Variety: "Star Trek: Picard Is 'Divisive' "

I feel alienated from him and I am glad that he is leaving.
He's only leaving as showrunner, he's still on an executive producer and is still writing some Season 2 episodes.

In fact, he's writing the first 2 episodes according to Alison Pill on the newest Ready Room.

There is an attitude there where if I don't like what I am given, the problem is with me and that I am an "entitled" fan.
I didn't feel that at all. He's specifically targeting certain people, not everyone that dislikes the show.
There is an attitude there where if I don't like what I am given, the problem is with me and that I am an "entitled" fan.
I have never gotten that vibe, but if that's the case then I can appreciate the cold feeling.

That said, for my perspective, I do not understand the need to stay with a franchise if the story isn't entertaining. I don't think that fans are a "problem" so much as the producers view Trek one way and fans another. Some times those views connect and sometimes they are completely at odds.

It's not a "problem" but just a different point of view. At least, for me...:shrug:
The author behind EAS has generally given Picard favourable reviews, so no all DSC haters dislike PIcard.
This show isn't divisive at all. It's pretty much loved by the critics and most of the fans. If a minority of fans disagree, that's not divisive. In that case, every movie or TV show is. I know someone that loathes Citizen Kane.

It's no more divisive than there are "entitled fans" or anyone else. Different producers and writers won't always toe the line. That doesn't make anyone who doesn't like it akin to Satan's dirtiest day either.

Granted, for when ratings go down, that alone suggests something... and professional critics are iffy. But Rotten Tomatoes has even ditched putting up professional reviews, can't imagine why... It's sci-fi, it's always been niche. Very little will be legitimately 100% and, yes, Citizen Kane - like any form of art since that's what entertainment is - isn't liked by 100% of everyone too.

It's that simple.

Call and raise:


And no worries, people griped about Data swearing, and the reason behind STIV's use should (have) be(en) obvious to anyone except those with the biggest pro-swearing narrative... :guffaw:
The Cage didn't air.

Not in 1964, but it did in the 1980s after some print being discovered and while TOS Trek was still highly popular.

Good! The best things are. If everybody likes it, it probably sucks. And if everybody hates it, it also probably sucks. But if half the people like it, and half the people hate it, it probably has substance and quality.

It's all about people's perceptions. Remember, at one point half this country of legal age smoked and felt it was substance and quality.

Then again, Ikari Warriors didn't turn video game playing teens from 1987 into hordes of psychokillers either.

But some people look at a painting of someone's puke hanging on a wall and call it a masterpiece with use of color too, not realizing that what the artist was (in part) doing was also what the writers of a certain doing about walruses (yes, 1960s and a band that James Bond only listens to while wearing earmuffs). :D
Narissa: Our parents died for this, Narek. Many more gave their lives.
Narek: I found her, Nerissa. Me. The family disgrace, the Zhat Vash washout. I found Seb-Cheneb.

Imagine scripting tripe like this and then bragging to the world that your characters' pasts emerge organically because you write them the way real people talk.

My only problem with that line is that it gave Narek more character development than 5 previous episodes. Though I don't know why they washed him out. He's more competent than his sister and the entire Zhat Vash.
.There is an attitude there where if I don't like what I am given, the problem is with me and that I am an "entitled" fan.

I think you diagnosed your problem perfectly. Picard doesn't owe you anything. If you don't like it don't watch it. As more adversarial, that has always existed in the fandom of any major series. "Fans" basically hate anything until they like it so catering to them is pointless.
My only problem with that line is that it gave Narek more character development than 5 previous episodes. Though I don't know why they washed him out. He's more competent than his sister and the entire Zhat Vash.

Probably because he actually thinks about which methods would be most effective rather than running the standard Zhat Vash playbook all the time. I've worked for organizations like that.
I didn't like Voyager. I'm not an entitled fan. I just stopped watching it and life went on. :shrug:

But doesn't endlessly posting on message boards and YouTube channels about how outraged you are make more sense....especially in the misguided hopes that the writers will read YOUR special post and decide to change things more to your liking???

C'mon man get with the program. You can't just be normal/reasonable about this. You have to be all outraged and stuff!

You know....because a show's writers making creative choices you personally don't agree with is OUTRAGEOUS and someone needs to end the madness!!!!

In all seriousness, though, you make a great point. I don't/didn't like Voyager either. And, you'll be hard-pressed to find more than 5 or 6 posts from me in the entire VOY forum. Because.....why would I ever waste time on discussing something that doesn't appeal to me? It seems like people enjoy talking about things they hate more than things they like out here. I've never understood the phenomenon. Never.
Fans" basically hate anything until they like it so catering to them is pointless.
Indeed. Fans are capricious at times and trying to give them what they want just creates more issues.
Why waste my time with something I don’t enjoy? Life’s way too short,
Same here. Star Trek doesn't get an automatic pass because Star Trek.
Also we've only had Picard's first season just wrap up and it hasn't been laughed out town, practically hitting the ground running.

Even Discovery is still a relatively young show that (IMO) seems to be dramatically improving in its 2nd into 3rd season like TNG did.

People just plain forgot the slow ratings decline and creative stagnation of VOY and ENT.
Also we've only had Picard's first season just wrap up and it hasn't been laughed out town, practically hitting the ground running.

Even Discovery is still a relatively young show that (IMO) seems to be dramatically improving in its 2nd into 3rd season like TNG did.

People just plain forgot the slow ratings decline and creative stagnation of VOY and ENT.
People don't seem to be forgetting but having a rose tinted glasses effect around Berman era, as though it never had struggles or issues.

It blows my mind, literally, the expectation of perfect execution at times that I feel like I'm reading. The most positive reaction I have seen around Picard is "I can't wait to see what they do in Season 2." or "I hope they explore X more in Season 2."

I don't know...maybe I'm being too kind to Picard and DSC but I just don't feel like this season was the huge mess that others do.
Between ENT, the new films, and DSC's first two seasons, Star Trek spent almost two decades either doing prequels or a reboot. Some people were saying "We want the 24th Century back!" But when PIC came about and the 24th Century actually did come back, that's when it became clear that "We want the 24th Century back!" really meant "We want the '90s back!"

Just because the setting went back to the 24th Century doesn't mean that television production: writing, directing, acting, and cinematography would all also go back to the way things were during TNG, DS9, and VOY.

The Berman Era was getting stale even as it was ending. A return to something that was already stale at the turn of the millennium was not the way to go 20 years later. I think they brought forward what made TNG TNG and put its money where its mouth is in a situation that actually challenged it.

To quote Data in "The Ensigns of Command", "Do you think your position is so weak it cannot withstand debate?" I think Picard more effectively argued Picard's points of view than the TNG Movies ever did. Picard argues "We have to do what's right!" DS9 argues "We have to do what we have to do!" They have different viewpoints, but I think PIC held up its side of the argument.
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