Spoilers Does anyone else think the Titan-A was... (SPOILER)

I wonder if Starfleet rechristens ships like they christened the USS Enterprise-B? Would they have used a 2363 Chataeu Picard to rechristen the USS Enterprise-G?

I think they only did that because of all the fuss around the launch. Doubt it's a regular thing.
Doubt it's a regular thing.

Why not? We've been christening ships with bottles of champagne for hundreds of years. Who's to say it's fallen out of practice?

I've always figured the launch of a Starship, any Starship, was worthy of a little pomp and circumstance.
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Why not? We've been christening ships with bottles of champagne for hundreds of years. Who's to say it's fallen out of practice?

I've always figured figured the launch of a Starship, any Starship, was worthy of a little pomp and circumstance.
Agreed. It's not like there will ever be a shortage of champagne, no matter how many ships Starfleet has.