DS9 quarters: yay or nay?

But Prophets help you if you're in a wheelchair.
Exactly. This is why I'd never be able to live there. I'm not in a wheelchair now; I use a walker and/or canes, depending on where I am and how strong I feel at the time and whether or not dizziness is a problem that day.

The able-bodied have no idea how much of a barrier can be presented by a raised anything on the floor. Even loose carpeting or a mud mat that's been partly flipped over can result in a tripping hazard or not being able to get through at all.
Standard Cardassian temperatures, anyone? I know that I would go straight for the thermostat (er...computer) upon entering one of those rooms.

I like them. I also like the TNG quarters. But the DS9 ones had more character.

They certainly had more history...though not of the pleasant sort.
Standard Cardassian temperatures, anyone? I know that I would go straight for the thermostat (er...computer) upon entering one of those rooms.

They certainly had more history...though not of the pleasant sort.

If they’re good enough for Major Kira, they’re good enough for me.
At least the furnishings you acquire or replicate don't have to be the color/style of the rest of the room. It's discordant, but you can make it work.
IMHO, the cardassian design is dark and ugly. I wish DS9 was a Federation station, with bright ent-d-like corridors and rooms
There was an early promo picture for DS9 that just used a Federation spacedock with the Enterprise flying at it.
The quarters on the station always seemed spacious to me, the real challenge to pose would be how long could you live in the Defiants quarters before going stir crazy and/or jettisoning your roomate out the nearest airlock?
Do I have to have a roommate? I haven't had a roommate since I was in college, mumblety mumble years ago. Quark and Rom each had their own quarters.
DS9 is not set at Cardassian levels. That's why Garak complained that it's always too cold and too bright.

I vaguely recall what you're saying, but...isn't that only concerning the commons/public spaces :confused:? There's no reason why his shop and/or quarters couldn't be toasty (well, unless I missed some bit about station regulations or a technical reason that explained otherwise).
I vaguely recall what you're saying, but...isn't that only concerning the commons/public spaces :confused:? There's no reason why his shop and/or quarters couldn't be toasty (well, unless I missed some bit about station regulations or a technical reason that explained otherwise).
Other than the fact that Garak needs to make sure his customers are comfortable.

That must be tough on a space station like DS9 where so many aliens with possibly so many different temperature preferences come and go.
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I think it depends on the bed. It looked like the Quarters were roomy, and Obrian had big quarters so it was depend on if I was able to sleep. Of course I probably could replicate softer mattresses.
IMHO, the cardassian design is dark and ugly. I wish DS9 was a Federation station, with bright ent-d-like corridors and rooms
For me, it was definitely striking and intimidating something the showrunners wanted to depict, and I like of presenting something I'd never seen before. A design which was "alien - looking", I don't recall if there was a living quarters where there were no windows; I did enjoy the details of how each characters' quarters identify to them. As for living there on the station? It's not my cup of tea but I wouldn't mind visiting there when there's no ongoing war with SUPER SPACE villains.
On a station that size you a) have a good chance of getting a window and b) are guaranteed a great view whenever the wormhole kicks off.

Edit - Unless you're facing the wrong way at the moment it kicks off, I suppose. I personally wouldn't mind not seeing the wormhole from time to time. It is, to say the least, a bit scary.

But, yes, I would live on DS9. But I would prefer to live on a Starfleet vessel, where there is at least less chance of being stabbed on the way back to my quarters.
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I could live on DS9. Its basically a small town in space. I'm not bothered by the aesthetics.

I’m not worried about being stabbed. Considering I'd be in a universe where I can be vaporized in an instant, I can be beamed out of my quarters into space, and there are all types of anomalies that can make my question my sanity.