Variety: "Star Trek: Picard Is 'Divisive' "

Remember how "divisive" DS9 was?

In 20 years when Star Trek: The Molly O'Brien Chronicles comes out, all the Picard and Discovery haters will rip on it while proclaiming how much better Picard and Discovery were.
Or maybe they'll have roughly the same opinion.
I gave DS9 a chance when it first came out but I just lost interest in it. To this day I think it's an okay show with some great episodes here and there but my opinion is more or less the same.
I know a couple older fans who think TNG is only "okay" but consider the Shatner/Kirk show and films great and think that the Kelvin films are a return to form.
ENT seemed pretty divisive while it was out and it still isn't anywhere close to being revered like TOS, TNG or even DS9.
I like the show but whether we like it or not like it doesn't factor into whether something is divisive or not. The fact is the fanbase is divided over it so even if it shouldn't be doesn't change the fact that it is thus the divisive label is accurate. To say it's not would be to imply that the only opinions that matter would be those who like it which isn't fair. People should be free to like or not like something and to not have it acknowledged as if what they say doesn't matter is being dismissive which is wrong.

Picard had not received even half the backlash Discovery gets. I really don't think fans will be looking back at Discovery fondly in 20 years. Does anyone even now think Enterprise was a great show? At most people concede it wasn't all bad but its hardly a treasured part of the franchise. Picard didn't do exactly what TNG die hards wanted but it did enough. We always knew it wasn't going to be TNG Part 2. The balance between nostalgia and doing something new was struck with Picard. Enterprise and Discovery were just clusterfucks with occasional bright spots. Discovery in particular did absolutely nothing to live up to my expectations and I certainly will not look back on it with fondness because I consider it the worst show in the franchise by far. Picard stood next to Discovery doesn't look divisive at all to me.
Divisive? Not especially. Though I haven't watched the last couple of weeks, kinda bored with the show. Will likely catch up at some point. Thought "The Last Best Hope" told the more compelling story.
I mean I have often noticed (in other, non-Star Trek related topics) that many people these days, especially on the internet, will already call something "divisive" or cry out that "the fandom is in tatters/chaos/divided! #OMG" when a couple of people voice their dislike of something.
So I'm not surprised with an article calling Pic "divisive" if that's, apparently, the modern, internet definition of the word.
I might as well call puppies divisive because not everybody in the world likes dogs.
And then they'll write eight tweets about how much it sucked. :rolleyes:
I know a few people who stopped watching Discovery and just watch Picard. With NCIS, I just watch that occasionally. Did watch Hawaii 5-0 for a few years as well.
I know a couple of people that like Discovery but got bored with Picard after the first couple of episodes and have not tuned back in. Not every show will appeal to everyone. It's subjective. I will admit the writing in Picard is top notch, but I find Discovery more entertaining, even if it is more flawed. I like my sci fi on the pulpy side.
I know a couple of people that like Discovery but got bored with Picard after the first couple of episodes and have not tuned back in. Not every show will appeal to everyone. It's subjective. I will admit the writing in Picard is top notch, but I find Discovery more entertaining, even if it is more flawed. I like my sci fi on the pulpy side.
Man, if only we had some sort of phrase to represent this kind of diversity that Star Trek espouses. If only we could celebrate it while recognizing that there are differences.

*snaps fingers* I just can't put my finger on such a concept. Maybe someday a TV show will come along to represent such an ideal.


The one and only quasi complaint I have with both Discovery and Picard, I can't come home from my home office (quarantined sucks but necessary), and just pick an episode to watch of either series like I could with Berman era Star Trek. The season arc kinda precludes hat for me...
That's why I look forward to binging through once it drops. I then can figure out what I can skip :)

I did that with Daredevil.
Ever show is going to have people who like or dislike it. The labels are about figuring out what the majority opinion is on something. Generally I think Picard has enough fans and even respect that I would call it popular and a success story. On the other hand even though I love DS9 and I do think it's got a strong cult following it would probably be more accurate to consider it a failure with all things considering. Despite that label though it still can also be accurately be called a Classic or All-time great if it's popularity continues to rise over the years. Some shows wait decades before getting it's final overall label.
