‘Superman & Batman’ movie will follow ‘Man of Steel’

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by JoeZhang, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    That's an odd misunderstanding of what the word "shaming" means. It means the assertion that something should be a source of shame, whether it actually causes shame or not. It's quite routine for female celebrities -- women in general, really -- to be criticized for being too fat or too thin or too busty or not busty enough or whatever. And body-shaming is a well-known name for that practice. It's odd that you haven't heard it.
  2. TREK_GOD_1

    TREK_GOD_1 Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2006
    Escaped from Delta Vega
    That's not an across the board fact. Captain America's Chris Evans is very built and is quite flexible / fast, and performs believable stunts.

    I find some (not meaning you) fighting against the very muscular superhero (which has more than 60 years in the comic source) coming from some revisionist desire to make those who are supposed to be larger than life in every sense watered down to weak, average people in appearance. They seem to resent muscular characters. That was one of the motivations behind casting Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman, and it was a farce, as that short, thinning-haired, weak-faced, non-muscular man was the complete opposite of every illustrated version of the character up to that point in history.

    Of course, Tim Burton (in one of his 1989 interviews promoting his Batman film) was critical of (in his words) the "square-jawed hero," so he--with his obsession with odd and/or misfit characters--tried to turn Batman into something he was never meant to be.

    Comic characters are not the cast of Big Bang Theory. They are more than the man on the street, which was part of their appeal from the dawn of superhero comic characters. Removing that defining visual screams of some rather warped social engineering at work, rather than trying to make the fantastic elements of the comic come alive in an adaptation.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  3. Timby

    Timby o yea just like that Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    None of which had any impact on the quality of the film outside of making some people cry, "BUT HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE HE DID IN THE COMICS [​IMG]"
  4. TREK_GOD_1

    TREK_GOD_1 Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2006
    Escaped from Delta Vega
    In your opinion, but I also recall people loving Bale's look because they thought he actually looked like the comic version, and believable in the role, as opposed to weak Keaton.
  5. ancient

    ancient Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 5, 2005
    United States
    Well, I would expect that a remake of a cult classic would cause backlash. I've never seen the original movie though, so I certainly haven't paid much attention to a remake.

    Sounds like no big deal then. Shaming sounds personal to me, but it's just people yelling their opinions into the void like the rest of us jerks.

    Yeah, I'm not sure where the false idea that super buff people can't be agile comes from. Fighting games maybe? Real life has balance issues!

    I don't know, that seems a bit conspiratorial. Different tastes are not a big deal unless someone actively looks to intentionally propagandize one thing over another.
  6. TREK_GOD_1

    TREK_GOD_1 Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2006
    Escaped from Delta Vega
    Since basic observation disproves that false idea, one would lean toward the conclusion that the advocates of the "muscular = inflexible" base their opinion on a negative view, instead of facts.

    Additionally, anyone who watched Ferrigno in The Incredible Hulk TV series saw a world class body builder often contort his body for the numerous, incredible feats demanded of the Hulk. He was not just flexing and pushing objects over.

    When visual evidence clearly stands on the opposite of the "muscular = inflexible" myth, what is the motivator of that belief?
  7. A beaker full of death

    A beaker full of death Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 23, 2002
    Anyone who thinks extremely muscular men can't be flexible should google Kai Greene.
  8. DWF

    DWF Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    Columbus, Ohio
    In any event I'm sure the battle with Doomsday will epic and huge, unlike the rather lackluster "battle" we saw on Smallville with their verison of Doomsday. And it looks like Wonder Woman will be in on the major action.
  9. JD

    JD Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2004
    Arizona, USA
    Sure, but you the knights rode, big, specially bred and trained warhorses.
    You guys seem to be thinking I'm saying they can't be muscular at all, and that is not at all what I'm saying. I'm just saying that they don't have to look like real life Rob Lefield drawing. You guys are completely blowing every thing I'm saying completely out of proportion. Just because I don't want every superhero to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, doesn't mean I want them to look like Jim Parsons. As for why I think huge bodybuilder types can't move as well as smaller, athletic people, it's because I've seen the way big people move, compared to the way smaller people move. When you see one of these huge super buff people on American Ninja Warrior, they fall on their face and you also don't see them competing in Olympic footraces or gymnastics.
  10. SalvorHardin

    SalvorHardin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2008
    Star's End
    Some interesting quotes from an interview

  11. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    That 2-move Smallville battle is infamous in my home for how disappointed it left me. I saw the last BvS trailer with my sister, and she immediately said, "Looks like you're finally getting that Doomsday fight you wanted!"
  12. Timby

    Timby o yea just like that Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    Unfortunately, that interview is fake. It doesn't appear anywhere on Premiere's website.
  13. SalvorHardin

    SalvorHardin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2008
    Star's End
    Oops, sorry about that then. My French is nonexistent so I didn't go over there to verify. :alienblush:
  14. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
  15. dahj

    dahj Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 14, 2003
    Was hoping for something like that.
    Not too short, not too long.
  16. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Two and a half hours is a bit long...
  17. dahj

    dahj Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 14, 2003
    10+ minutes of that are end credits though.
  18. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    ^I usually stay through the end credits. Unless the music is completely intolerable.
  19. M.A.C.O.

    M.A.C.O. Commodore Commodore

    Sep 13, 2011
    2 hours and 20 minutes is a common length of superhero movies now.

    Avengers 1 +2
    Man of Steel
    Captain America TWS
    Spider-Man 2,3,The Amazing Spider-Man and TASM2
    Batman Begins

    Longer movies would be
    Superman Returns 2 hours and 35 minutes
    Watchmen 3 hours and 3 hours and 30 minutes extended cut
    The Dark Knight 2 hours and 30 minutes
    The Dark Knight Rises 2 hours and 45 minutes
    X-Men Days of Future Past 2 hours and 38 minutes
    X-Men Apocalypse is slated to be longer than DOFP. As a sort of wrap up to both X trilogies.

    The Thor movies, Iron Man trilogy and GOTG are all around the 2 hour range.

    For Batman v Superman, I think 2 hours and 30 minutes is a laudable amount of time to tell their story and set up JL Part 1.
  20. SalvorHardin

    SalvorHardin Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2008
    Star's End
    New German tv spot
