Star Trek: Axanar

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Hopefully this multi-quote rearrangement turns out...

If Axanar wants to take the high ground I would politely suggest they knock off on accusing Vic of traducing their production unless they are prepared to actually provide some evidence to back it up, otherwise, it's just fact-free accusation which reads as untrustworthy as those redit threads everyone is decrying.

Who said that Axanar was going to take the high road? I'm ready to call out bullshit wherever it is, both as a private person and as a member of the Axanar team. Don't assume anything, or that you know me or my intent, unless you've asked and it's been answered, sir. Karzak does enough of that here already and he's most often wrong.

You are correct about the 'he said-he said' aspect of it all. Vic does trash Axanar, because he's done so to my face. As I think that I've mentioned previously, he doesn't (or didn't at the time) know who I was, so he didn't hold back. It wasn't until there was a forced connection between Alec and Vic in the hallway of SDCC, where I was along and then introduced to Vic by Alec in a very awkward situation, that I almost broke out in laughter at Vic's expression. Heresay without a doubt, but I know what I know, because I was there.

Then you should probably have stopped your comment on this here, friend.

You'll forgive me for being blunt and "abrasive" here, Terry, but these comments from you...

...strongly contradict these statements from you:

Moreover, they are unprofessional, in poor taste and reek of gossip mongering. Most damning, they speak very poorly of the calibre of the Axanar production, something which, I'm sure you are aware, is precious and a very large part of your responsibility in public relations. ("You had one, job, Terry...")

But let's forget for a moment that you're the P.R. guy for Axanar and thus the public voice and face for the production. You're basically speculating and even trash talking Gossett a little bit based on, by your own admission, no factual information to support such a claim.

While it's wonderful that you're going to be meeting with Christian for a couple of beers to discuss all this, my own opinion is that these comments were wholly unnecessary to share here and certainly not the kinds of things one would say about someone they "respect" and "consider a friend."

Considered alongside Alec Peters' embarrassing temper tantrum last week with that lawsuit against Vic Mignogna for "defamation of character," your comments above are basically exactly the same behavior Alec was so obstreperously complaining about on social media before he calmed down and took that post down. What point could you possibly have to dispel such information other than to cast suspicion on whatever Gossett is saying these days?

That much is obvious given the above quoted comments.

Oh, I agree. Your comments above were entirely pathetic, sir.

:lol: You're tired?

I have yet to see any comment, hear any story, or observe for myself any single occasion where "Vic is trashing Axanar."

Nobody who has alleged this action has been able to provide one iota of proof to verify it. The allegations come solely from Alec Peters, yourself, and others wholeheartedly in the Axanar camp. (Perhaps if you all stopped "banging your dicks on tables" together you'd be able to wipe the testosterone off your faces and see things a little more clearly?)

Also, with that said, it's really none of your concern, Karzak. You're a spectator. I'll share what I share and you can either take it or leave it, but I won't be justifying my words or opinions to you, sorry.
Good lord.

Spectator or no, you were the one to bring this all to our attention. Its the "concern" (personally, I'd have used the word "interest" here instead) of everyone in this thread now because you've chosen to share it with us.

You attacked someone you consider your friend, you questioned their motives and their behavior, and when someone says "Man, that's a douche move, Terry") your gut reaction is to just double-down? Is this fifth grade, or is this the sterling behavior of a professional publicist? I honestly can't tell anymore.

You can slyly tell me to fuck off all you want, but your words here are as plain as day, Terry and it's a big disappointment to see that this is the way Axanar is choosing to conduct itself. The resulting inefficacy is bad enough but I expected a lot more than this kind of nonsense from you guys.

You're assuming that I'm speaking ill of Chris, which I'm not, when I'm merely sharing what I know publicly with everyone here and with no ill intent. You're clearly adding in your own nutty butthurt and spinning my words and the intent behind them to suit your agenda. This specific, final sentence was originally going to be something incredibly unkind, but I walked it off and will just wish you the best instead. We're oil and water it would seem and we're not going to agree, so I'm choosing to agree to disagree without getting nasty. Don't push me though...

Thanks Terry. I'll save this for future reference.
Fan films own worst enemy is themselves.

Seriously, if Gossett is off of Axanar then you're audience really doesn't care why, Terry. The best way to handle an conflicted departure is to say that person moved onto other things and leave it at that.

Who cares what other people say?
You are correct about the 'he said-he said' aspect of it all. Vic does trash Axanar, because he's done so to my face.

Thank you. That was the missing element.

Now, where are the comments which inspired Alec to threaten legal action?

No idea, I'm afraid, since I haven't really been following that (due to lack of personal interest) and haven't asked Alec about it since the day that the drama started. No matter which avenue or venue is decided, if any, my greatest hope is that the issue is resolved once and for all though.

You're omitting the legendary rivalry between Vic and James Cawley, albeit seemingly under control these days.

Quite a dysfunctional fan-film family.

it's really none of your concern, Karzak.

Maybe true, but if you feel that way, then stop sharing such detail about the behind-the-scenes drama. Only reveal what you feel us bystanders need to know.

There's a diplomatic way to deal with a heckler and there's a way that is likely to just egg him on more. By talking (repeatedly) about dicks banging on tables (a rather crude analogy to use for a forum, btw) and "butthurt", all you are doing is throwing fuel onto the fire.

If you want to be seen as taking the high road, you'll have to refrain from hurling these kinds of insults, regardless of whether they're justified or not.

I wasn't aware that there was much, if any, rivalry between Vic and James, as in schoolyard shenanigans. But it doesn't/wouldn't surprise me given my experiences. =P

Meh... I don't have time to dick around with hecklers. If there's going to be a fight then let's just get it over with.

Who has said that Axanar intends to take the high road? It's preferred, for sure, but I'm happy to go toe to toe with anyone. Axanar doesn't own me or my opinions and I will share what I choose to share and how I choose to share it. =)

You can slyly tell me to fuck off all you want, but your words here are as plain as day, Terry and it's a big disappointment to see that this is the way Axanar is choosing to conduct itself.

Oh, I'm sure Terry is crushed. :p

All of this here:

Moreover, they are unprofessional, in poor taste and reek of gossip mongering. Most damning, they speak very poorly of the calibre of the Axanar production, something which, I'm sure you are aware, is precious and a very large part of your responsibility in public relations. ("You had one, job, Terry...")

But let's forget for a moment that you're the P.R. guy for Axanar and thus the public voice and face for the production. You're basically speculating and even trash talking Gossett a little bit based on, by your own admission, no factual information to support such a claim.

While it's wonderful that you're going to be meeting with Christian for a couple of beers to discuss all this, my own opinion is that these comments were wholly unnecessary to share here and certainly not the kinds of things one would say about someone they "respect" and "consider a friend."
Is a ludicrously over-the-top freakout by comparison with anything that was actually said. Remember when you were advised last time out to check, if someone like Terry was losing patience with you, whether his behaviour was really at fault? You should maybe do that again.

*shrug* I'm a big boy and can take care of myself. And, remember folks, I'm not here to please anyone. I'm here to tell the truth and do so freely. Some folks can't handle that though and that's fine, too. In the end I really don't care, because it's not important. =P

My suggestion for you going forward TerryMc is that if anyone asks you to comment on what Person X is saying about Axanar and there is not some factual answer to provide, that you simply say "I can't comment about Internet Rumors". Anything beyond that will push the invisible outrage button and really isn't all that important anyway. We don't need to know you are going to have beer with an-ex coworker, and we don't need to know the result of that conversation. That's private business and expounding on the shifting relationships between co-workers and former co-workers really leads nowhere.

Thanks for your comments and observations. I reject them at face value and will share what I choose to share. If you're offended, for example, then the exit is clearly marked... for the both of us, actually.
Terry, I haven't been following the discussions here fully but what is your position with Axanar? I certainly hope its not public relations. lol
Terry, I haven't been following the discussions here fully but what is your position with Axanar? I certainly hope its not public relations. lol

No, it's not, for obvious reasons. =P The PR team isn't likely to notice what happens here, but I am choosing to. Like I've said, I'm not participating to please anyone, but I will offer the truth. Perhaps there's been a bit too much truth? That's in the eye of the beholder, I suppose, and there will come a time soon when I'm too busy to participate, so be sure to ask questions while there's someone here to give the answers. =)
so what if terry is outspoken, he is afterall entitled to his own opinions.

Seems to me people wanting to bash axanar are doing so by aiming their comments at terry, and I am sure he will continue to voice his opinions,

No surprise most of the people anti acxanar are the same people who get very defensive when nu trek is criticised.

Way I see is if or when Axanar comes out then well and good, i dont care about the nit picking some do, the wannabe directors and experts on here who all think they are george lucas.
so what if terry is outspoken, he is afterall entitled to his own opinions.

Seems to me people wanting to bash axanar are doing so by aiming their comments at terry, and I am sure he will continue to voice his opinions,

No surprise most of the people anti acxanar are the same people who get very defensive when nu trek is criticised.

Way I see is if or when Axanar comes out then well and good, i dont care about the nit picking some do, the wannabe directors and experts on here who all think they are george lucas.

I'm pro-Abrams and pro-Axanar. I can't imagine a scenario where I would actively root for a Star Trek project to fail.

I like Star Trek.
I will say this about who is trashing who and then shut up on it:

If Vic is saying things about Axanar, then he needs to be very careful with his history about throwing around aspersions and accusations. Anyone who followed the whole "Kitumba" fiasco would know that.

So, back to Axanar, anyone else got any comments about my theory as to the Big Twist?
Your theory is interesting. Though it's little more than a gussied up Trojan horse scenario; I hardly think it could be the "brilliant" strategy Garth would be so renowned for.
so what if terry is outspoken, he is afterall entitled to his own opinions.

Seems to me people wanting to bash axanar are doing so by aiming their comments at terry, and I am sure he will continue to voice his opinions,

No surprise most of the people anti acxanar are the same people who get very defensive when nu trek is criticised.

Way I see is if or when Axanar comes out then well and good, i dont care about the nit picking some do, the wannabe directors and experts on here who all think they are george lucas.

My philosophy in life is pretty simple -- I'll bend over backwards to help people if they're cool, because that's my way, but if someone's a dick then they can pretty much get bent. I'm not paid to deal with butthurt -- well, I'm not paid at all in the case of Axanar, so let that be an indicator to how disinterested I am in dealing with such things. Be cool and I'll go out of my way to answer questions, or, if you're a donor, to help solve almost any reasonable concern though.
Guys, just a reminder that (IMO) any comment on my post that involves much more than "I agree" or "I disagree" really should be spoiler tagged out of respect for those who don't even want a hint of such.

Oh, and Karzak:
Technically it's the reverse of a Trojan Horse. :)
This thread is now a fantastic cure for insomnia.
As someone who in his real life deals with the joys of public budget disclosures, non-profits, accounting practices, etc - I use Star Trek and root beer to escape that rather boring minutiae - I will only say that the more information that is made public, the harder it is to hide fraud, but in the end you have to trust that an entity you are supporting or donating to us being honest and upfront about their financial decisions.
Trying to dig through every detail and comb every number is just not a reasonable course of action for 99.9% of us - so why don't we focus on the sausage rather than how it is getting made?
Ha. I do the books for a non-profit, its not a bad company to work for but some of my job is an absolute pain. cf: A-133.

Terry, i'd be interested in hearing some of the design thought process of 'exactly recreating' the desilu corridor sets. As the Aries is not a constitution class ship, some design planning to make it look a little different than the standard TOS decks could be useful.
Would love to see some newer shots of the bridge too.
Oh, and Karzak:
Technically it's the reverse of a Trojan Horse. :)

Whether it's a reverse Trojan horse or not, that still doesn't make it groundbreaking or tactically impressive. All it means is that someone paid attention in grammar school during the lesson on mythology.
This thread is now a fantastic cure for insomnia.
As someone who in his real life deals with the joys of public budget disclosures, non-profits, accounting practices, etc - I use Star Trek and root beer to escape that rather boring minutiae - I will only say that the more information that is made public, the harder it is to hide fraud, but in the end you have to trust that an entity you are supporting or donating to us being honest and upfront about their financial decisions.
Trying to dig through every detail and comb every number is just not a reasonable course of action for 99.9% of us - so why don't we focus on the sausage rather than how it is getting made?
Ha. I do the books for a non-profit, its not a bad company to work for but some of my job is an absolute pain. cf: A-133.

Terry, i'd be interested in hearing some of the design thought process of 'exactly recreating' the desilu corridor sets. As the Aries is not a constitution class ship, some design planning to make it look a little different than the standard TOS decks could be useful.
Would love to see some newer shots of the bridge too.

have you seen some of the Axanar concept art for corridors, etc?
Terry, i'd be interested in hearing some of the design thought process of 'exactly recreating' the desilu corridor sets. As the Aries is not a constitution class ship, some design planning to make it look a little different than the standard TOS decks could be useful.

Would love to see some newer shots of the bridge too.

The thought process for our sets, which, as I mentioned, are based on the original Desilu blueprints that James of ST:NV was kind enough to give us, as well as the Paramount blueprints that they drew up for the DS9 episode Trials and Tribblations (which were, as I'm told, used for the ENT two-parter In a Mirror Darkly, too), are the basis for our entire Starfleet ship layout. You can find a schematic from our production designer, John Iacovelli, on how it will sit on the stage floor when they're up on our Indiegogo page at -- go there and scroll about half way down the page to see the layout. Alec is also sure to post the latest photos of the set construction on his regular "Captain's Log" blog on our website at, too. =)

Now, with all of that said, the finishing touches for Axanar, while using the structural layout from TOS, will differ. That means that we're going to be dressing the sets differently then TOS. On the bridge we won't have glowing gummy bears for controls on the consoles. They're going to be backlit gels with graphics. Some will even be animated for tight shots. We will still have the four monitors above the keyboard shelf (my term) in each wedge and they'll be the same size as TOS, but they'll display our own version of the computer interface. It'll be a hybrid of a more modern style, like ENT, but will still have clear (future) lineage to the blinky blocks seen in TOS. The navigation and helm console below the captain's chair also won't be there -- we're doing things a bit differently with helm directly in front of the captain in a narrower console, and then navigation and tactical will be separate stations that are further toward the view screen and each will flank the viewscreen and pushed up against the rail. The color palette will also be different, but familiar.

For the halls, there will be a different bulkhead configuration, and the doors will be marked a bit differently, and the color palette will also be different from TOS (no groovy overhead colored lighting, either), but it'll all be the same width, height, etc, as the TOS sets.

So, when we're not shooting on the sets, and other productions want to come in, we can redress everything to be proper, canon TOS if we'd like, too. Those backlit gummy bears will be available for folks on the bridge, as will the TOS-style helm/tactical station, and the TOS color scheme, too. The halls and rooms will also be able to be redressed to be proper TOS, and that *can* include the groovy mood lighting.

In our set process, we're going the extra mile to make the sets so that they can reflect any pre/current/post TOS era, within a few decades, with minimal effort by the crew... a bit of paint, swapping out some panels for others, move around a console or two, move out a bridge wedge and slide in another, and voila -- instant TOS Constitution-class bridge that's as accurate as you can get without a prescription.
I know how Garth pulls it off. Only look at this if you're certain you want to see Captain Garth's strategy to save the Federation in the Battle of Axanar:

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