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What are some good space & ocean-based TV shows?

And? So what? Or are you one of those types that think because some assholes can't contain themselves,
First, you're violating the board rules by calling people assholes. That is flaming and against board rules.
it's a woman's responsibility to make sure she doesn't turn on men?
No one is suggesting this. What I am suggesting is, maybe nudity and sex should be left in the bedroom and not on TV and in the movies. We should be teaching America's youth sexual abstinence, not how to get pregnant in high school. :beer:
Someone might watch a nude or sex scene and then want to get perverted ideas.
Define perverted ideas, because it sounds like your got some serious hangups.
They were not cold-blooded murderers. Native Americans did not "own" land, therefore it cannot be stolen if it is not owned to begin with.
Holy fucking hell.... read a damn history book or something, please. Better yet, I suggest you go down to the nearest reserve and hear it from them. You might learn something.
And then they got kicked out because Eve wouldn't let some powerful white guy dictate her life for her.

Did I get that right?
No. Have you never read the Bible? Click here to read Genesis 3. To summarize, God told Adam and Eve (the first male and female humans) not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan in the form of the serpent tricked Eve into eating the fruit who encouraged Adam to eat with her. Both have sinned against God through this act. In the Bible, sin is defined as defiance or rebellion against God, and the penalty for sin is death. Not instant death, mind you. Anyway, this is how sin entered the world.

It has nothing to do with modern day leftist feminism.
The video is trash, and why are you lying about American history? America was founded by COLONISTS who rebelled against England and got tired of outrageous taxes and rule from across the ocean. Get your facts straight. They were not cold-blooded murderers. Native Americans did not "own" land, therefore it cannot be stolen if it is not owned to begin with. Watching a violent movie does not mean one loves violence. It means one loves the story of what the characters endure and survive. Does that make sense?

Please, crack a history book before you trash talk my great nation that is the United States of America. Thank you. :beer:

Erm... Admiral?
Before your forefathers could become Colonists, who rebelled against England, they were people of other nations, who came via ship and landed basically on the native americans doorstep. That indeed was their land. They were born there, before your forefathers were even born. So, of course they did own that land - granted, they had no document, that said it written in English, that yes, this land is the land of this tribe, but they owned it. It belonged to them. What your forefathers did, was taking their land from them. If if they were naughty enough to actually say "no, we don't want to give that land to you", they either were bought out or killed. Basically: No, your forefathers were not cold-blooded killers, but they were settlers, who took the land of the original owners, in order to settle there.

Define perverted ideas, because it sounds like your got some serious hangups.

Holy fucking hell.... read a damn history book or something, please. Better yet, I suggest you go down to the nearest reserve and hear it from them. You might learn something.
Would be a good idea, now wouldn't it?
No. It’s all art.
This is an oversimplification. Different art mediums communicate different things.
Painting. Sculpture . Photograph. Motion Picture. What difference does it make if the nude is on canvas, in stone, on paper or on screen?
Context. You're old enough to know this.
I have an art degree. Part of my education included drawing and painting nude men and women. My fellow students and I did not go on a sexual rampage after class.
First of all, I am a big fan of art, so that is awesome that you have an art degree, congrats! :beer:
At no point did I ever suggest "seeing" nudity or sex in a movie or TV show will immediately lead to "sexual rampages." I said it leads to sexual thinking which can lead to sexual actions such as a boyfriend wanting to talk to his girlfriend about having sex before marriage instead of waiting until their wedding night. This isn't going to happen from a single exposure, but it can be influenced by repeat exposure.
Clearly, the image of a supple white breast on a movie screen will cause men to lose their God-damned minds, sending them on a raping rampage.

Apparently, in the US the Stargate-SG-1-Pilot is rated MA. Why? Well, we see Sha'uri naked full frontal. Not as part of a sex-cene, mind you, but before she's possessed by Amonet, she is entranced, undressed and being inspected by Apophis. In Germany, the pilot is - iirc - rated "FSK 12", meaning pre-teens can watch that.

I have an art degree. Part of my education included drawing and painting nude men and women. My fellow students and I did not go on a sexual rampage after class.
Oh, this whole "Men can't keep it in their pants"-thing... I am a heterosexual dude, your typical red-blooded american - well German - man, but my reaction to naked women is not automatically "Oh, must mate". First of all: I have a girlfriend. Second of all: I have something, that is called 'Instinktkontrolle'. One can always choose not to engage in mating.
I said it leads to sexual thinking which can lead to sexual actions such as a boyfriend wanting to talk to his girlfriend about having sex before marriage instead of waiting until their wedding night.

My maternal grandma once told me, "Billy, you don't buy a shoe without trying it on." Compatibility, inside and outside the bedroom is an important part of a marriage. One that simply can't be discussed away.