Variety: "Star Trek: Picard Is 'Divisive' "

I have said that there must be at least one person who caught "The Cage" when it first aired, hated it, and went on to hate-watch all of the Star Trek that followed.
Picard is not as divisive as it would appear to be.

Me? Haven't gotten into into NuTrek since the '09 movie. Dis's pilot, Picard's pilot, didn't snatch me on. Stopped watching all three after a few eps/plots were revealed and nothing has convinced me otherwise.

It's far different from the bashing DIS gets, I think if people were still watching Pic after E3, E5 it's their job to watch it (RLM) or they hate-like it, but not hate hate it.

And now everyone is talking about a reset button? Already? DIS waited until S2 ended, no?
IMO, it's only "divisive" if you're of the opinion that Trek has to look a certain way (Berman-era):
  • Reset button. No lasting consequences.
It can also be divisive based on quality of writing. I’d also like to know what lasting consequences there were in the finale. Let’s see...

* The Romulans are still evil.
* The universe is still completely in one piece. The monster never arrived or was even properly identified.
* The robots still have their little planet.
* Raffi is still an alcoholic and no one minds.
* Agnes is forgiven and still part of the crew.
* The federation made robots legal again, something we only had to live with within this show. So they are the happy goofballs we assumed they were before the show started.
* Picard died and was given a robot body that’s as decrepit as his old one. No difference.
* Data was dead. He’s still dead.

Honestly, it’s reset buttons all around.
As much as I have enjoyed Picard it definitely has a lot of definitive Trek moments that remind me of so much past Treks.
The show might be divisive if it was actually a show. None of the plots make any sense.

This, it's also telling that on Reddit most actual Picard discussion happens in the Redlettermedia sub and Redlettermedia's videos are by far the most popular discussion place about the show online because the official Star Trek sub literally bans people who are critical of the show.

The show is so bad. The plots make no sense at even the barest critical thinking glance, barely anything was explained, the pacing and writing was atrocious, the pacing alone, this show could have honestly been done in 5 episodes flat easy mostly everything we saw on screen was pointless and didn't matter. I honestly even think both Discovery seasons were vastly better than this and we all know how I feel about Disco.

These new shows are just seriously bad fan fiction tier.
I have said that there must be at least one person who caught "The Cage" when it first aired, hated it, and went on to hate-watch all of the Star Trek that followed.

I don't think people had as much leisure time back then to waste on things they hated. Also there wasn't a quasi-cottage industry set up for people to criticize TV shows back then like there is now.
I have said that there must be at least one person who caught "The Cage" when it first aired, hated it, and went on to hate-watch all of the Star Trek that followed.

I don’t hate watch any property I don’t know already. Only in the case of Star Trek, Star Wars, and some superheroes. Call it a morbid curiosity on where those things are going combined with FOMO from living deep within the community of those fandoms. If I don’t like anything else past the second episode I’m always out. I just don’t have the time or energy. And even with those properties I’m interested in I have my limits. I don’t watch DC movies after BvsS except Wonder Woman and I’ve never finished DS9, Voyager, or even got past the fourth episode of Enterprise. I also don’t watch the Star Wars cartoons. Really, I only hate watched Picard recently. I’m really behind on The Flash.
I think Picard has been very good on the whole. I’ve enjoyed the fact that they tried a different tone. As much as I love TNG
I don’t think you can create that type of program in 2020. I think the audience is a bit more sophisticated and Picard is a reflection of that. Looking forward to season two.
I have said that there must be at least one person who caught "The Cage" when it first aired, hated it, and went on to hate-watch all of the Star Trek that followed.

Well, that's probably true (...for "The Man Trap"), but we ought to point out that there were only three channels or so in 1966.
I think Picard has been very good on the whole. I’ve enjoyed the fact that they tried a different tone. As much as I love TNG
I don’t think you can create that type of program in 2020. I think the audience is a bit more sophisticated and Picard is a reflection of that. Looking forward to season two.
Picard was a modern arc show, but it wasn’t “sophisticated”. Doctor Who is pretty much what TNG was in the 90s. They still only do the most mild of unifying themes that you don’t notice until the season finale. Star Trek could do that well and plenty of people would be happy.
Reading this article and reading the stories from Michael Chabon at his Instagram account, I feel alienated from him and I am glad that he is leaving. I am fed up with the whole thing. There is an attitude there where if I don't like what I am given, the problem is with me and that I am an "entitled" fan. I barely remember the older shows as I haven't watched them in years so I am not entering into the new series with a expectation that they will be like what I saw years ago.

I know what I am looking for in a series. I may not be able to articulate it as succinctly as others; however, I know what it is when I find it. When it is not there, I will be vocal. I have grown estranged from the franchises I knew in my younger years - Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars - and I attribute it partly to the change in the relationship between the audience and those create the products. It has become more adversarial on both sides and it is poisoning the franchises.
Narissa: Our parents died for this, Narek. Many more gave their lives.
Narek: I found her, Nerissa. Me. The family disgrace, the Zhat Vash washout. I found Seb-Cheneb.

Imagine scripting tripe like this and then bragging to the world that your characters' pasts emerge organically because you write them the way real people talk.
Narissa: Our parents died for this, Narek. Many more gave their lives.
Narek: I found her, Nerissa. Me. The family disgrace, the Zhat Vash washout. I found Seb-Cheneb.

Imagine scripting tripe like this and then bragging to the world that your characters' pasts emerge organically because you write them the way real people talk.
I must be a weird person because I hear that very naturally.:shrug: