Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

I have no confidence that we will ever see another living DS9 character. The only remnant of the series we will see again is them flogging the dead horse that is Section 31.

And that's fine. The last thing I want is for them to destroy DS9. They need to focus on creating new character, species, and storylines that doesn't cater to nostalgic fans because otherwise you get a bloated mess like Picard. This is why I prefer Discovery and Strange New Worlds.
I hope they look at the TNG Movies... and take notes about what NOT to do.

Unlike some other people, I'm not going to retroactively treat the weaker parts of Berman Trek as if they're Great Pillars of Television or Filmmaking. I'm not going to act as if things were great in 2005 and then they were suddenly ruined in 2009. That's all Revisionist History.
The more I think about it, the more I think Terry Matalas made Picard the Chancellor of Starfleet Academy, so he can put Picard in the same place Kirk was at the beginning of TWOK, if he's saying the TOS Movies are his influence going into Season 3.

I wouldn't be surprised if Riker tells Picard "Happy Birthday!" They'd have Picard turning 100 be a parallel to Kirk turning 50. Which makes me think we actually will see the Enterprise and Picard somehow ending up in command of it.

In that context, the Enterprise-E is more likely than the F, if it's been downgraded to a Cadet Training Ship. Maybe a reconstructed D if it turns out they didn't dismantle the Saucer Section after all.

That's my Wild & Crazy Speculation for the day. ;)
Matalas also said DS9 inspired this season in some ways, but I don't believe he has elaborated how.

Plus hints that there may be characters from series other than TNG showing up.
Matalas also said DS9 inspired this season in some ways, but I don't believe he has elaborated how.

Plus hints that there may be characters from series other than TNG showing up.
Again where I differ from other people. They think Massive War and Massive Battles. It can be that. And there probably will be some space battles. But my mind is thinking more Alpha Quadrant Politics. They were mostly untouched in Season 1 (except for the Romulan Free State) and entirely untouched in Season 2. That leaves it to be the perfect thing to go into in Season 3. Maybe we'll finally get a more detailed look at what's been going on in the Alpha Quadrant at large since DS9 ended.
And the guy that guest starred as Robert April in SNW stars in the Bel Air show on Peacock, which is owned by NBC. What’s your point?
Not sure how that compares. With Bakula having a lead role on his new show, I don't imagine him having much time to do an Enterprise revival as well. Adrian Holmes only had two scenes in the SNW premiere, which I'm sure he could fit easily around the Bel-Air schedule.
Not sure how that compares. With Bakula having a lead role on his new show, I don't imagine him having much time to do an Enterprise revival as well. Adrian Holmes only had two scenes in the SNW premiere, which I'm sure he could fit easily around the Bel-Air schedule.

TIL that a 5 minute guest spot in PIC is an Enterprise revival.

Again where I differ from other people. They think Massive War and Massive Battles. It can be that. And there probably will be some space battles. But my mind is thinking more Alpha Quadrant Politics. They were mostly untouched in Season 1 (except for the Romulan Free State) and entirely untouched in Season 2. That leaves it to be the perfect thing to go into in Season 3. Maybe we'll finally get a more detailed look at what's been going on in the Alpha Quadrant at large since DS9 ended.

Maybe so. They never did address the Reckoning tablet in the S2 teaser. Why put it in the trailer if there were no plans around it?
Maybe so. They never did address the Reckoning tablet in the S2 teaser. Why put it in the trailer if there were no plans around it?
Either it was just an easter egg prop or they established it in Season 2 so they can utilize it in Season 3. Take your PIC.

I'm talking in broad strokes. Alpha Quadrant Politics. You're talking about Props. "But why didn't they do anything with this?!" A Reckoning Tablet wouldn't have really fit the plot for Season 2 without twisting all kinds of things to make it work. More so than usual. At least in what we had, PIC Season 2 tried to put a story together based off all the unintentional world-building done by almost every series going back to the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Ask yourself: What does Q need with a Reckoning Book being that he's Omnipotent? Why would Picard bring one with him to the Stargazer? That's what wouldn't have made sense, not the other way around. Sometimes a prop for the Vineyard is just a prop for the Vineyard. Like Picard told Sisko in "Emissary", "I've come to know the Bajorans." It was just never to the extent that Sisko ultimately did.
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They never did address the Reckoning tablet in the S2 teaser. Why put it in the trailer if there were no plans around it?

I already posted why it was there:
According to Dave Blass that was just a prop to show Picard's interest in archeology, it was never meant to hint towards anything.

As to why the teaser did a close up, according to Dave Blass no one from the team had control over that very first teaser, it was all PR. They just did random close ups of things that looked interesting.
Maybe so. They never did address the Reckoning tablet in the S2 teaser. Why put it in the trailer if there were no plans around it?
I can’t remember if we saw it in episode 2 or not but it would make sense for confederate Picard to have it, especially if he killed Gul Dukat. Featuring it in the trailer was a bit misleading though.
V'Ger turns up and all the Next Gen cast merge with it so they can live forever.
Or there's a transporter accident, and we wind up with a new entity named Picgeorworbevrikeway. Yes, that's Janeway there at the end, so they all live as one - in a state of perfect poetic justice.
Okay serious crazy predictions:

Worf is a cripple, in a spaceage wheelchair. Something bad happened during his stint as Captain of the Enterprise.

Geordi has been sad and lonely since Data died, but doing important starship design things. He's married to a holo of Leah Brahms and everyone just accepts it without thought as to how creepy the implications are.

Beverly is Captain of the Pasteur or running Starfleet medical or somesuch. She has whole tests named after her now.

Riker and Troi will be back Starfleet full-time as if season one never happened, and their daughter won't be mentioned. Riker is an Admiral now.

Sela will show up at some point.
Okay serious crazy predictions:

Worf is a cripple, in a spaceage wheelchair. Something bad happened during his stint as Captain of the Enterprise.

Geordi has been sad and lonely since Data died, but doing important starship design things. He's married to a holo of Leah Brahms and everyone just accepts it without thought as to how creepy the implications are.

Beverly is Captain of the Pasteur or running Starfleet medical or somesuch. She has whole tests named after her now.

Riker and Troi will be back Starfleet full-time as if season one never happened, and their daughter won't be mentioned. Riker is an Admiral now.

Sela will show up at some point.
These all sound absolutely awful. So I’m almost positive they’ll all happen.

Bonus points if Worf’s a cripple because another barrel fell on his back.