Spoilers The struggle to care about the season 5 premiere

I just want this season to actually feel more like a science fiction show . Not a work place drama that happens to be set in space.

Please do not end episodes with multiple montages of characters emotionaly "realizing " something. You know. When everyone moves in slow motion with slow music in the background. And then a log entry by a main character overlapping the special "character momments" telling us all what we all learned today and how it's all connected.

If I want to see that Id go watch Grey's Anomony .

Internal drama and conflict is fine. But do not over do it.
I just want this season to actually feel more like a science fiction show . Not a work place drama that happens to be set in space.
Huh? The fourth season, which I rewatching right now, it as steeped in science fiction as any Trek show. The SF is just something to build the drama around. The anomaly of the week is rarley what and episode of Trek hangs on.
Internal drama and conflict is fine. But do not over do it.
It's like you've never watched Star Trek. The drama and conflict is the show(s). It's Spock struggling with his two halves. It's Kirk struggling with the weight of command. It's Data trying to be human.
Science fiction rarely works when it's just science fiction. It works best when it's combined with another genre. Star Trek is character drama in a sci-fi setting, Stargate is action-adventure in a sci-fi setting, Nu BSG is political drama in a sci-fi setting while Doctor Who can cover a multitude of different genres. Indeed, looking at the recent trailer for the upcoming DW season, we seem to be getting everything from Regency era historical drama to post-apocalyptic action.
I just want this season to actually feel more like a science fiction show . Not a work place drama that happens to be set in space.

Please do not end episodes with multiple montages of characters emotionaly "realizing " something. You know. When everyone moves in slow motion with slow music in the background. And then a log entry by a main character overlapping the special "character momments" telling us all what we all learned today and how it's all connected.

If I want to see that Id go watch Grey's Anomony .

Internal drama and conflict is fine. But do not over do it.
I was going to say it sounds like you want the Berman era back, but even those shows still had a good deal of the things you talk about not wanting. So I'm guessing this is just another "everyone cries and hugs too much on Disco." Yawn.
I was going to say it sounds like you want the Berman era back,

Nope. Berman era has its place but yeah it's too barren of emotion to work today. I'm not against drama. Duet, The Visitor Chain of Command. In the pale Moonlight All favorites and so are allot of modern Sci fi including Discovery. Its just that in my opinion , they have over done it last couple seasons and/or I have creative differences in it's delivery of the Drama. Which to me feels more like what standard workplace dramas do rather than good modern sci-fi.

My girlfriend is not a big Trekkie but watches it with me and has observed Disco lately is feeling more soapy remindering her of Grey's Anomony and other workplace dramas. And she says this not. as a critique but an observation. And I agree as I watch Greys Antomy with her when it's her night of shows.

I guess my main beef is too much drama exposition at the end of
the episodes. I prefer it more balanced. Its almost as if the show is trying too hard to punctuate and make sure we understand
the theme of the episode as it closes.

Too much, not enough. This is all subjective ofcouse. I think S2 disco had the right balance.
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Which to me feels more like what standard workplace dramas do rather than good modern sci-fi.

My girlfriend is not a big Trekkie but watches it with me and has observed Disco lately is feeling more soapy remindering her of Grey's Anomony and other workplace dramas. And she says this not. as a critique but an observation. And I agree as I watch Greys Antomy with her when it's her night of shows.
Star Trek is and always has been a "work place drama". Being a workplace drama and good sci-fi are not mutually exclusive.
Star Trek is and always has been a "work place drama". Being a workplace drama and good sci-fi are not mutually exclusive.

I disagree. One can feel more standard workplace drama than epic and dramatic Sci-fi . I guess my opinion is simular to Jamahl Epsicokhan from Jammers Reviews. Who is overall positive with DISCO but has made this simular obersevation:

Jammer's Blog » Star Trek: Discovery (jammersblog.com)

Discovery, over the last two seasons under showrunner Michelle Paradise, has turned into the Star Trek workplace drama that’s all about not only the respectful workplace, but the respectful workplace where we talk openly about our feelings. I’m all for the first thing, considerably less about the second thing, but that’s just me. It’s interesting to see how the show, which was once a breathless throw-everything-at-the-wall free-for-all sensation-generating action series (albeit sometimes more exciting than what it has become), has gradually developed a kind of overarching guiding philosophy that’s more in line with a Trekkian ethos.

Unfortunately, focusing on these components so unrelentingly makes them lose their impact
I disagree. I guess my opinion is simular to Jamahl Epsicokhan from Jammers Reviews. Who is overall positive with DISCO made has made this simular obersevation;

Jammer's Blog » Star Trek: Discovery (jammersblog.com)

Discovery, over the last two seasons under showrunner Michelle Paradise, has turned into the Star Trek workplace drama that’s all about not only the respectful workplace, but the respectful workplace where we talk openly about our feelings. I’m all for the first thing, considerably less about the second thing, but that’s just me. It’s interesting to see how the show, which was once a breathless throw-everything-at-the-wall free-for-all sensation-generating action series (albeit sometimes more exciting than what it has become), has gradually developed a kind of overarching guiding philosophy that’s more in line with a Trekkian ethos.

Unfortunately, focusing on these components so unrelentingly makes them lose their impact
Very much like post-Piller Season 3 TNG. They had to focus on characters. But it's more acceptable now to explain how losing everything in your past history effects you or losing your entire planet. Before this things like that felt like after thoughts.

The maturation of Trek.
Very much like post-Piller Season 3 TNG. They had to focus on characters. But it's more acceptable now to explain how losing everything in your past history effects you or losing your entire planet. Before this things like that felt like after thoughts.

The maturation of Trek.

More acceptable to speak out today yes. But it is still a creative choice on how the drama is delivered to the audience.

The new excellent Shogun series for example is all about drama. It has more drama than Discovery. And yet it never feels too "soapy" . It diesnt need to explain anything to the audience. You feel step by step as you follow the characters. It never falls back on some of the more troppy formulas that some of workplace dramas use to make sure they get the point across. in Shogun the drama feels more organic .
I realize others will feel different. Different forms of drama on how it's delivered resonates differently with different people. .
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I just want this season to actually feel more like a science fiction show . Not a work place drama that happens to be set in space.
The fourth season felt about as science-fiction as Star Trek gets. They made contact with alien aliens and NO other Star Trek has ever referred to the Karadashev Scale.

Like I've said before, DSC Season 4 was the most Roddenberrian Star Trek since TNG Season 2. Not an exaggeration. I would know. I'm in the middle of a second re-watch of TNG (thanks to a YouTube Channel called Target Audience), I just finished the second season, and I re-watched TMP last year. So, I'm not operating from a dim memory of what "Roddenberry Trek" is.

Off-Topic, but: The 4K DE of TMP is great. I have a projector, so I was able to watch it in all its glory. Or at least as close as I'd get without seeing it again in a theater, like I got to see the 1979 cut in 2019 on a 40th Anniversary screening. If you haven't seen TMP on a Big Screen, as far as I'm concerned you haven't seen it. And the 4K version of the DE only adds to it.
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More acceptable to speak out today yes. But it is still a creative choice on how the drama is delivered to the audience.

The new excellent Shogun series for example is all about drama. It has more drama than Discovery. And yet it never feels too "soapy" . It diesnt need to explain anything to the audience. You feel step by step as you follow the characters. It never falls back on some of the more troppy formulas that some of workplace dramas use to make sure they get the point across. in Shogun the drama feels more organic .
I realize others will feel different. Different forms of drama on how it's delivered resonates differently with different people. .
There's a balance in Discovery.

The reason why I think so is because there are people who still say Discovery is too action-oriented, or too centered on galactic crises. Well if we get all those opinions they can't all he true. It must be very balanced right!:biggrin:
There's a balance in Discovery.

The reason why I think so is because there are people who still say Discovery is too action-oriented, or too centered on galactic crises. Well if we get all those opinions they can't all he true. It must be very balanced right!:biggrin:
No no no! DISCO has too much drama and hugging!!!! Didn't you get the memo? ;)
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