Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 3x06 - "Hear All, Trust Nothing"

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not necessarily. She’s the only one we saw, but Worf, Nog, Bashir and Dax could be still on board. Or not, we just don’t know as of now.
Well, Worf wouldn't be there. He left the station at the end of WYLB to become an ambassador, then apparently returned to Starfleet serving on the Enterprise E in Nemesis. According to the novels, be becomes the Enterprise's XO after Nemesis, then takes command after Picard is promoted to Admiral, which will be canonized in season 3 of Picard.
Well, Worf wouldn't be there. He left the station at the end of WYLB to become an ambassador, then apparently returned to Starfleet serving on the Enterprise E in Nemesis. According to the novels, be becomes the Enterprise's XO after Nemesis, then takes command after Picard is promoted to Admiral, which will be canonized in season 3 of Picard.

I wonder what incident got Worf expelled from the Klingon Empire this time.
It also seems that, whilst Boimler is a sex object, it's only for a certain type of girl who might be described as having a cranium full of atmosphere.

Jen's friends ARE in Starfleet, so they must have a bit more smarts than the gals on the vineyard, but they sure didn't come across like it.
I think Boimler attracts the wine mom aesthetic.
I'm a guy who doesn't like wine, and I find him hot and cute :D
. That's an even more fun setback for Quark -- there's a bar with his name on it in every big-time outpost in the quadrant, but he's not seeing the profits!

He only had to give up 76% of the profits from the Quark 2000 Franchises' (because of the stolen Karama Replicator parts), not his entire base.
He still has the DS-9 bar & Dabo profits which is no tidy sum.
He's not really poor by anybody's standard except a Ferengi's.
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He only had to give up 76% of the profits from the Quark 2000 Franchises' (because of the stolen Karama Replicator parts), not his entire base.
He still has the DS-9 bar & Dabo profits which is no tidy sum.
He not really poor by anybody's standard except a Ferengi's.

I feel like 76% is such a ridiculous number that only Starfleet could assume it's fair.
I did not want to spoiled before who was going to be in this episode, so the moment we saw Kira and heard Nana's voice.... I chocked up a little.
DS9 is my Star Trek show, my main love of the franchise. So this, everything about this episode, was perfect for me.
Not knowing how to differentiate white and red grapes doesn't scream intelligence. And if they were faking dumb as a chat-up line, it also doesn't scream self-confidence.

That was a deliberately obvious ploy. Claiming you do not know or cannot do something that you obviously do know and can do is not an indication of a lack of intelligence or of self-confidence. It is an indication of the use of irony in your interpersonal communication.

Which is why they failed - Boimler has no time for people who can't solve trivial work problems.

It failed because Boimler doesn't understand the concept of irony and therefore didn't recognize extremely obvious sexual advances for what they were.
That was a deliberately obvious ploy. Claiming you do not know or cannot do something that you obviously do know and can do is not an indication of a lack of intelligence or of self-confidence. It is an indication of the use of irony in your interpersonal communication.

It failed because Boimler doesn't understand the concept of irony and therefore didn't recognize extremely obvious sexual advances for what they were.

Or he's not into meaningless sex with women who either are (or think he is) that shallow.

He can get sex anytime on the holodeck.