Discovery ending with Season 5

5 successful series and one movie isn't 'tanked'.

He brought Star Trek back from the dead.
Yes, yes he did. He demonstrated Star Trek was still viable as a franchise. I'll take that and Discovery's 5 seasons.

If they cancelled his contract they would have to compensate him for an early termination.
I don't imagine Paramount feels like shelling out more money. So, yeah I see them moving forward with his contract and not requesting it be broken, since the time and effort to do so would likely be expensive.
No he didn't bring it back from the dead. He nearly killed it for good.
Bull fucking shit.

Before Discovery there were no shows or movies in production, after Discovery there was at one point there was 5 in production at once. Now there's 3, but that's because one was only planned to be 3 seasons, and one was cancelled.

That's more than the previous run of the franchise ever got.
I don't want a fan running the franchise. So hopefully Kurtzman or someone like him remains.

Terry Matalas is not in my top 100 of choices to run Star Trek.
I don't get the beatification of Matalas. His Trek is very similar to Kurtzmann. I certainly don't see any return to the kind of Trek certain fans are looking for.

I think if he wasn't a stick to beat Kurtzmann with he would not be popular at all. It's like the rewriting of history that makes Enterprise some Shakespeare masterpiece that was shockingly cancelled.
I don't get the beatification of Matalas. His Trek is very similar to Kurtzmann. I certainly don't see any return to the kind of Trek certain fans are looking for.

I think if he wasn't a stick to beat Kurtzmann with he would not be popular at all. It's like the rewriting of history that makes Enterprise some Shakespeare masterpiece that was shockingly cancelled.
I don't get it either and it is currently one of those current quirks in multiple fandoms (see Star Wars and David Filoni) that I find extremely maddening. There is no consistency, other than hatred. So long as this thing demonstrates that the thing I hate is not succeeding I am happy. It's delight in another's suffering that is frankly disturbing, if it wasn't so connected with a fictional universe that could stop producing content tomorrow and all of our lives would proceed the same.

IT. MAKES. NO. :censored:ing. SENSE! :brickwall:

Thank you for letting me vent...
I don't get it either and it is currently one of those current quirks in multiple fandoms (see Star Wars and David Filoni) that I find extremely maddening. There is no consistency, other than hatred. So long as this thing demonstrates that the thing I hate is not succeeding I am happy. It's delight in another's suffering that is frankly disturbing, if it wasn't so connected with a fictional universe that could stop producing content tomorrow and all of our lives would proceed the same.

IT. MAKES. NO. :censored:ing. SENSE! :brickwall:

Thank you for letting me vent...
I’ve concluded it’s Kurtzman Trek, only with the TNG cast, so that makes it okay. :lol:
I don't get the beatification of Matalas. His Trek is very similar to Kurtzmann. I certainly don't see any return to the kind of Trek certain fans are looking for.

I think if he wasn't a stick to beat Kurtzmann with he would not be popular at all. It's like the rewriting of history that makes Enterprise some Shakespeare masterpiece that was shockingly cancelled.

It's Coto-Mania all over again, with a side of Memberberries. :shrug:
I don't get the beatification of Matalas. His Trek is very similar to Kurtzmann. I certainly don't see any return to the kind of Trek certain fans are looking for.

I think if he wasn't a stick to beat Kurtzmann with he would not be popular at all. It's like the rewriting of history that makes Enterprise some Shakespeare masterpiece that was shockingly cancelled.

Matalas isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than what kurtzman or chabon did at least he's trying to give us a more tng experience. I haven't seem crying constantly or so much filler it could fill a jumbo burrito.
Matalas isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than what kurtzman or chabon did at least he's trying to give us a more tng experience. I haven't seem crying constantly or so much filler it could fill a jumbo burrito.
It's still full of all the same emotional stuff just minus the crying. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever TNG about Picard s3 other than the cast.
It's still full of all the same emotional stuff just minus the crying. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever TNG about Picard s3 other than the cast.

It's better then being stuck watching Picard go through his stupid chateau on the 21st century all to learn his mom committee suicide. I was so sick of that idiotic chateau. Give me a starship in my trek.
I really don’t see much difference between Picard season 3 and the first two. It’s pretty much the same to me. Still really good but overrated. I’m tired of the Great Savior of Trek thing so many fans are into.

As for Discovery from what I understand when a show gets to 6 seasons the cast and renegotiate their contracts for more money. I’m sure it’s a factor into the end of the series.
I really don’t see much difference between Picard season 3 and the first two. It’s pretty much the same to me. Still really good but overrated. I’m tired of the Great Savior of Trek thing so many fans are into.

As for Discovery from what I understand when a show gets to 6 seasons the cast and renegotiate their contracts for more money. I’m sure it’s a factor into the end of the series.
Sums my thoughts pretty well.
I really don’t see much difference between Picard season 3 and the first two. It’s pretty much the same to me. Still really good but overrated. I’m tired of the Great Savior of Trek thing so many fans are into.

As for Discovery from what I understand when a show gets to 6 seasons the cast and renegotiate their contracts for more money. I’m sure it’s a factor into the end of the series.
Well I guess if you consider chateau underground tunnel similar to a shiny starship I can see how you might say they are similar. I think they are totally different.
Std was canceled because it's not drawing people in...

TOS was cancelled for much the same reason. It's what happened to it in subsequent years through syndication that changed things.

Again it spawned what we gave today.

As did DSC. I'm looking at SNW, PIC, PRO and LDS... none of that would have happened without DSC.

I'm not even a big fan of it, but I don't understand your need to dance on the ashes. There's a discussion to be had here, a discussion which is taking place here, that is more interesting than playing tit for tat in regards to how many 'missions' a crew completed somehow being a benchmark of quality.

Honestly, I'm neither happy nor sad that DSC has been cancelled. It had a good run, I don't feel it's going before it's time and 5 is a good number. It is what it is.

What I don't get is the pathological desire some, including yourself, have to score points or 'win' the discussion.


'Nyah, nyah! I hate this show and I am glad it has been cancelled! TOS was better because they made more trips in the transporter!'

What does that kind of thing add to anything?

You can surely do better than that?
TOS was cancelled for much the same reason. It's what happened to it in subsequent years through syndication that changed things.

As did DSC. I'm looking at SNW, PIC, PRO and LDS... none of that would have happened without DSC.

I'm not even a big fan of it, but I don't understand your need to dance on the ashes. There's a discussion to be had here, a discussion which is taking place here, that is more interesting than playing tit for tat in regards to how many 'missions' a crew completed somehow being a benchmark of quality.

Honestly, I'm neither happy nor sad that DSC has been cancelled. It had a good run, I don't feel it's going before it's time and 5 is a good number. It is what it is.

What I don't get is the pathological desire some, including yourself, have to score points or 'win' the discussion.


'Nyah, nyah! I hate this show and I am glad it has been cancelled! TOS was better because they made more trips in the transporter!'

What does that kind of thing add to anything?

You can surely do better than that?

It was terrible and broke Canon more than any other show. They couldn't even get the uniforms close. How hard is that? The tech was more advanced than tng the first season. They had a spore drive that was way more advanced than anything the federstion evrr had in the 23rd snd 24th centuries. They then did a Andromeda for season 2 and 4 going to the 32nd century and somehow still had more advanced engine in the spore drive than anything on the 32nd century which is still reliant in dilithium crystsls. You have Michael with 900 year old knowledge acting like Discovery will show them who's out of date. Lol. Of course I'm happy it's gone. It's childish writing.
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