Stargate Curious


Vice Admiral
It has only been in the last 2-3 months that I first saw the film (it was on TV not long ago) and found it alright, then flipping through channels not long afterwards I stumbled across Stargate Universe and watched a few episodes of the late second season and found it quite enjoyable.

I don't think I'm prepared to sit through ten years of SG-1 but am curious about getting Universe and maybe Atlantis. Should I bother or do I have to see SG-1 before trying to get into its spin-offs?
Do yourself a favor-go through the ten years. The original series much fun. You(generally) don't need to watch it to enjoy the others, but some stuff will just make you wonder what the heck is going on if you don't watch the original.
While watching all 10 seasons was a chore and was something I put off for nearly 2yrs(I had it awhile from a B.Friday sale) I'll say it's something I'm glad I finally saw.
SG-1's better than the other series, hands down. I'm the only person on this board who thinks the movie is better SG-1, so as far as I'm concerned you've already seen everything you need to.
SG-1 is the best of the franchise. Don't worry about its length; watch a season or two and if you like it, watch more.

Atlantis is fun but doesn't have the same grounded, here-and-now feel that SG-1 does (even though it is *now*, it's not here). Universe was weak at first but improved in season 2.
Oh believe me once I get started watching boxsets if its something that intrigues me and I start to enjoy then I can get through a full 24 45-minute episode season in about three days (including doing my 9-5 job)--its not something I'm hugely proud of though, I just get a little obsessed :lol:

I'll have to see if I can find them going cheap then see if I have any space on my DVD shelves--not an easy task in itself.
Stargate Universe - It did get very good in the second half of Season 2. However, for me, S1 was a bit of a slog to get through most of the time. Almost none of the characters had anything to enthuse me about. I disliked watching almost all of them. I'm not just talkling about characters that are morally repugnant, I mean characters that I really had no interest in, that I wished would just disappear. This does change over time though, and by the end of S2, I was very sorry to see it had been cancelled, because there were quite a few of the characters that I did want to know more about (Despite wanting many of them spaced in S1). SG-1 being watched first, adds to the mythology for Stargate Universe (SGU), but, not necessarily necessary. Stargate Atlantis (SGA), doesn't really have any impact on SGU.

SG-1, IMHO, is good, solid Military SciFi Action, with some very funny one liners and some terrific guest stars. When I first watched it, I started in the middle on SyFy channel reruns (They used to marathon 4 episodes every Monday) and missed some nights (Mean I missed 4 episodes in a row if I only missed 1 week) and my opinion was, there were hardly any episodes lower than a 6 out of 10, but, also very 9out of 10 or better. Watching it all in order from the beginning at my own pace (I too often consume a whole season in a week or less after work, since I rarely watch regular TV and always having DVDs in the background while I do other things) I found there were actually quite a few 9 and 10 episodes afterall, but, still feel it's rare for an episode to drop below a 6 or 7 out of 10.

SGA - is a direct spinoff of SG-1. While you don't need to watch SG-1 first, it enhances your enjoyment of it, IMHO.
Chronologically, SGA begins concurrent with SG1 season 8. SGU begins after SGA ends.
While I love Atlantis AND Universe, I can't imagine watching them without seeing SG-1 first. It's definitely worth the effort.
I thought SG1 got better as it went on, then dropped off a bit towards the end.

Atlantis is O.K. - there's some decent characters and I enjoyed it, but overall it's not as good.

I really liked Universe but am in the minority here...
I was Stargate curious back in my college days. I experimented with crossing the event horizon of the ole' wormhole with three different groups of guys, and even came back for a few movies too. Indeeeeed.

SG-1 is the most enjoyable of the bunch by far, so daunting task though it may be, you shouldn't skip it. SG-1 and Atlantis are closer in tone to each other than either are to the much darker and more serious Universe, so if you insist on watching one of the shorter two series on its own, Universe would probably be your best bet. It references SG-1, but is about as close to a standalone series as you're going to get and can be watched independently without missing out on too much.
I was Stargate curious back in my college days. I experimented with crossing the event horizon of the ole' wormhole with three different groups of guys, and even came back for a few movies too. Indeeeeed.
LOL, glad I'm not the only one who keeps seeing Bry's fantastic Thread Title in that context :rommie:
Oh believe me once I get started watching boxsets if its something that intrigues me and I start to enjoy then I can get through a full 24 45-minute episode season in about three days (including doing my 9-5 job)--its not something I'm hugely proud of though, I just get a little obsessed :lol:

I'll have to see if I can find them going cheap then see if I have any space on my DVD shelves--not an easy task in itself.

Oh I know the feeling, years ago a friend loand me a couple of seasons of a TV show, and it turned into a just one more episode thing. Just like a good book.

But the first two seasons of SG-1 like the first two seasons of TNG, aren't the best the show has to offer. They have good episodes but it gets stronger.
Whatever you do stick with it till season 3. Season one and 2 are not bad but season 3 is like season 3 of tng ( it really gets good) i am halfway through season 3 and cant believe how good it is!
Its been dispatched, due date in Monday 2nd September. Actually looking forward to some new sci-fi to watch :)

Might also give some feedback on episodes once I get going.
Season 1 boxset was waiting for me when I got in from work yesterday at 5pm, now 2 discs through :)

Seems alright so far, the special effects still hold up so it doesn't feel dated. Some interesting stories so far, though being a long-time Trekkie its weird to see a show where the heroes visit a world and set out to interfere in their development :lol:

One thing I will say I was not expecting was the full-frontal nudity in "Children of the Gods", which really was not needed--I mean who wants to see a naked woman on TV?
Hope you enjoy. I rewatched SG-1 for first time earlier this year, and writing, acting (and effects!) definitely improve as progress.