Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

So Frontier Day isn’t the same thing as Federation Founding Day, then. One wonders why it’s such a big deal, then. Celebrating when the NX-01 was launched? I would think that would pale in comparison to the founding of the Federation. Methinks someone didn’t think this through fully.
I mean, in the US we celebrate Independence Day, Presidents Day, Veterans and Memorial day. Why only have one ?
Both of those things have to do with the USA. Frontier Day only has to do with Earth, not the entire Federation.

That's not how Matalas described it in the linked interview:

It is the 250th anniversary celebrating when the NX-01 went out into space and the de-facto birth of modern Starfleet, and you will hear more about it. Starfleet didn’t really solidify until the NX-01 went out – this was the first ship with a multi-species crew and its voyage was pivotal to the founding of the Federation. It was essentially the birth of Starfleet as we know it.
That's not how Matalas described it in the linked interview:

It is the 250th anniversary celebrating when the NX-01 went out into space and the de-facto birth of modern Starfleet, and you will hear more about it. Starfleet didn’t really solidify until the NX-01 went out – this was the first ship with a multi-species crew and its voyage was pivotal to the founding of the Federation. It was essentially the birth of Starfleet as we know it.

Wow. That whole description sounds like he just pulled it out of his ass.
Well, there's a reason I analogized Frontier Day to Independence Day as commemorating something that's symbolically meaningful while practically irrelevant.
Wow. That whole description sounds like he just pulled it out of his ass.
... or something they took the time to flesh out from the multiple episodes of ENTERPRISE that actually depicted that time period.

The launch of the NX-01 was a pretty big deal at the time and though he wasn't in any way perfect, Captain Archer became the de facto representative of Earth and the one who essentially brought about the birth of the Federation.
Black Friday has basically become an international event, even in countries which don't celebrate the American Thanksgiving.
Black Friday isn't a holiday. It's a commercial promotion, basically. Yes, both Canada and the UK have adopted it, but it isn't as big in either place as it is in the US.

Other countries do not, however, celebrate US holidays proper. They may overlap their own holidays, e.g. President's Day is Monday in the US, and Canada -- minus Quebec -- has Family Day. But it would make no sense for Canada to celebrate the birth of George Washington....