How 'Tuvix' should have ended

Presumably, the circumstances that created the duplicate Will Riker were extremely unique, and impossible to routinely replicate.

Of course. In such cases, such circumstances always are. The rejuvenation transporter rematerialisation on Pulaski couldn't be replicated either. Nor could the space folding technology Cytherean Barclay created be retrieved from the databanks, And so on.

Can't have immortality and (near-) instantaneous transportation!
In the case of Tom Riker, it was completely dependant on the unique properties of Nirvala III. (I believe that was the planet name.)

The other examples you stated, yes, they are glossed over and forgotten. But at least with the Riker duplicating, it can really be considered a one-time thing.
Maybe Voyager should have set a course for the Cytherian home world. As long as they were willing to give her a boost, it would have cut maybe 35,000 LY off the trip.
In the new Ready Room, the surprise guest talks about this episode and reveals that they actually support
Janeway's decision to restore Tuvok and Neelix even if it meant killing Tuvix, because Tuvok had a wife and kids, and Neelix was part of the family, while Tuvix was not able to reproduce and an accident that had to be undone
Spock felt Vger enter the MiIky way.

T'Pel should have been able to feel her husband when his mentality shifted, all the times he died, or went to a different universe, of course why she didn't tell Starfleet, is because all Vulcans are assholes.

Maybe there's Phantom Husband Syndrome, similar to Phantom Limb syndrome, that sometimes wives get confused and feel their loved one in the periphery, when they are really quite dead, because the Victorians had some diagnosis about female mental health that are not appreciated any more.
They merge two humanoids and come up with one humanoid but where did that whole other humanoid go? Into the transporter waste bin collecting dust? Everybody's up in arms about Tuvix but where's the justice for Neevok!
They merge two humanoids and come up with one humanoid but where did that whole other humanoid go? Into the transporter waste bin collecting dust? Everybody's up in arms about Tuvix but where's the justice for Neevok!

Oh, that's simple. To the same location where Odo's extraneous mass goes when he morphs into a glass on Quark's tray (After all, it doesn't seem he notices anything off with the weight).
Here's an interesting question... was there a path to survival Tuvix could have taken? A decision he could have made, a character he could have appealed to. He tried appealing to Kes, effectively slitting his own throat. But what if he had gone to someone else? The Doctor, who was known to respect his right to exist: if he expresses his refusal to do the process early on, before Janeway is locked on course, she might recognize that separating Tuvix against his will constitutes harm. Or maybe, Tuvix could have turned another character to his favor. Paris, maybe, who had to be thinking that if Neelix was taken off the board, he might have a shot at Kes. Or even if he'd just done nothing, maybe Janeway would have remembered that she was supposed to respect new life instead of eliminate it, rather than been influenced into her decision by an obviously distraught Kes. Or maybe even if he'd brought the captain a plate of those cheesy mushroom pastry puffs that she liked so much. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I don't think that axiom applies to the male gender alone.

Any thoughts on what Tuvix could have done to save himself? And how things might have changed if he did?
Here's an interesting question... was there a path to survival Tuvix could have taken? A decision he could have made, a character he could have appealed to. He tried appealing to Kes, effectively slitting his own throat. But what if he had gone to someone else? The Doctor, who was known to respect his right to exist: if he expresses his refusal to do the process early on, before Janeway is locked on course, she might recognize that separating Tuvix against his will constitutes harm. Or maybe, Tuvix could have turned another character to his favor. Paris, maybe, who had to be thinking that if Neelix was taken off the board, he might have a shot at Kes. Or even if he'd just done nothing, maybe Janeway would have remembered that she was supposed to respect new life instead of eliminate it, rather than been influenced into her decision by an obviously distraught Kes. Or maybe even if he'd brought the captain a plate of those cheesy mushroom pastry puffs that she liked so much. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I don't think that axiom applies to the male gender alone.

Any thoughts on what Tuvix could have done to save himself? And how things might have changed if he did?

1. How data took the ship in Brothers.
2. How the Kazon took Voyager in Basics.
3. How Spock dumped his consciousness into McCoy in TWOK.
4. How Seska joined the Kazon in State of Flux.
5. Kill the Doctor.
6. Destroy the Transporter.
7. Start a family, find a lover who loves Tuvix just as much as T'Pel loves Tuvok or Kes loves Neelix, and then put a baby in her, and she can advocate for the existence of the father of her child.
8. Time travel back to before the Doctor finds a "cure" and change his program, so that he can't do it again.
9. Janeway has no legal rights past Voyagers Hull as a colonial governor. Go anywhere else and then ask for asylum.
10. Transfer his consciousness to a soong-type Android, or a clone.
11. Take an exam and become Captain. Seriously, Tuvok has been in Starfleet for a hundred years, the only reason that he is not a Captain is because he's procrastinating. He has the course credits and merits. Dude can probably leapfrog to admiral and then order Janeway to walk out an airlock.
12. Hole up on the Baxial, Captain Neelix's ship, which is Talaxian sovereign territory. It's technically an act of war to board her without Neelix's permission.
13. Suicide, or threats of suicide, but that just means that they will use the cure on him while he is sleeping. Tie his heart beat to the warp core. If they split him, everyone dies.
14. Start sneaking around and Amalgamting other crew like Tomotay and Chellis, or the Delanney Sisters, until he has enough Amalgamates to run the ship, or there are no monolifeforms left.
15. Run for Mayor. Civilian government on Voyager. They can't kill him until he loses the election, or wins, and then Janeway is overthrowing a democratically elected government because she is an authoritarian.
16. Sell the crew to the Vidiians for Organ Harvesting like Kes did in Fury.
17. Court Martial Janeway. Tuvok has the rank to start that, and the rest of the crew would have play along, it's just a question about what she is accused of, and whether she can be found innocent of anything.
18. Make the crew relive his murder every 14 hours until they mush Tuvok and Neelix back together again, like in "Ex Post Facto"
19. Leave a minefeild of Holographic Tuvix in the Holodeck that show up every couple months to make the crew super guilty, before they can get back to their Irish porn holiday.
20. Leave huge library of jism in the sperm bank, so that the women of Voyager can have his master race babies rather than die alone untouched by the betamale cucks of Voyager.
Wow... I was more thinking "how might he convince Janeway to spare him"... but still, I enjoyed that! #'s 14, 18, and 19 are my faves.

21. Use his security clearance to put a surprise in Voyager's systems. When Janeway orders him to go with her, say "Execute program Tuvix Alpha One". He beams to the Baxial, then Voyager's transporters, tractor emitters, and warp engines all fail. By the time everything's back online, the Baxial has disguised its warp signature and escaped.
With his luck, you'd get the worst of both worlds: unappealing personality, and completely uninterested in him.
22. Threaten to release all Tuvok's personal information on Janeway (her questionable command decisions; all embarrassing situations and errors she confided to him about, all doubts she privately shared with Tuvok as her trusted advisor), which would totally destroy her command authority on Voyager and make her the laughing stock of everybody on board).

Seriously though, I think his safest bet would have been to escape and ask asylum somewhere. Not that he would have a very satisfying life after that, being away from the community he loved.
In the new Ready Room, the surprise guest talks about this episode and reveals that they actually support
Janeway's decision to restore Tuvok and Neelix even if it meant killing Tuvix, because Tuvok had a wife and kids, and Neelix was part of the family, while Tuvix was not able to reproduce and an accident that had to be undone

Mule allegories aside, no one has said the Tuvix can't father children.

Tuvok's children are in their 70s. There's a statute of limitations thats worn out there.
What happens if they forgot to scrub the transporter of all the flower residue and then the next time Tuvok and Neelix go for a ride it happens again? Does Tuvix come back? Or is THAT how they got Threevix?