How 'Tuvix' should have ended

Janeway had a point when she mentioned that one of her duties is to be a voice for the voiceless.

Tuvix is 5 percent Ocampa.

When 8472 was laying down the law... Tuvix could have easily address Kes' mistranslations, sided with 8472 and destroyed the Borg in Season 3, and then Admiral Janeway had no way to get them home in season 7.
When 8472 was laying down the law... Tuvix could have easily address Kes' mistranslations, sided with 8472 and destroyed the Borg in Season 3, and then Admiral Janeway had no way to get them home in season 7.
Of course, 8472's fluidic domain doesn't follow normal spatial rules; they had no trouble getting to Starfleet Academy to recreate it. After Tuvix establishes peaceful relations with them, they allow Voyager safe passage through fluidic space, and the ship is back home by the time the ball drops in 2375. And by 2376, the Borg no longer pose a threat in any quadrant of the galaxy.
Of course, 8472's fluidic domain doesn't follow normal spatial rules; they had no trouble getting to Starfleet Academy to recreate it. After Tuvix establishes peaceful relations with them, they allow Voyager safe passage through fluidic space, and the ship is back home by the time the ball drops in 2375. And by 2376, the Borg no longer pose a threat in any quadrant of the galaxy.

Tuvix was their only hope.
Janeway had a point when she mentioned that one of her duties is to be a voice for the voiceless.

Was it right for Janeway to advocate for Tuvok and Neelix while also being the person who was ultimately going to determine their and Tuvix's fate, especially given that, especially with regard to Tuvok, she couldn't possibly be considered a neutral party?

Granted Voyager wasn't in a position to conduct any sort of standard Federation tribunal, and I'll grant that she's the captain, but it seems to me that there should have been some sort of hearing at which either Tuvix had an advocate (much as Tuvok served as Quinn's advocate in "Death Wish") or at which a neutral party served as arbiter while Janeway argued for Tuvok/Neelix.
I expect that Janeway was asked some hard questions about Tuvix upon her return to the Alpha Quadrant. But, since Starfleet had no regulations and the Federation had no laws regarding transporter fusions (the situation being unprecedented), she couldn't be charged with anything.
That's going to be tough. Overly stolid nature aside, I imagine most of the crew either liked or at least respected Tuvok. think we could swing a neutral party.
I expect that Janeway was asked some hard questions about Tuvix upon her return to the Alpha Quadrant. But, since Starfleet had no regulations and the Federation had no laws regarding transporter fusions (the situation being unprecedented), she couldn't be charged with anything.

I don't really know what she could be charged with under the circumstances...just breaking the rules doesn't result in charges, though it's amusing to imagine Kirk getting debriefed regarding the multiple times he bent the Prime Directive. But I hope when Janeway was debriefed upon Voyager's return that Tuvix was at least a talking point.
That's going to be tough. Overly stolid nature aside, I imagine most of the crew either liked or at least respected Tuvok. think we could swing a neutral party.

I would think there must be crew who knew Tuvok but hadn't particularly interacted with him?
But I hope when Janeway was debriefed upon Voyager's return that Tuvix was at least a talking point.
I would think that he was. And the Borg. And the Equinox. Probably destroying the array in the first place, too.

As Kira would say, I'd have liked to be a spider under the table for that debriefing!
I kind of wish they'd done an episode that included an alternate timeline where Tuvix was still alive and Voyager was faring better than it did in the Primeline...or, to be more fair, better in some ways but worse in others, but in thought-provoking ways rather than ways that could lead viewers to easily conclude it was better or worse than what we got.
(Kes pays a visit to Captain Janeway.)

KES: I don't know how to say goodbye to Neelix and Tuvok. I know this sounds horrible, and I feel so guilty for saying it, and Tuvix doesn't deserve to die, but I want Neelix back. :wah:

(Kes bursts into tears on Janeway's shoulder. Shortly afterward, Janeway murders Tuvix to bring back Neelix and Tuvok.)


NEELIX: Sweeting!! Thank you. Even though Tuvix's horrible memories of being betrayed by you and everybody else aboard this ship of murderers will haunt me until the day I die, for some reason, I still love you.

KES: I think we need to see other people...

NEELIX: What?? Are you freaking kidding me right now??

KES: If it's any consolation, Neelix, it's not me -- it's you. You're just... so boring. I need someone exciting in my life! Someone like, oh I don't know, Tuvix. Now there was a real man...

NEELIX: :crazy:


(Kes pays another visit to Captain Janeway.)

KES: I don't know how to say goodbye to Tuvix. Neelix on the other hand, that was easy, I just did it 10 minutes ago. I know this sounds horrible, and I feel so guilty for saying it, but Tuvix didn't deserve to die -- Neelix does.

JANEWAY: Jesus, Kes, I just got through slaughtering Tuvix and now here you are asking me to bring him back?!

KES: I just realized he's the true love of my life. For the next 2 or 3 weeks, anyhow.

JANEWAY: What about Tuvok? Neelix is sort of annoying, sure, but, what of Tuvok?

KES: Oh please, do you really think he's happy being an emotionless freak.

JANEWAY: I never thought about it that way...

KES: You sure didn't.

JANEWAY: Then it's settled. Tomorrow I will re-combine Neelix and Tuvok back into that hideous freak of nature previously known as Tuvix, against their will. Isn't it wonderful how you and I are responsible for the fates of everyone aboard this ship? God I feel good.

KES: Whatever, I'm getting bored with this conversation, I think I'll go get my nails done.


(The next day Tuvix is brought back.)

TUVIX: Sweeting!! Even though I remember you getting me killed the first time, and now I remember you getting Neelix and Tuvok killed a second time to bring me back, I still love you. I guess the heart wants what the heart wants!

KES: Yeah, ummm, the thing is, I don't think this relationship is working out. I miss Neelix....:weep:

TUVIX: :brickwall:

Of course Tuvix shouldn't have died. That he did on Janeway's order made this episode so fascinating to me.
I kind of wish they'd done an episode that included an alternate timeline where Tuvix was still alive and Voyager was faring better than it did in the Primeline...or, to be more fair, better in some ways but worse in others, but in thought-provoking ways rather than ways that could lead viewers to easily conclude it was better or worse than what we got.
I played with that idea once, but I had a lot more changes thrown in as well: Voyager had gone generational, the year of hell actually happened, and Seska had joined the crew. And Harry was a lieutenant, of course.
Tuvix would not have gotten Vulcan Alzheimers.

They could have rejoined in season 7, even if it was a fresh build.

Preserving Tuvok's sanity, and Seven would have to oblige that Tuvix II was her boyfriend now, and if they accidentally had his babies... She'd still have to love them anyway as if they were Chakotay's babies.
Then again, those disorders could simply be that orchid DNA messing up things :) (It doesn't sound as a particularly well-researched technique to create hybrids after all ...)
Have you seen Tuvix's Memory Alpha genetic profile? He is:
1/3 Vulcan
1/3 Symbiogenetic Orchid
7/24 Talaxian
1/24 Mylean

Definite potential for genetic hijinks...