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Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x06 - "Of Gods and Angles"

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Commander Richard

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"Mariner teams up with a troubled ensign while the Cerritos hosts peace talks between warring civilizations." - TrekMovie.com

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This is already my favorite episode of the season. So many funny parts and I'm 14 minutes in. Also, T'Ana is in it longer than just a minute.

Finished the episode. That felt like classic Lower Decks. I'm generous, so that's my first 10 of the season.
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I do wonder when those surprise legacy characters will show up that Mike had promised.. 😉 it’s been 6 episodes already and I don’t think we’ve seen any yet this season… they’re probably saving these for the last few episodes..! 😊
I don’t know, something’s just felt “off” and unfunny for me this season. And it feels like Boimler’s being played as a dumbbell, when previously he’d been super-anxious but actually quite competent when he’s able to get past that. (And Rutherford doesn’t seem to get anything to do anymore.)
Who knew, Greek Demi-Gods would want to join StarFleet of all things.

You got to love the Square & Round beams.

And the mating of the Cubes & Orbs.

Given how conveniently small the hand-held tractor beam is, we should see those more often out in the field.

They were about the size of a large flash light, I hope to see them in live action one day.

Given how they all merged into giant Cubes & Orbs, you got to love the giant "Kame-Hame-Ha" Beam Battles.

Also, the limp cartoony lightning bolts were kinda cute, imagine having the power to literally summon and throw lightning whenever you want, that would be neat.

If only they were more stiff and useful or actually looked like electricity instead of a cartoon lightning bolt.
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Honestly, I wish we'd get some less saccharine endings.

We need a Ensign who tosses trash into the warp core.

Even Peanut Hamper got redeemed.
I have very mixed opinions about this one. I quite liked the A plot. The cubes vs orbs might not be the most original idea, but I liked it and thought it was integrated well into the show. They had a lot of good lines to give them and they were fun. The moment I saw the destroyed room though, I assumed immediately it was a Romeo and Juliet plot, so I wasn't surprised at the conclusion. I did think that Olly was going to have an "Okana" role where she was secretly helping the young couple hide from their parents, but the reveal that her electrical powers were getting in the way of being an effective engineer. Not a bad plotline.

On the other hand, I really did not like the B plot. One of my big criticisms of the earlier seasons is that there was just too many zany antics going on without really any depth to it. While the A plot still had that chaotic energy, we still get to see how Mariner has improved as an officer. With the Boimler plot, it just felt wacky and superficial. It's been in the back of my mind all season that while Mariner and Boimler typically share equal spotlight, he really has taken a back seat this season. He hasn't really had an A plot himself, and his arc is seemingly going to be about comparing himself to Alt!Boimler. That's something early season Boimler would definitely have struggled with, so it's almost like he's regressing in a way. I suspect in the finale he'll learn to embrace himself, but I honestly wonder if the next four episodes will just be all Mariner-centric. They've done a good job with her development, but with this being the last season, I think a lot of us would like to see her in a good place with her responsibilities and him in a good place with his self-confidence, and this arc isn't getting us there.
This episode reminded of "The Outrageous Okona" with the two disputing planets and the young couple, one from each planet, having fallen in love with each other and keeping the romance secret because they were afraid of what might happen.

For me, this has been a lackluster season. I think the last season the show was at its peak.
This episode reminded of "The Outrageous Okona" with the two disputing planets and the young couple, one from each planet, having fallen in love with each other and keeping the romance secret because they were afraid of what might happen.

For me, this has been a lackluster season. I think the last season the show was at its peak.

I think the show is trying to dial back from its over the topness and get back to the Lower Decks framework of mundane Starfleet activities.
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