Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

She's fine. A good entry in the Enterprise legacy. And what an honor for it's creator to have a new high resolution model made with those amazing "hero passes"!
But she'll never be a favorite. She tries to do too much. A bit of the 1701-E with a bit of the 1701-D and some new stuff. There's just a lot going on. My girl, the 1701-E, is a much better looking ship.

That said, I bet she's the "Final Boss" of the season. The 1701-D vs the 1701-F. And maybe the show will end with the launch of the 1701-G since the F was due for early retirement.
And what an honor for it's creator to have a new high resolution model made with those amazing "hero passes"
According to one of the VFX guys they didn’t enhance the model quality at all. They just used what cryptic gave them.

The STO ship artist did rebuild her for the show appearance, but still at game quality.
„Plenty of letters left in the alphabet“

We need a show about the Enterprise 1701-I, set in the middle of the 25th century. It is the story of an evil crew with hideous motives, so disgusting that it takes Starfleet over a century to commission another ship to bear the name Enterprise.
People forget that the Excelsior (as it was originally built by ILM, not the Greg Jein "Flashback" version) also seemed quite chunky in the secondary hull. It very early on earned itself the name "Pregnant Guppy" and wasn't very well liked by the fandom at the time. Now, nearly 40 years later, it's one of the most beloved legacy non-hero ships in the fleet.

Time changes the perception of many things...
People forget that the Excelsior (as it was originally built by ILM, not the Greg Jein "Flashback" version) also seemed quite chunky in the secondary hull. It very early on earned itself the name "Pregnant Guppy" and wasn't very well liked by the fandom at the time. Now, nearly 40 years later, it's one of the most beloved legacy non-hero ships in the fleet.

Time changes the perception of many things...

1000% true. I didn't like the Enterprise-D at first, and even now its a little odd sometimes from some angles, but I do like it still.

It was a *massive* leap and shift from the Constitution class Enterprises.
Agreed on Excelsior and Ent-D. I have said I don't care for it...in comparison to the OTHERS. It still brings a stupid smile to my face. Time does change perceptions.

Starfleet designers over here getting renaissance thicc body with the designs again.
Agreed on Excelsior and Ent-D. I have said I don't care for it...in comparison to the OTHERS. It still brings a stupid smile to my face. Time does change perceptions.

Starfleet designers over here getting renaissance thicc body with the designs again.

As standalone designs they are good.

But yes, both of them really pale in comparsion to the TOS and Refit (I know, as a controversial opinion as vanilla pudding)
Yeah...... not to my taste. I thought it was ugly when it won the contest, and I still find it just as ugly.
That seems to be a split between STO fans and fans that don't play STO. Most, not all, STO fans I know like the design.

To be fair, I've played maybe an hour of STO, and that was years ago, so that doesn't really color my opinion when I say that I really like the ENT-F design (I like most STO Starfleet ship designs, actually). Its not my favorite Enterprise design, but I think its a good one, definitely worthy of being an Enterprise and I'd have happily watched a show with it as the main ship.