Spoilers The struggle to care about the season 5 premiere


Is anyone else struggling to care about the season 5 premiere?

I just realized we're about 2 and a half weeks out from the start and I just haven't been thinking about it. I think this is the first time since ENT season 2 where I haven't really cared about a premiere of a new Trek season.

I enjoyed parts of season 4 that actually did some exploring of new worlds and new civilizations, but the pacing and other DIS issues bored me and it was a struggle to finish. I really hope that season 5 will make improvements and that the show can go out on a high, but from what little I have read about early reviews and seen in the trailers, DIS is going to DIS. At least I think they will be able to address overarching character stories and leave them in a good place. If nothing else, that will be a nice end to some characters I have liked (for the most part).

Anyone else struggling?
I wasn't, but decided to do a full rewatch. Because of the international streaming debacle, it kind of ruined the vibe back at the time, so I've never rewatched S3 or 4 until now (getting towards end of S3 atm).

Now I'm long forward to it more than I expected I would. Especially as it starts the day before first contact!

Additionally, I have a hunch that the rumoured stirring of the next movie might be in someway related to this season's mystery in some way (nothing concrete, and I'm much expecting to be wrong), but I think some announcements might be coming off the back of this series.
I admit that I have lost a lot of things I cared about. The Federation being rebuilt off screen has basically made me wonder what the point of doing it 1000 years in the future at all was.

Saru got sidelined.

Tilly is off the show.

They pretend DISCO never happened in the 23rd century when that was where all the plot points I cared about were.
Is anyone else struggling to care about the season 5 premiere?

I just realized we're about 2 and a half weeks out from the start and I just haven't been thinking about it. I think this is the first time since ENT season 2 where I haven't really cared about a premiere of a new Trek season.

I enjoyed parts of season 4 that actually did some exploring of new worlds and new civilizations, but the pacing and other DIS issues bored me and it was a struggle to finish. I really hope that season 5 will make improvements and that the show can go out on a high, but from what little I have read about early reviews and seen in the trailers, DIS is going to DIS. At least I think they will be able to address overarching character stories and leave them in a good place. If nothing else, that will be a nice end to some characters I have liked (for the most part).

Anyone else struggling?

If anything anticipation is the highest since season 2.
I'd spent about a year-and-a-half more focused on Picard and things that were Picard-adjacent. So I felt a little out of it, Discovery-wise. But I'm Lord Garth. So, me being me, I've spent the past six months re-watching all of Discovery. Two episodes per week on average. I'm about to finish Season 4 right before Season 5 starts.

So, when the fifth season begins, I'll be able to slip right into it without skipping a beat.

For anyone not looking forward to it, I know what you're going to say, and you know what I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyway: You can always just not watch.
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Probably something about self-control and the fact that I'd strangle an ape to see episode 1. I mean, something like that.

No apes were harmed in the production of this regret.
That's good. I just don't do the whole "jump all in" with things anymore. My time is limited, my energy and focus even more so, and requires me to be more judicious in this process.