How 'Tuvix' should have ended

Maybe they should have found an alternate solution. Use the transporter and create an incident to have Tuvix cloned. Then take one of the clones, and divide him back into Tuvok and Neelix, but the other Tuvix is still alive.
Maybe they should have found an alternate solution. Use the transporter and create an incident to have Tuvix cloned. Then take one of the clones, and divide him back into Tuvok and Neelix, but the other Tuvix is still alive.
Not sure, but I don't think it's possible to routinely duplicate people with the transporter. Riker's duplicate was created when they tried to beam him up under specific atmospheric conditions.
Not sure, but I don't think it's possible to routinely duplicate people with the transporter. Riker's duplicate was created when they tried to beam him up under specific atmospheric conditions.

I am sure that the Voyager crew would be able to somehow replicate it, given how many anomalies they encounter on a regular basis.
I am sure that the Voyager crew would be able to somehow replicate it, given how many anomalies they encounter on a regular basis.

It's baffling how often Our Heroes in any series encounter anomalies and weird phenomena Starfleet has never encountered before (that they know of) given that Starfleet has been at it for centuries. Do all those other crews we don't get to see actually do anything at all?
It's baffling how often Our Heroes in any series encounter anomalies and weird phenomena Starfleet has never encountered before (that they know of) given that Starfleet has been at it for centuries. Do all those other crews we don't get to see actually do anything at all?

Yeah I agree, it is a bit jarring at times. But hey, it's part of what makes it interesting.
I am sure that the Voyager crew would be able to somehow replicate it, given how many anomalies they encounter on a regular basis.

The doctor should have been working on this since the Vidiians cut B'Elanna into two people, and quite frankly 20 minutes after Tuvix invented himself, the Doctor should have recombined B'Elanna with her Klingon half stored in a corpse locker in the sickbay...If they could talk that version of B'Lanna, a %100 percent human being who was being Klinonized with supplements daily as if she needed insulin for diabetis daily, into killing herself.
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They should have started combining other crew members once they figured out how it happened. Parkotay and Kimway etc.

Half the resources to support the crew; and all so well rounded!
A month, if you are referring to "ONE".

The script say 6 days at the beginning of the episode, so I added a couple days for the comical misunderstanding and dilerium.


6 days at cruising speed, but a month at low warp, because there's just one person keeping all the plates spinning.
This is starting to feel like a math problem

6 days or 7 days or 14 to 30 days of Seven in one or 100 in 37 = Tuvix?
How do you think Janeway would have reacted if it had been Paris and Neelix (Parlix) or Kim and Neelix (Kimlix) or any other member of the crew but Tuvok that had been merged? I just get the feeling that if it was anyone else then Janeway would have let them live but she needed/wanted her friend/mentor back.
I haven't seen the episode in a long time now, but my recollection is that I was left feeling that it was Kes's appeal to Janeway that swung the proverbial axe.
I sometimes wonder if he had appealed to the EMH instead. If the Doc had spoken to Janeway, told her flatly that he wouldn't be a part of the procedure because he could do no harm, maybe that would have made her look at the matter from a different perspective.
Well, he did say that in the end and it seemingly made no difference (I wonder how much harder it would have hit if she'd responded by deactivating him), so I'm not sure why we should think that his having a prolonged conversation about it with Janeway would have made a difference...maybe at that point she would have deactivated him.