I've heard of some of them. YouTube used to always recommend me their videos just because I like Marvel/Star Wars etc, until I had to manually tell them each time to stop recommending their crap channels (I hate The Critical Drinker so much)This was a similar rant against The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the Black Lightning series by white males (like YouTube's Nerdrotic, The Critical Drinker, Overlord DVD, HeelsVsbabyface, Ryan Kinel, et al.) all couching themselves as being part of "open-minded geek culture," yet use all of the time-worn talking points of the extremist Right
But I just googled those names, didn't watch any of the vids but I did look at the thumbnails for their most recent videos.

I mean I know why they do it- negativity sells. Because it invites far more comments, views and discussion (from a lot of gullible idiots it would seem) and that's how they get their money.
But man, the OTT of it all in those headlines

Also are these "female shows" a new thing? I grew up with Voyager, Buffy and Xena etc. Or do they not count I guess as you say, seen as they were mostly created by men?