I don't care I am loving season 3

Yeah Disco's got some real MVPs in season 4 for the men in their cast. Ian Alexander, Osric Chau, and Shawn Doyle are outstanding. Would've been nice if they gave Alexander more to do, the interactions between Gray and Zora was great. And although not new to the season, every time David Cronenberg shows up is awesome, love him. And then of course there's the regulars of Booker, Culber, and Stamets, and the aforementioned Vance.
Even with the overpopulation of women, there's not much to look at. I just wish the show was better.
What was the story with Detmer riding a tiny Enterprise shaped flying machine in one of the comics?
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Why do you keep putting her name in scare quotes?
And it's Saint Michael of Discovery. Here's her icon:
It just hampers the believability of the show and stories they tell. Of course, that's just how it looks to me. It seems weird that jobs that are traditionally populated more by men than women are not that way in the future, with no explanation at all.
It just hampers the believability of the show and stories they tell. Of course, that's just how it looks to me. It seems weird that jobs that are traditionally populated more by men than women are not that way in the future, with no explanation at all.
War, death attrition. It happens. No explanation required.
I thought S3 was pretty good at the beginning when they were exploring the 32nd century and looking for the Federation. Terra Firma was a great 2 episode diversion into the MU. After that I think it crashed and burned and the finale in particular was atrocious. The plotting was really bad and the cause of the burn was a massive disappointment given how much they were hyping it and building it up during the season.

On the bright side, S3 introduced Admiral Vance, the best Starfleet admiral of all time.
It just hampers the believability of the show and stories they tell. Of course, that's just how it looks to me. It seems weird that jobs that are traditionally populated more by men than women are not that way in the future, with no explanation at all.

To me, it would be weird if these types of things didn't change in the future. The future is supposed to be different.
I think, if something like that happened, there would be an explanation. Why would they even put it into the story then?
The Burn happened. The Temporal Wars happened. It's there in the text already.

Also, past shows never explained male majority. Why do we need the opposite explained any way? Equality and opportunities should be all that matters.
I thought S3 was pretty good at the beginning when they were exploring the 32nd century and looking for the Federation. Terra Firma was a great 2 episode diversion into the MU. After that I think it crashed and burned and the finale in particular was atrocious. The plotting was really bad and the cause of the burn was a massive disappointment given how much they were hyping it and building it up during the season.

On the bright side, S3 introduced Admiral Vance, the best Starfleet admiral of all time.
The cause of the burn was unbelievably bad. I actually laughed when I saw that this kid screamed and destroyed the dilithium! It was like an SNL skit. How embarrassing.
Not sure if I like Vance yet.