How well-known would each crew be to the public?


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
I was rewatching TNG Relics the other day, and something that I always found interesting was that despite Scotty being very well known to audiences, the crew of the Enterprise-D treat him as they would any other guest of the week. It got me wondering -- how well known would Scotty have been to people living in the 24th century, both in and out of Starfleet? How well would any of them have been known? Generals and admirals in real life are known to history buffs, but the general public can only name the most famous, if that. I ran down a list of each major character's best known deeds and I'm curious if people agree. This knowledge is only based on what we see on screen.

Kirk - Kirk's Enterprise has been shown to have quite the reputation even a century later within Starfleet, however I imagine the general (Federation) public would be largely unaware of his five year mission. I think he would be best known for his stopping the Whale Probe first and foremost, followed by his involvement in the creation of the Genesis planet and barging into the Klingon peace talks at Khitomer.
Spock - Closely associated with Kirk's legacy, I think he would be equally known to later generations as the ambassador to a major galactic power, as well as his (assumed) death during the Romulan supernova.
The rest of the TOS cast - Again, closely associated with Kirk. Sulu might have a slight edge due to being captain during the Praxis incident, but the others would be largely out of public view.

Picard - By far best known for being assimilated by the Borg and leading the disaster at Wolf 359. Like Kirk, certain missions of the Enterprise-D would be well-known within Starfleet history, and I have to imagine his recounting of the events of The Inner Light and The Chase would have made great splashes in Archaeology circles, but those are smaller groups. It's a bit muddled how much of First Contact would truly have been made public, but it probably would've helped to redeem his image, as well as the events of Picard season 3. Romulan citizens would also probably know him well due to the events of Nemesis, and maybe Klingons for his role in making Gowron chancellor.
Data - Data has been shown to be well-known to other Starfleet officers (Bashir and B'elanna) due to being the first Soong-type android, and I imagine that would extend somewhat to the public. Aside from that, I don't think he would have any deeds that would make him more famous than his Enterprise-D coworkers though.
Worf - Probably fairly well-known in Starfleet for being the first Klingon in the service, as well as his postings on the Enterprise and DS9. However, while Federation citizens might not know him, Klingon ones certainly would. He would have been a footnote on the attack on Khitomer, but famous for slaying Duras and Gowron, as well as being made Klingon ambassador to the Federation under Martok (although that didn't seem to last too long).
Riker - Based only on what we see, Riker would've been well-known for being the captain who stopped the Borg attack following Wolf 359, but would largely play second fiddle to Picard.
The rest of the TNG cast - Maybe Geordi had a great and famous career later on, but solely from what we see on screen, they would've remained largely out of the public eye.

Sisko - Sisko is a household name on Bajor from the beginning of DS9, and I think he would have been very well-known in Starfleet as the commander of a vital strategic outpost, but that might be it. His most famous actions would probably be the mining of the wormhole and subsequent recapture of DS9, and the signing of the peace treaty on DS9, so military buffs would know him well. Who knows how Federation news reported that business with Dukat right as the war ended.
Odo - As the only Founder on this side of the war, Starfleet brass would've kept a close eye on Odo, and word of his existence would certainly have slipped out as the war raged on. It's possible he was the best known of the DS9 crew, but it's hard to say.
Kira - Probably fairly famous on Bajor due to being the Bajoran liaison to DS9. The Bajoran tabloids would've had a field day with her though.
O'Brien - The most important man who ever lived. Perhaps not the most famous though, he stayed largely out of the limelight.
The rest of the cast - Well-known to history buffs, but I think largely unknown to the average citizen.

Voyager as a whole would have been a historical footnote until the midpoint in the series when they re-established contact with the Federation. Following that, they would've been of strategic interest to Starfleet, and possibly fairly well-known publicly, but I think it wasn't until their return to Earth where they became really famous. They're also a rare example of a crew that would've become more well-known as history continued, due to the Federation expanding into the Delta Quadrant and bringing more and more of their adventures to light. Of the crew, Janeway as the captain would've gained the largest recognition, while Seven, as an ex-Borg, probably would've been second (although that certainly didn't help her career). Seven's later involvement with the events of Picard season 3 also would've bolstered her image.
I did struggle to find an event where a single member of the crew would've received more acknowledgement than the others upon their return, with the exception of Threshold. Aside from being trapped in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway and Paris would've been noted as the first to break the Warp 10 barrier, putting them alongside real figures like Chuck Yeager.

Archer - I think of everyone on this list, Archer probably would be the most famous to the public. He and the crew were shown to be pretty publicized at the beginning of the show, but their involvement in the Xindi Crisis would've made them a household name. Even shortly after we're told elementary schools were being renamed after him. His later involvement in the foundation of the Federation means he would've been in every history curriculum going forward.
The others - I don't think any of the others would've gotten the same level as Archer did individually, although they would've also gained attention for the Xindi Crisis. T'Pol broke a number of Vulcan records for staying on a starship, but those would likely have only been known as a curiosity to Vulcan officers. Trip, Phlox, and maybe Hoshi too might have gotten significant notoriety in their fields.

Michael Burnam - Probably best known to history as the instigator of the Federation-Klingon War. All of her future actions took place on the classified Discovery, whose existence was completely sealed by Starfleet in the 23rd century. After reappearing in the 31st century however, she would've gained quite a bit of attention in her actions to reunify Starfleet and solve The Burn, easily the best known galactic-wide event of the time. I'll admit to you I haven't seen Seasons 3 onward of Discovery, so I can't give better specifics.
Rest of the crew - Officially forgotten during the 23rd century, they would've been lost to time until their actions during the 31st. Saru as captain would've gained the most infamy during this time.

Lower Decks
Boimer - The namesake of the "Boimler Effect", something never forgotten by future generations.
The rest - They seem rather well-known... by other lower deckers of California-class ships. I guess that's something. Mariner also may have made a name for herself for the events of the end of Lower Decks season 4, but that probably didn't get exposed to the public either.

Strange New Worlds
Pike - He has been shown as the namesake for a number of medals of valor, implying that he has a very positive reputation around Starfleet, even during his life. However, I don't think he would be very well-known. The best evidence of that is that his best known event to audiences, that of his eventual fate, is completely classified in-universe.
Rest of the crew - Number One might be of legal significance in the future, but that's about it. I do get the impression the show is building up to something big for La'an, but we'll have to wait and see.

I've never seen Prodigy, however from what I know of it they are completely obscure characters to the larger galaxy.
They wouldn't be that well known. This notion that "explorers" are famous is more of an artifact, when stories of people, like Henry Stanley, gained widespread notoriety for opening up various parts of the world for settlement and conquest. We are now so far from that legacy, both in time and temperament, that this type of celebrity is largely unknown to us. Even Neil Armstrong can seem like the distant past. Archer getting lauded for the progress of the Enterprise seems date, at least in my opinion, and was among the most jarring elements of the series.

Of course, the change in attitude could simply be a reflection of our current world, which has largely been mapped. Maybe when their are new place to encounter, whether driven by empire or other values, people will pay attention again.
I do wonder .... I'm gonna guess that "Captain's Logs" and the official logs of the command staff (excluding their personal logs) are public records if the Federation has the same transparency rules about official documents as most modern democracies.

If you put those logs together with the holodeck technology, I could see the adventures of Starfleet crews being a version of entertainment/news in the 24th century setting. Basically, a person could put themselves into their adventures as a "non-fiction" version of Star Trek in-universe that could be reconstructed in a holodeck.
How many of the "crew" does the public know/remember/taught in school in real life? I'm sure a lot of the public could name MacArthur or Patton, but who can readily name the rest of their respective senior staff? Or Churchill, Carter, Mandela?

Are Starfleet captains more popular than present day navy captains? What about historic naval officers like Bligh or Nelson?
"Sisko is that guy that started the worst war in Federation history. We coulda closed that wormhole at the first sign of trouble, or put a big garage door in front, Stargate style"
"Picard is that guy who's always bringing Borg back to try and conquer Earth. Didn't his android friends blow up Mars? He also got really upset when we said no to helping those guys who've been our mortal enemy for over 200 years when their sun exploded."
"Kirk is that guy fighting space probes and Klingons, but at least he killed the Klingon chancellor and brought about peace or something."
"Archer's that guy that went out into space and caused the Xindi to come attack Earth and so built the Federation as a defense against more alien incursion."
"Voyager is the Mark Watney of the 24th century. I always like that Janeway lady. She put those Delta Quadrants in their place with her one ship for seven years."
Archer - It was a long road getting from there to here... at only Warp 5.
Burnham - That's classified. We'd tell you but then we'd have to kill you.
Pike - The Captain before Kirk.
Kirk - Legend or menace, depending on who you ask.
Picard - An accomplished diplomat... who was also Locutus at one point.
Sisko - Helped Bajor... but also dragged us into the Dominion War.
Janeway - Got Voyager home... but also made us a lot of enemies in the Delta Quadrant.
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Archer - Didn't he only become a captain because his dad was some famous guy? I heard he likes gazelles.
Burnham - I heard she mutinied against her captain once, then disappeared.
Pike - A hero. He saved multiple cadets from a ship when there was a radiation leak, and suffered a horrible fate in the process.
Kirk - I heard he got a bunch of tribbles dumped on him. Oh, and he saved Earth a buncha times. I also heard he's got a woman in every port.
Picard - Captain Borg.
Sisko - Bajorans: The Emissary. Everyone else: Captain Badass.
Janeway - I heard she once got turned into a salamander and had sex with one of her crewmen. She did get Voyager home though.
Archer and his crew would be known for the Xindi crisis, plus the first deep space crew from Earth, and their roles in the founding of the Federation. This would be the most famous crew, due to their place in history. They would be taught in classrooms.

Kirk and his crew would be known for saving Earth with whales. And maybe helping to usher in peace with the Klingon Empire, meaning Sulu’s crew would also be known. In addition to those events, Spock would be famous for his efforts at reunification, his role in the Romulan supernova crisis, and being the son of Ambassador Sarek. M’Ress might be famous on the Caitan homeworld and Arex might be famous on the Edosian homeworld.

Picard and his crew would be known for their encounters with the Borg. Tasha would be remembered for her death at the hands of Armus (seeing as "don't be an Armus" is a phrase in the 32nd century) and spawning a half-Romulan daughter. Ro would be known for being a surviving member of the Maquis and her sacrifice prior to the Frontier Day attacks. Guinan might be remembered for being one of the El-Aurian survivors that was rescued on the mission Kirk "died". The ship barber, Mott, runs a hair emporium on Freecloud. Barclay would be famous in his role in bringing Voyager home from the Delta Quadrant. Wesley would be infamous for his role in the Kolvoord Starburst maneuver.

Sisko, Kira, and maybe Jake and Kasidy would be famous on Bajor. Odo would be famous on the Founder’s homeworld. O’Brien would be famous in Starfleet. Worf would be famous on Qo’noS and across Starfleet. Quark would be famous in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants for his franchises and being the brother of the Grand Nagus. Nog would be famous for being the first Ferengi in Starfleet and for being the son of the Grand Nagus. Bashir might be famous if he exposes Section 31. Dax would be unknown.

Janeway and her crew would be famous for navigating home from the Delta Quadrant.

In the 23rd century, Burnham would be infamous for mutiny, while Saru was famous on Kaminar, and Stamets was famous for spore drive research. Prime Georgiou was already heavily decorated at the time of her death and on the level of Archer, April and Pike. While mirror Georgiou, being Emperor of the Terran Empire, is self explanatory. In the 32nd century, the crew would be more famous for being from the 23rd century, discovering the origins of the Burn, and their first contact with Species Ten-C.

Pike and Una and maybe Pelia would be famous. Chapel might be a footnote in a biography of Spock, and Hemmer might be a footnote in a bio on Uhura. La’an would be a footnote, and maybe a coda, in the bio of Khan Noonien Singh. The rest, (Spock and Uhura not included) would be unknown.

From La Sirena, not including Picard and Seven, Elnor would be the most famous for being the first Romulan to openly serve in Starfleet. Jurati might be famous for her Borg Collective and for murdering Bruce Maddox. Everyone else would be unknown, including Soji despite her nearly ending all organic life.

The Cerritos crew is famous among other California class ships.

The Protostar crew would be unknown, as they are nobodies.
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Quick, without Googling, who was the captain of the USS Enterprise (CV-6) during WWII? Who was the XO of the Yorktown at Midway? Who was the captain of the Hornet during the Doolittle raid? The captain of the Arizona at Pearl?
So, about like that, I'd guess.

Kirk - Kirk's Enterprise has been shown to have quite the reputation even a century later within Starfleet, however I imagine the general (Federation) public would be largely unaware of his five year mission. I think he would be best known for his stopping the Whale Probe first and foremost, followed by his involvement in the creation of the Genesis planet and barging into the Klingon peace talks at Khitomer.
Spock - Closely associated with Kirk's legacy, I think he would be equally known to later generations as the ambassador to a major galactic power, as well as his (assumed) death during the Romulan supernova.
The rest of the TOS cast - Again, closely associated with Kirk. Sulu might have a slight edge due to being captain during the Praxis incident, but the others would be largely out of public view.
I doubt the genesis planet is commonly known...Hell, even Picard might not have been aware of it like with the Borg. Spock is most likely remembered for his efforts to reunify Vulcans and Romulans, as shown in Discovery.
The president's speech in the recent season of Picard suggests Chekov was well known, or nobody would care about him mentioning him the way he did IIRC.

Picard - By far best known for being assimilated by the Borg and leading the disaster at Wolf 359. Like Kirk, certain missions of the Enterprise-D would be well-known within Starfleet history, and I have to imagine his recounting of the events of The Inner Light and The Chase would have made great splashes in Archaeology circles, but those are smaller groups. It's a bit muddled how much of First Contact would truly have been made public, but it probably would've helped to redeem his image, as well as the events of Picard season 3. Romulan citizens would also probably know him well due to the events of Nemesis, and maybe Klingons for his role in making Gowron chancellor.
Data - Data has been shown to be well-known to other Starfleet officers (Bashir and B'elanna) due to being the first Soong-type android, and I imagine that would extend somewhat to the public. Aside from that, I don't think he would have any deeds that would make him more famous than his Enterprise-D coworkers though.
Worf - Probably fairly well-known in Starfleet for being the first Klingon in the service, as well as his postings on the Enterprise and DS9. However, while Federation citizens might not know him, Klingon ones certainly would. He would have been a footnote on the attack on Khitomer, but famous for slaying Duras and Gowron, as well as being made Klingon ambassador to the Federation under Martok (although that didn't seem to last too long).
Riker - Based only on what we see, Riker would've been well-known for being the captain who stopped the Borg attack following Wolf 359, but would largely play second fiddle to Picard.
The rest of the TNG cast - Maybe Geordi had a great and famous career later on, but solely from what we see on screen, they would've remained largely out of the public eye.
I'm not sure any of them aside from Picard is that well known outside of Starfleet. And they didn't seem to give that much shit about them. A variety of officers didn't seem to in Picard....

Sisko - Sisko is a household name on Bajor from the beginning of DS9, and I think he would have been very well-known in Starfleet as the commander of a vital strategic outpost, but that might be it. His most famous actions would probably be the mining of the wormhole and subsequent recapture of DS9, and the signing of the peace treaty on DS9, so military buffs would know him well. Who knows how Federation news reported that business with Dukat right as the war ended.
Odo - As the only Founder on this side of the war, Starfleet brass would've kept a close eye on Odo, and word of his existence would certainly have slipped out as the war raged on. It's possible he was the best known of the DS9 crew, but it's hard to say.
Kira - Probably fairly famous on Bajor due to being the Bajoran liaison to DS9. The Bajoran tabloids would've had a field day with her though.
O'Brien - The most important man who ever lived. Perhaps not the most famous though, he stayed largely out of the limelight.
The rest of the cast - Well-known to history buffs, but I think largely unknown to the average citizen.
Agreed. Dax might be well known to those who pay attention to the diplomats, all that especially thanks to Curzon, not to mention the other one having been married to the Klingon Starfleet ambassador who killed Duras and Gorwon then went on to be an ambassador. Dax would be associated with a bunch of legends.

Voyager as a whole would have been a historical footnote until the midpoint in the series when they re-established contact with the Federation. Following that, they would've been of strategic interest to Starfleet, and possibly fairly well-known publicly, but I think it wasn't until their return to Earth where they became really famous. They're also a rare example of a crew that would've become more well-known as history continued, due to the Federation expanding into the Delta Quadrant and bringing more and more of their adventures to light. Of the crew, Janeway as the captain would've gained the largest recognition, while Seven, as an ex-Borg, probably would've been second (although that certainly didn't help her career). Seven's later involvement with the events of Picard season 3 also would've bolstered her image.
I did struggle to find an event where a single member of the crew would've received more acknowledgement than the others upon their return, with the exception of Threshold. Aside from being trapped in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway and Paris would've been noted as the first to break the Warp 10 barrier, putting them alongside real figures like Chuck Yeager.
I think this group would have been the most well known, Schoolchildren were reciting the Delta Quadrant species.

Archer - I think of everyone on this list, Archer probably would be the most famous to the public. He and the crew were shown to be pretty publicized at the beginning of the show, but their involvement in the Xindi Crisis would've made them a household name. Even shortly after we're told elementary schools were being renamed after him. His later involvement in the foundation of the Federation means he would've been in every history curriculum going forward.
The others - I don't think any of the others would've gotten the same level as Archer did individually, although they would've also gained attention for the Xindi Crisis. T'Pol broke a number of Vulcan records for staying on a starship, but those would likely have only been known as a curiosity to Vulcan officers. Trip, Phlox, and maybe Hoshi too might have gotten significant notoriety in their fields.
Probably only Archer would be well known.

Michael Burnam - Probably best known to history as the instigator of the Federation-Klingon War. All of her future actions took place on the classified Discovery, whose existence was completely sealed by Starfleet in the 23rd century. After reappearing in the 31st century however, she would've gained quite a bit of attention in her actions to reunify Starfleet and solve The Burn, easily the best known galactic-wide event of the time. I'll admit to you I haven't seen Seasons 3 onward of Discovery, so I can't give better specifics.
Rest of the crew - Officially forgotten during the 23rd century, they would've been lost to time until their actions during the 31st. Saru as captain would've gained the most infamy during this time.

They'd be still unknown in the 32rd. They seemed concerned about too many people knowing the nature of the Discovery in the 32nd thanks to the ban on time travel....

I also think they may have erased all records of those folks. Spock couldn't acknowledge Michael . He could have just said she died a few years back. But no....
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The crew of the Cerritos basically do represent the "general public," or at least the closest we've ever seen in any Trek series. We've seen they seem to idolize the crews of the shows from 1966-2005. Plus the crossover episode with SNW showed Boimler is aware of who's who on that show.

Plus we know in the distant future O'Brien will be remembered as the greatest person to serve in Starfleet ever.
Quick, without Googling, who was the captain of the USS Enterprise (CV-6) during WWII? Who was the XO of the Yorktown at Midway? Who was the captain of the Hornet during the Doolittle raid? The captain of the Arizona at Pearl?
So, about like that, I'd guess.

Captain of the Hornet during the Doolittle raid was Marc Mitscher - later Admiral in Task Force 38/58 under Spruance and Halsey.

The XO of the Yorktown at the Battle of Midway was Elliot Buckmaster. He was the one who devised the system of draining the av-gas lines and filing them with Carbon Dioxide in order to prevent the gas fumes from exploding.

Yes, that's without Googling. I've read and re-read 'Miracle at Midway' so many times it's burned into my skull.
Captain of the Hornet during the Doolittle raid was Marc Mitscher - later Admiral in Task Force 38/58 under Spruance and Halsey.

The XO of the Yorktown at the Battle of Midway was Elliot Buckmaster. He was the one who devised the system of draining the av-gas lines and filing them with Carbon Dioxide in order to prevent the gas fumes from exploding.

Yes, that's without Googling. I've read and re-read 'Miracle at Midway' so many times it's burned into my skull.
Of course there will always be folks with an interest in history who will know this stuff, so I guess the same will apply in the future.
Archer gets planets named after him. Kirk should too for saving the galaxy.

Picard had a TV news interview at the start of his spin off show, so he's known enough to be a talking head.