How 'Tuvix' should have ended

It would be fun to see Tuvix do what the guy in "Twovix" on "Lower Decks" did, forcibly merging other crewmembers to make an army of "Tuvixes." Imagine K'Lannes, having B'Elanna's temper and Kes's mental powers. Or Tom Suder, homicidally piloting Voyager towards a supernova. Or Chelvik, a blue Vulcan who won't shut up.
Edit: If Tuvok and Neelix are expected to sacrifice themselves so that Tuvix can live...why is Tuvix not expected to do the same so TWO people can live? Why does he get to survive and they don't?

I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I know I've never said that anyone was expected to give up their life in this scenario.

As I've maintained the whole time though, if Tuvix's right to exist was going to be a question, then I think every effort should have been made to ensure that he knew from the get-go that if/when a procedure was developed to separate him that it might be done to him regardless of his wishes in the matter.

Or, perhaps he should have been kept in stasis the whole time.

Can you imagine how people would have reacted if Captain Picard had forced Hugh to rejoin the Collective after he requested asylum and expressed a strong desire not to rejoin the Collective, considering it was his crew that sparked a sense of individuality within Hugh in the first place?

What if Janeway had at some point after Seven was liberated determined that the Borg would never stop looking for Voyager as long as Seven was aboard, classified her an intolerable risk to the safety of the vessel, and traded her back to the Borg in exchange for the Collective leaving them alone in the future? Let's take a moment to remember how Janeway excoriated Seven for beaming an injured 8472 over to the Hirogen.
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It would have been interesting to hear Tuvok's and Neelix's opinions on the matter after they were brought back. Unfortunately we never got those.
It would have been interesting to hear Tuvok's and Neelix's opinions on the matter after they were brought back. Unfortunately we never got those.


Tuvok gets a mind wipe.

He grows a new personality.

Making the best of a bad situation he thrives because the old personality is lost to him.

Time goes by.

The Doctor invents new brain surgery to recover the original personality which will KILL the new personality.

Nu Tuvok: To be or not to be?

Tuvok can't figure it out, until Neelix has a word with him, and convinces Nu Tuvok to top himself in favour of recovering the lost original Tuvok.

Neelix thinks that fake versions of Neelix and Tuvok suck, and must be murdered, for the good of all.
Riddles ended the way it did because VOY couldn't handle doing a show like that one and not slamming their fist down on the Big Red Reset Button. Whether it was Harry being an alien, Tuvok's brains getting scrambled, or the ship getting shot up, it was always undone by episode's end, or next week at the latest.

At least Neelix merely persuaded Tuvok to make the change... as opposed to phaser-stunning him and bundling him off to the infirmary.
Tuvok almost certainly would have willingly sacrificed himself, if it really were for the good of all.

Neelix: less certain, but given how he convinces Tuvok in Riddles (thanks for bringing that up, Guy), probably as well. Or he's a huge hypocrite.

Tuvix doesn't. So apparently Tuvix is more than just the mingling (or 'sum' of Neelix and Tuvok).

Probably those selfish orchid genes. Nasty, rotten creatures those orchids if you ask me.
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Does the episode make it clear whether at any point Tuvix expresses a belief regarding his existence that he believes, rightly or wrongly, would represent Neelix and Tuvok's own beliefs on the subject?
It really might have been amusing to see how Neelix and Tuvok would have dealt with the continued existence of a being who was a hybrid of them both. Tuvok, in particular, would not have been amused.
Does the episode make it clear whether at any point Tuvix expresses a belief regarding his existence that he believes, rightly or wrongly, would represent Neelix and Tuvok's own beliefs on the subject?

JANEWAY: Then you know Tuvok was a man who would gladly give his life to save another. And I believe the same was true of Neelix.
TUVIX: You're right, Captain. That is the Starfleet way. And I know there'll be some people who, who'll call me a coward because I didn't sacrifice myself willingly. Believe me, I've thought of that. But I have the will to live of two men. Look at me, Captain. When I'm happy, I laugh. When I'm sad, I cry. When I stub my toe, I yell out in pain. I'm flesh and blood, and I have the right to live.
It's been a little while since I've watched them but do Tuvix or Riddles give any indication to what Tuvok and Neelix recall once they're separated? Does Tuvok have any of Neelix's memories and vise versa?
So here’s the thing (and apologies if anyone has already brought up this solution):

TNG established that it’s possible (even by accident!) to create a transporter clone, and that of the two resulting doubles, both are equally valid, and neither is more “the original” than the other. (I don’t know how that can be, since TNG also seemed to show that you stay conscious through transport and it’s your actual molecules being moved, not just the information describing them — so where do the molecules for two of you come from? — but nevertheless there it is.). So surely the obvious approach here should be to put Tuvix into the transport buffer, transporter-clone him in the system, and separate one of the two resulting signals back out into Neelix and Tuvok, while beaming the other Tuvix back out right alongside them. Problem solved!

EDIT: Okay, apologies, I see people have discussed this possibility. My bad for not reading the whole thread first.
So here’s the thing (and apologies if anyone has already brought up this solution):

TNG established that it’s possible (even by accident!) to create a transporter clone, and that of the two resulting doubles, both are equally valid, and neither is more “the original” than the other. (I don’t know how that can be, since TNG also seemed to show that you stay conscious through transport and it’s your actual molecules being moved, not just the information describing them — so where do the molecules for two of you come from? — but nevertheless there it is.). So surely the obvious approach here should be to put Tuvix into the transport buffer, transporter-clone him in the system, and separate one of the two resulting signals back out into Neelix and Tuvok, while beaming the other Tuvix back out right alongside them. Problem solved!

We don't know that the accident that created Tom Riker could be reproduced deliberately. Didn't it involve some weird activity with the sun in the system the ship was in at the time?
We don't know that the accident that created Tom Riker could be reproduced deliberately. Didn't it involve some weird activity with the sun in the system the ship was in at the time?
I don’t know, but the records and transporter logs should exist afterwards, so it ought to be duplicable. (Though I guess then it depends when the TNG episode happens in relation to VOY — was that before or after Voyager had gone to the Delta Quadrant?). It has to be at least possible, since the same phenomenon happened again on Lower Decks, I think in a different star system.

EDIT: For that matter, even before all that duplication stuff, back in early TNG they were able to recreate Picard’s physical form from his last recorded state in the transporter after he’d beamed out to meld with an energy creature. His “energy” came back, but the body they gave it was solely from the transporter log.
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