DS9 quarters: yay or nay?


Good evening.

What do you think about the typical quarters on DS9? Do they appear comfortable or cramped? Are the somewhat spartan aesthetics to your liking? Could you see yourself living in one over the long haul?
The quarters on Deep Space Nine always seemed pretty spacious, actually. At least the senior officer quarters I remember off the top of my head. I feel like other people on the station had smaller quarters.

I think the two things I would definitely change if I were to live on the station are the triangle shaped pillows (boy, did they look uncomfortable) and the atmospheric grating lights that seemed to be everywhere. Looked cool on camera, but would be pretty annoying in reality, I guess.

I have to say, though, the beautifully large portholes looking out into Bajoran space would make up for a lot of those otherwise questionable aspects.
The only issue i have is that the quarters seemed to be pretty dark and dull colorwise. It may have worked for the show but i think they missed the opportunity to bring in more character to the quarters depending on who lived there, at least paint the walls in different colors.

I know, it's a production and cost issue because these sets are only redressed each scene. One time it's Bashir's quarters, the next time Sisko's etc. and repainting them each time is not practical ( but would definitely happen "in real life" as every person always gives his living space that personal touch).
the atmospheric grating lights that seemed to be everywhere.

The only issue i have is that the quarters seemed to be pretty dark and dull colorwise.

At their worst (and I think we can chalk those occasions up to the cinematography), the rooms come across as mini-dungeons. That sort of, uh..."dark ambience"...might be fine after a long day on the job, but it's gloomy as the default.

I know, it's a production and cost issue because these sets are only redressed each scene. One time it's Bashir's quarters, the next time Sisko's etc.

You lifted the veil!

But Prophets help you if you're in a wheelchair.

Cardassian architecture does not seem all that accommodating to weakness (or, rather, what they perceive as weakness). Come to think of it, Romulan design philosophy is probably similar in that respect.
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IIRC, Andrew Robinsin wrote in Stitch in Times that the curves in the room design were meant to be discomforting, never allowing the individual to feel fully at ease.
The quarters would not be my first choice, but I'd tolerate them for the chance to be on DS9. I'd go to my quarters to sleep, the replomat or Quarks to eat, and the upper level of the promenade to hang out and watch the people go by.
One thing you could do is give the windows a feature that would allow them to display scenery from other locations, live, recorded, or simulated. Imagine serving on DS9 and being able to look at the window and see home, or some exotic locale projected there, alternating between that and space.
Were there random things on the floor that people have to step over when they're walking down a corridor to avoid tripping and falling on their face? I think Melora had to drive her wheelchair over ramps to avoid them or something? That would suck.
I remember there being more architectural barriers in the Melora episode than there were in the others. I remember the corridor and promenade being mostly flat, no doubt for convenience in being able to move the cameras and lights anywhere they wanted with little difficulty.
IMHO, the cardassian design is dark and ugly. I wish DS9 was a Federation station, with bright ent-d-like corridors and rooms