When did the Janeway hatred truly start to coalesce?

He also had a strong dislike for guns, which grew to borderline zealotry as the show approached its end.

Given the recent news out of the U.S. I'd say they could stand more anti-gun zealotry...

I see. McGyver is Bruce Wayne.

Except a lot friendlier and not as good at hand-to-hand (he could fight but was no ninja). Also not rich and living on a houseboat.
Given the recent news out of the U.S. I'd say they could stand more anti-gun zealotry...

What, you don't think 4% of the world's population and 47% of the world's guns is a reasonable distribution of firepower?

More seriously, we need less zealotry on both sides. Maybe then the moderates can get to work establishing reasonable limits on gun ownership.
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Only he's not particularly rich, carries no equipment, and he's only a yellow belt in karate (but he can still knock people out with one punch, as long as he's stunned or distracted them with one of his on the spot inventions first).

Didn't Mac always carry duct tape? It sure seems like he did. Hell, MacGyver could have been THE spokesman for duct tape.
More seriously, we need less zealotry on both sides.
This. When it comes to arguments, especially political and especially on the Internet the arguments are not about any measures for change but zealotry and appeal to polemics and emotionality. Zeal, while admirable, is not solution focused but feel good talking points.
The zealots on one side say "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in"!

The zealots on the other side insist that we can't give up our cop killer pistols, 50 BMG anti-materiel rifles, and 100-round C mags for their AR's because they're worried that the other side will demand more.

And those of us in the middle can only pull out our hair in frustration.
The zealots on one side say "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in"!

The zealots on the other side insist that we can't give up our cop killer pistols, 50 BMG anti-materiel rifles, and 100-round C mags for their AR's because they're worried that the other side will demand more.

And those of us in the middle can only pull out our hair in frustration.
Pretty much been my experience for the last 20 years. Amazing what I learned from college until now.
Frankly, I liked evil Janeway from "Living Witness".

Often think they must have had some fun playing evil versions of themselves for a change.

Of the 'classical' series (I mean everything up till and including ENT) TNG is the only series that never featured anything like an 'evil counterpart' episode, AFAIK. Well, not quite sure of TAS, either (never watched that in full).
Even TNG had "Power Play", which allowed Data, Deanna, and Miles to be bad. Also "The Game", for that matter.
^True, those three got to play baddies ... though these were supposed to be entirely different characters, not just 'evil versions' of themselves. Also, it's not the entire ship. In that case, we could count Deanna in too in Man of the people when she's supposed to be channeling the negative emotions of what's-his-name.
Ambassador Alcar. I always found his name easy to remember because it's so close to Dracula backwards... and fitting, since he basically sucks the life out of his 'receptacles'.