Star Trek: Axanar

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Where have I seen all these =) and =P equal-sign-style emoji's before? This seems eerily familiar from some threads earlier this year and/or last year and I can't put my finger on it...
Terry - you do realize that this is a discussion board? I would like to think that I have been more than fair in my comments and suggestions, so if you disagree, that's fine but I have noticed that your tone has become more and more testy as time as gone on...

You are absolutely correct, on a discussion board people should not be upset when things are discussed, even if you yourself have already stated in this thread you have zero interest in axanar or any interest in the movie in the first place :lol:

Chuckle. The purpose of that truthful statement was to establish my bonafides for the statement that followed: an affirmation of the need for people to not have excessive expectations of civility and PR perfection. In essence I was declaring my neutrality.

I find the implication in your post that one must be a fan or interested in the production of Axanar to have one's thoughts taken seriously rather ridiculous.

From my perspective, I would think that the Axanar folks would be using this thread and others like it to build interest in their production, and to "convert" non-fans. Now of course such conversion does not mean that they would be held to some unreasonable standard of behavior, but it would still be worthwhile for them to maintain some level of professional decorum.
^^^ I get the impression that's how it started back in 2012, looking at some of the early posts. However, things change and...well...paving the road to hell and all that...
Well at this point the most interesting Axanar production has been the social media arguments - so I guess that's a win???

This is before my time :D
Nonsense! Spies Like Us is a film set in the 1980s, during the Reagan years of the Cold War. It's timeless!
I've decided not to quote all of the posts since my last, because I don't have the time or desire to weed through it all and trim things down, so I'll let folks read on their own up to this point and use this to fill in a blank.

Karzak - Dude, you sure can dish it, but then you get some of it back you sure become a whiny little _____. Consider checking your passive-aggressive behavior if you expect another reply from me, or for me to even to bother not skipping over any post from you in the future. Seriously. Are you a donor to Axanar? Are you even a booster? If the answer is no to either of those then your opinions are irrelevant to me and the production proper, because you have no skin in the game.

To everyone else: What I'll ask for is a consensus opinion/vote on the following question -- Do you want me to continue to participate as I am, or not? My continued participation will be determined by a vote here, so talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you decide, please. Thank you.
@Terry - if you don't wish to engage with or read certain posters, there is an 'ignore' function (of course, if they get quoted by others, it's moot, but you get the idea...)

I would welcome your continued participation, with a little less vinegary vim, but a vote is not the way things work here. You are free of course to set up a poll :)
Terry - you do realize that this is a discussion board? I would like to think that I have been more than fair in my comments and suggestions, so if you disagree, that's fine but I have noticed that your tone has become more and more testy as time as gone on...

You are absolutely correct, on a discussion board people should not be upset when things are discussed, even if you yourself have already stated in this thread you have zero interest in axanar or any interest in the movie in the first place :lol:

Chuckle. The purpose of that truthful statement was to establish my bonafides for the statement that followed: an affirmation of the need for people to not have excessive expectations of civility and PR perfection. In essence I was declaring my neutrality.

I find the implication in your post that one must be a fan or interested in the production of Axanar to have one's thoughts taken seriously rather ridiculous.

That was not my intention, added he part of you having no interest in Axanar simply as a joke.

I am a firm believer you dont have to like something to have an opinion on it, hell I am Irish, we have an opinion on everything
-- Do you want me to continue to participate as I am, or not? My continued participation will be determined by a vote here, so talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you decide, please. Thank you.

I Wish to see you continue as is, but you should put the more confrontational members on a personal ignore list...both for your sanity, and ours :)
-- Do you want me to continue to participate as I am, or not? My continued participation will be determined by a vote here, so talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you decide, please. Thank you.

I Wish to see you continue as is, but you should put the more confrontational members on a personal ignore list...both for your sanity, and ours :)

This is where I stand as well. Utilize the ignore feature. ;-)
To everyone else: What I'll ask for is a consensus opinion/vote on the following question -- Do you want me to continue to participate as I am, or not? My continued participation will be determined by a vote here, so talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you decide, please. Thank you.

The question is: do you want to be here? People are what they are and you have to take the good with the bad.
-- Do you want me to continue to participate as I am, or not? My continued participation will be determined by a vote here, so talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you decide, please. Thank you.

I Wish to see you continue as is, but you should put the more confrontational members on a personal ignore list...both for your sanity, and ours :)

This is where I stand as well. Utilize the ignore feature. ;-)
I would rather learn more about this project as it develops on this thread, not hear the same arguments and insults repeating.
I Wish to see you continue as is, but you should put the more confrontational members on a personal ignore list...both for your sanity, and ours :)

This is where I stand as well. Utilize the ignore feature. ;-)
I would rather learn more about this project as it develops on this thread, not hear the same arguments and insults repeating.

I don't need someone that feels like they are doing me a favor by being here. Either Terry wants to be here or he doesn't. There are other outlets where Axanar is discussed.
Perhaps a moderator would be so kind as to educate Terry on the particulars of the general decorum we are expected to all abide on this forum? =p

If the particulars of general decorum allow you to get away with some of the shit you've pulled in this thread, then frankly there's no reason to censure Terry for telling you he doesn't care what your opinion is. Telling someone "take it or leave it" is not actually a violation of any forum rules I'm aware of, and none of the quotes you're listing that you appear to think are damning are really all that objectionable.

I mean really. Does anyone here think they're obligated to be nice to people who are being dicks to them? I certainly don't think that's the case.

For what it's worth, you may have had an easier time here if you had gotten to know the lay of the land and posters better. All 105 of your posts have been in this thread. You might have tried to interact with us first before trying to sell us on Axanar.

Communities are usually leery of strangers that come to town with the sole purpose of selling them something.
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