Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Dr Helen Noel

Red Shirt
What do you think might happen in season 3 and why?

Not things that have already been confirmed like the cast announcement. More like hints that you've seen or just wild guesses.

So far I've seen a few people saying that they think Sisko will be appearing, perhaps from the transwarp conduit that opened in season 2. There has been a few possible hints towards this:
  • General Sisko is name dropped in the confederate timeline.
  • Sisko's Bajoran tablet was also seen.
  • Gul Dukat was also name dropped and both are tied together.
Sisko's plot line never felt 100% resolved at the end of DS9 and the show runners might think that now is the right time to expand his story, similarly to how the Gary Seven/Wesley stories were expanded upon in season 2.

Terry Matalas confirmed that death in Star Trek isn't permanent:

I'm also curious about the two skulls of unknown characters we saw the confederate timeline:
  • Lihn Zhee – Chieftan M’Talas
  • Saurian – Commodore Y’Shi
Will we see the living version of these characters?

What else do you think we might see? What other past plot lines could possibly revisited?
I have a feeling that the transwarp conduit from S2 may be dropped like a bad plot point, never to be seen again. We'll see.

Other than that, 5 card stud, nothing wild, and anything goes.

Q can reappear as many times as they want, even if he's dead, because before he dies he can move through time and space at will. Although their association in S2 may be their last from Q's perspective, it may not be from Picard's. I hate temporal mechanics.

I'm lukewarm on the return of the original cast- most of them were never interesting enough to me to worry about them at this late stage. Riker and Troi we've already seen, and those were two I was interested in re-visiting anyway.

My one hope is that they keep S3 firmly grounded in the 25th century. Enough with the time travel.
There are many signs that something major is on the horizon with Star Trek.
  • S3 has been hyped how much it will be like DS9, and DS9 is synonymous with major battles.
  • We had numerous DS9 Easter eggs this season and the last.
  • There were plans for a Star Trek version of the Avengers or Justice League crossover movie that never happened after NEM bombed.
  • S1 of PIC can be considered them doing over NEM, which was praised, suggesting they might be willing to revisit the crossover idea.
  • They have brought the TNG cast back for S3.
  • The VOY cast is slowly being brought back or referenced to the Kurtzman era.
  • There were endless teases relating to Scott Bakula this season (ex. Quantum Leap), and Captain Archer in the Kurtzman era in general. And Bakula is free since his NCIS show ended last year. And the NX-Refit is canon now, thanks to S2 of PIC.
  • The DIS cast finished filming S4 in August 2021 – around the same time PIC finished filming S2 – and they aren’t filming S5 now and its going to be awhile until they do.
  • Kirk has been casted for SNW, way ahead of when anyone would expect Kirk to appear in the series.
  • The Kelvin timeline has been referenced in DIS, and a 4th film is on the way.
I have a feeling that the upcoming season its going to be a major crossover event by the end of the season. and the S3 plot will lead to that event.
Seven of Nine was given a field commission to Captain of the Stargazer…

That's another thing I don't see sticking, if the writers want to be realistic about things.

As a starfleet officer, there is no way in hell I'd accept someone who's never been in starfleet being leapfrogged over the entire establishment right into the center seat, never having been officially trained or served a day. That's even worse than promoting Cadet Kirk to captain.

I'd refuse to serve on a ship with essentially a non-starfleet civilian captain. Of course, this isn't real life and the writers are going to do what they're going to do, so we'll see where we end with it.
That's another thing I don't see sticking, if the writers want to be realistic about things.

As a starfleet officer, there is no way in hell I'd accept someone who's never been in starfleet being leapfrogged over the entire establishment right into the center seat, never having been officially trained or served a day. That's even worse than promoting Cadet Kirk to captain.

I'd refuse to serve on a ship with essentially a non-starfleet civilian captain. Of course, this isn't real life and the writers are going to do what they're going to do, so we'll see where we end with it.

She had more experience than most Starfleet officers ever would on her journey through the Delta Quadrant as part of the Voyager crew! She was pretty much a fully fledged part of Janeway’s crew, just not recognised as one through an official rank and title! But it would also have been unfair on Harry Kim giving Seven of Nine a field commission rank higher than Ensign so Janeway may have thought best not to at the time just incase he took it badly on a personal level, it could have given him a complex! Janeway might not have fully trusted Ex Borg either at the time… Maybe Voyager had an onboard ‘mini Starfleet Academy’ and off screen Seven of Nine was studying the Academy Curriculum. Voyager was a long way from home and they needed to train new Starfleet crew members just incase it became a multi generational ship. Perhaps Seven of Nine secretly passed the Academy exam as soon as Voyager got back to Earth, taking it in days of arrival back in the Alpha Quadrant and passing with flying colours, graduating as a Starfleet Officer! I think that the Picard series told us otherwise though, but you never know if history has been changed and all that…
Picard has mostly been a continuation of Next Generation with some Voyager references due to Seven. Is the next season going to tag on a continuation of DS9? I feel like Picard is like a nice bookend to the 90s TV series.
That's another thing I don't see sticking, if the writers want to be realistic about things.

As a starfleet officer, there is no way in hell I'd accept someone who's never been in starfleet being leapfrogged over the entire establishment right into the center seat, never having been officially trained or served a day. That's even worse than promoting Cadet Kirk to captain.

I'd refuse to serve on a ship with essentially a non-starfleet civilian captain. Of course, this isn't real life and the writers are going to do what they're going to do, so we'll see where we end with it.

She had more experience than most Starfleet officers ever would on her journey through the Delta Quadrant as part of the Voyager crew! She was pretty much a fully fledged part of Janeway’s crew, just not recognised as one through an official rank and title! But it would also have been unfair on Harry Kim giving Seven of Nine a field commission rank higher than Ensign so Janeway may have thought best not to at the time just incase he took it badly on a personal level, it could have given him a complex! Janeway might not have fully trusted Ex Borg either at the time… Maybe Voyager had an onboard ‘mini Starfleet Academy’ and off screen Seven of Nine was studying the Academy Curriculum. Voyager was a long way from home and they needed to train new Starfleet crew members just incase it became a multi generational ship. Perhaps Seven of Nine secretly passed the Academy exam as soon as Voyager got back to Earth, taking it in days of arrival back in the Alpha Quadrant and passing with flying colours, graduating as a Starfleet Officer! I think that the Picard series told us otherwise though, but you never know if history has been changed and all that…

She can apply for a Direct Commission:


Starfleet is modeled on the U.S. Navy. The Navy grants direct commissions to people with specialized skllls (Doctors, lawyers, engineers, chaplains, pharmacists, etc.).

Seven is both an expert in Borg tech and she has extensive military experience (eighteen years of combat experience, four years aboard Voyager, plus another twenty years as a Fenris Ranger). If there's anyone who would qualify for a direct commission (this is assuming Starfleet grants them), SHE would.

The article said:
Depending on the specialization and duty-status of the officer, "DCOs" as they're called, will attend either Officer Indoctrination School (OIS), Officer Development School (ODS), Direct Commission Course (DCC), or Direct Commission Officer School (DCO School) which vary from two weeks duration for certain Reserve DCOs to five weeks duration for Active Duty DCOs.

I'm assuming newly-minted DCO Seven would go to school somewhere in-universe as well.
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The show is called Star Trek PICARD.

There is no way in any kind of frozen over Hell that anything from DS9 will be a big thing in season 3 except for maybe a name drop like they did a few times in season 2. That's it.

I'm a friggin Niner, ok? It's my go to Star Trek show. But TPTB for this era of Star Trek literally give two things about DS9.
The show is called Star Trek PICARD.

There is no way in any kind of frozen over Hell that anything from DS9 will be a big thing in season 3 except for maybe a name drop like they did a few times in season 2. That's it.

I'm a friggin Niner, ok? It's my go to Star Trek show. But TPTB for this era of Star Trek literally give two things about DS9.
Given the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth over PICARD do any fans actually want the current production teams to handle DS9?

Genuine question because at this point I would think k people would find contentment in Ds9 getting to be it's own thing.
Seven of Nine was given a field commission to Captain of the Stargazer…

…and we all know which ship the Captain of the Stargazer goes on to command!


I sincerely hope she DOESN'T command

It's too big and too visible for someone as notorious as Seven.

She's better off on something that's much more lower profile.

The TNG fans would have a cow. ("What about Worf? What about Geordi? You're giving it to HER?!")
The show is called Star Trek PICARD.

There is no way in any kind of frozen over Hell that anything from DS9 will be a big thing in season 3 except for maybe a name drop like they did a few times in season 2. That's it.

I'm a friggin Niner, ok? It's my go to Star Trek show. But TPTB for this era of Star Trek literally give two things about DS9.

And we have Seven from Voyager in it. No reason we couldn't have cast members from DS9 in Picard.