in the bedroom and no one cares
Was this even mentioned in the episode? I think you're confusing behind-the-scenes casting info for episode content and getting bothered by the contents of an actors pants.
Was this even mentioned in the episode? I think you're confusing behind-the-scenes casting info for episode content and getting bothered by the contents of an actors pants.
While non-binary wasn't said on screen, they did refer to the character with they/them pronouns in dialogue.

The actress, Jesse, uses she/her if her twitter bio is up to date.
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While non-binary wasn't said on screen, they did refer to the character with they/them pronouns in dialogue.

The actor uses she/her, if Jesse's twitter bio is up to date.

If I recall correctly, the character did use the "they" pronoun. oH nOzE!11
So it was an aspect of the character, not a carry over of the actor.

Considering Trek had men in uniform skirts in 1987, I didn't think we'd be bothered by gender stuff by now:lol:
Honorable mention is "The Serene Squall" for having a non-binary main antagonist, no need to force that on us please when that kind of thing should be left in the bedroom and no one cares.
I don't think pronouns are really an 'only in the bedroom' kind of thing.

Changing the subject, I'm not keen on Strange New Worlds going further into absurdity either, but then I wasn't keen on the show much to begin with. It's been doing what it does for a while and it seems to be working for its fans, so I'm glad all the people who enjoyed Subspace Rhapsody were happy. Even if I'm not.
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I read the article you posted, after searching it out on Google because your link is broken on this end, and there was not one single objectional word in that article. Nothing controversial or concerning. Just the same kind of vague shit that we get from cast, crew and producers before any upcoming television season.
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This thread isn't about that luckily, it's about SNW overall which is what we should all be focusing on ;)
It became about it when you posted it. I find it more silly that you think every race in the galaxy must have a male/female gender format and nothing else. It seems very anti-Star Trek. TNG's The Outcast specifically tried to show races with other genders. And the Borg use the pronoun "we" which is another take entirely.

As to SNW generally... I do worry about its direction, but will give it the benefit of the doubt. We'll see. Screen Rant is just a trash site, so I wouldn't put too much stock into that.
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