Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 3x06 - "Hear All, Trust Nothing"

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Garak had a government role reconstructing Cardassia.
But either he’s back or, more likely, someone else took over the shop!
Nog can't appear by virtue of Aron Eisenberg being dead
And as a Starfleet officer he could be pretty much anywhere by now. We know he’ll have an illustrious career, after all, ending up with ships named after him. :)
Cassidy Yates is probably busy raising her child somewhere.
Possibly on Bajor? She owns some land there…Unless she doesn’t want to be too close to the Emissary cultists, anyway.

I do wish they had Rom/Leeta in the episode though. They seem like...appropriate characters...for the Lower Deckers to interact with.
That would have been great! Rom is grand nagus now, though, so he won’t be on the station. And it seems his reforms are having some issues, judging by the Ferengi we’ve seen so far.

It was great and felt like a good comedy episode of DS9. It was wonderful to see the station again and I'm glad they kept any references to characters who didn't appear out of the show so we might possibly see them in future series or episodes.
they’re wisely being very conservative about legacy characters, probably in case some other series decides to do something with them one day.
Picard is still captain of the Enterprise (but he will make admiral soon, according to PicS1)
Riker is captain of the Titan and Troi counsellor with him, no surprises here.
Data is still dead (of course)
Paris is still Lt and a PR guy…this was kinda unexpected.
Sisko is still missing (we know that if we ever get him back, which seems unlikely, it will be in a story that concerns his return)
Kira is still on the station (quite expected) and a colonel (another stagnating career!)
Quark has opened a franchise, but we knew that already from Picard.
The Doctor is still alive and fighting for Hologram’s rights.

forgot anyone?

Jen's friends ARE in Starfleet, so they must have a bit more smarts than the gals on the vineyard, but they sure didn't come across like it
perhaps they are competent at their job but naive otherwise? And what’s not to like about Boimler anyway?!

Also, was that girl who was dancing at the salon wearing the maroon Troi catsuit?!
lol, didn’t notice but totally get the joke: reusing costumes is very Trek.
perhaps they are competent at their job but naive otherwise? And what’s not to like about Boimler anyway?!

I don't see a problem. They don't know Mariner as a person, and clearly they don't know Boimler as a person, so the only thing they have to go on is his looks. Likely he is simply attractive, and maybe for his ship coworkers his recent growth in apparent confidence (bold Boimler!) has only helped his appearance.
Looooooooooooooved it. Watching that was practically a religious experience. That introductory sequence of Kira could not have been more perfect. The baseball!

Did it feel like the arrangement with Starfleet had changed? Ops was manned exclusively by Bajoran militia officers. Of course we did see Mesk and he was mentioned as being assigned there, so Starfleet is still involved to some degree.

I did think the Mariner plotline was an enormous missed opportunity, though. All season long I've been wanting more exploration of Mariner/Jennifer... but all SERIES long I've been wanting more exploration of Mariner's DS9 backstory. They could have done them both! Mariner & Jennifer could have done a date on DS9 or something, or the same thing with the friends but it's an outing to the station, Mariner is uncomfortable about Jennifer seeing her past, etc etc etc. There's a ton to play there, and what they presented instead just was not that strong or compelling. It's rare for LD to have writing failures, but this was one.

But the rest of the episode was so fucking exceptional I'll let it go. :bolian:

Count me as one relieved we didn't see Rom & Leeta -- but they would be perfect guests for a future visit to Ferenginar.

they’re wisely being very conservative about legacy characters, probably in case some other series decides to do something with them one day.
They've also talked about how legacy series regulars are budget-busting, so must be used very judiciously.
Would they be? I can’t imagine any legacy character besides Shatner and Stewart being that costly.
I think that the writers are completely game for it and even attempted to make a covert pitch in the documentary.

Er, it wasn't a "covert pitch." It was them breaking down a "season eight premiere" to make the documentary more entertaining.

It also seems that, whilst Boimler is a sex object, it's only for a certain type of girl who might be described as having a cranium full of atmosphere.

Jen's friends ARE in Starfleet, so they must have a bit more smarts than the gals on the vineyard, but they sure didn't come across like it.

What? Why would you say that? We have no indication whatsoever that the girls on the vineyard were lacking in intelligence. The only thing the girls at the saloon did that was "dumb" was panicking over oxygen levels, but also you have to factor in that things like that are filtered through the lens of this being an animated sitcom that exaggerates behavior for comedic effect.

Either way, nothing about these characters indicated a lack of intelligence. Hitting on someone and giggling is not an indication of your I.Q.

Did it feel like the arrangement with Starfleet had changed? Ops was manned exclusively by Bajoran militia officers. Of course we did see Mesk and he was mentioned as being assigned there, so Starfleet is still involved to some degree.

Good catch. Maybe Deep Space 9 was transferred to the Bajoran Militia and Starfleet only provides support services now?

Count me as one relieved we didn't see Rom & Leeta -- but they would be perfect guests for a future visit to Ferenginar.

Yesssssssss. And the plot can be about how everyone has all these prejudices and stereotypes about what Ferengi are like, and they keep getting surprised because Ferenginar has changed under Grand Nagus Rom's more social-democratic government...!
Would they be? I can’t imagine any legacy character besides Shatner and Stewart being that costly.
Well, if you didn't budget for them, they would be. They've budgeted for regular working voice actors as guests, but anyone who was a Trek series regular can command a premium well above that. In whatever interview this was, McMahon was also talking about how bringing back Sonya Gomez was a creative decision he was excited about, but also a budgetary concession, because they just didn't have the money for another Riker-or-Troi-level guest spot in the finale.
We have no indication whatsoever that the girls on the vineyard were lacking in intelligence.

Not knowing how to differentiate white and red grapes doesn't scream intelligence. And if they were faking dumb as a chat-up line, it also doesn't scream self-confidence.

Which is why they failed - Boimler has no time for people who can't solve trivial work problems.
Back in Picard season 1, I really didn't care for Quark being so casually established as a huge success. I just always enjoyed Quark scrappily trying to climb the ladder, and I didn't like having that taken away for a tiny easter egg moment. Not a big complaint, but it was a little detail I didn't love.

So I was psyched by how this episode unwound that and gave us a Quark who is still struggling to make it after losing the majority stake in his business. That's an even more fun setback for Quark -- there's a bar with his name on it in every big-time outpost in the quadrant, but he's not seeing the profits!

(Yes, he definitely could have made it to the big-time again by the time of "Stardust City Rag", but until some episode tells me otherwise, not in my head canon :bolian:)
Memory Alpha don't seem keen to change their dating system, so have S3 as 2382, which doesn't even make sense using the 1000 stardates = 1 year system as it would still only be 2381 working it out that way.

They seem to be following 1 season = 1 year, despite the producers saying otherwise, and despite neither stardate system lining up with that train of thought.

I'd be interested to know if the writers' new system lines up with the other known stardate/calendar year matchups from the previous shows, like "The Neutral Zone" being 2364 and Voyager's numerous references to 2371 in the first season and the ship being launched in that year ("Future's End"), but I can't be bothered sitting trying to work it out. :)
It's probably because of that one Rutherford Memory we saw of them celebrating what looked like New Years 2381.

Memory-Alpha takes what appears on screen over production staff comments unless it's unknown info, like ship class names.

The Stardates don't line up with what Brad is saying though, 1000 stardates = 1 year, so 2381 would have been at least season 2 episode 2, as that was the first 58000 stardate we got.

This episode would be around mid-2381

So maybe they’re using the formula that 25 episodes equals a year
26, since he said Episode 6 of Season 3 was the first episode in 2381. Most seasons of the TNG era were 26 episodes.

They really need to give Lower Decks more money. It’s easily the best of the new Star Trek shows
eh? What would money do? They seem fine with their current budget, which we don't even know the amount of.
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It's probably because of that one Rutherford Memory we saw of them celebrating what looked like New Years 2381.

Memory-Alpha takes what appears on screen over production staff comments unless it's unknown info, like ship class names.

True, and by the looks of the playful responses from the writers on Twitter the 2381 glasses etc were a production error.

But even then, purely from what’s seen onscreen (ie stardates using the old commonly used method) season 3 should still be 2381, not 82.
True, and by the looks of the playful responses from the writers on Twitter the 2381 glasses etc were a production error.

But even then, purely from what’s seen onscreen (ie stardates using the old commonly used method) season 3 should still be 2381, not 82.
Yeah, this week's stardate would put it near one year from Season 1 Episode 1, which was mid 2380.

Maybe that's where the confusion lies.
I am such a timeline nerd and this new information is blowing my mind.

Too bad I'm only taking a few-minutes break from work right now, because I really would like to drop everything and study the Lower Decks stardates for awhile.