Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

Wow. That whole description sounds like he just pulled it out of his ass.

Except that it's not. The future will decide how history is judged. In the novel 'Brave New World' humanity decides that the new calendar is based on BF/NF. Before Ford and After Ford. It was decided that Ford introducing the Model T was the factor that changed humanity. Affordable long distance personal transport changed humanity.
Do other countries celebrate US holidays?
We celebrate Cinco de Mayo, which is generally accepted as a Mexican holiday. Although I still don't really know why we care so much about it. Maybe it's some conspiracy started by Corona beer to boost sales, much like publicity for many other so-called "holidays" seem to be subsidized by Hallmark to boost card & gift sales.

It is known... :shifty:

Then there's also St Patrick's Day, Mardi Gras, and a myriad other Abrahamian religious-based holidays that are celebrated in the US.
I always hated the "streaking stars" of TNG/LDS/Orville. Stars are massive and distant, yet they passed like tiny dust motes between the camera and ship sometimes. This also infuriated me in ENT when "stars" would appear like snowflakes in a breeze at impulse speeds.
I thought it literally was dust, that hits the navigational deflector shields and gets shoved aside. I swear I remember reading that somewhere (more official than reddit or these forums).

According to the VFX Supervisor they didn't make the model 'hero ship' quality, they used the STO model straight up, so it won't be as high quality as the Titan or other ships that will receive close ups.
Thomas Marrone (STO lead artist) spruced up the model before it was sent to the Picard team. He also said that team did their own work on it, but I don't know if he assumed, or if that work was just converting it to something for the Picard team's software. "The model was specifically rebuilt for its appearance in Picard!" https://twitter.com/thomasthecat/status/1578871459597860865

Doesn't STO have at least 5 different, and very different looking, subclasses for the Odyssey?
That's one of the pics I've seen, but I wasn't 100% sure if it was "official". Tho that seems like 3-5 different classes.
Most every ship type can be mix-and-matched with several other classes. The Miranda class, for example, is a "light cruiser" that is interchangeable with the Centaur, ShiKahr, and other classes.

Constitution III class is what is on the dedication plaque. I just feel it's confusing to recycle a class-name mere 100 years later. That's just fanwank IMO.
I mean, naming a series of 7 ships "Enterprise" because the first one was just SO COOL at doing Space Stuff™ that they made it the flagship name is fanwank, but that's just how Starfleet operates.
Thomas Marrone (STO lead artist) spruced up the model before it was sent to the Picard team. He also said that team did their own work on it, but I don't know if he assumed, or if that work was just converting it to something for the Picard team's software. "The model was specifically rebuilt for its appearance in Picard!" https://twitter.com/thomasthecat/status/1578871459597860865
And the VFX Supervisor is in the replies, that is what I was referring to. Thomas upgraded the model, but still kept it low enough quality to use in the game.
Okay. after watching episode 5 of Picard, I'm starting to wonder if
the Changelings didn't have something to do with the Enterprise-F's decommissioning. especially now that we know that this conspiracy goes all the way up to SFC
An attack on the flagship on Frontier Day, and at the heart of the Federation, would certainly make a pretty big statement. At the same time, it could also mean that those in the know resisting the changelings might be making the Enterprise an "easy target" that'd be hard to ignore. It's much easier making your opponent come to you.
An attack on the flagship on Frontier Day, and at the heart of the Federation, would certainly make a pretty big statement. At the same time, it could also mean that those in the know resisting the changelings might be making the Enterprise an "easy target" that'd be hard to ignore. It's much easier making your opponent come to you.
I agree. This season is the Star Trek's version of Captain America: The Winter Soldier meets Agents of SHIELD.
I reckon they will use a replica of the portal weapon to cause the Enterprise to crash into Starfleet headquarters

They're gonna Generations the sh!t outta both the F and Starfleet?! Someone behind the scenes must be really desperate for a re-model...