Spoilers Does anyone else think the Titan-A was... (SPOILER)

You do understand that the Writer's Strike isn't a joke, right? I mean, it's not fucking funny at all?
If we want more Star Trek like Picard season 3 and Strange New Worlds (and other high quality television shows and movies) then we need to increase awareness of the issue so that high quality productions such as these can continue to be made in the future. It is only fair that every individual is entitled to receive equitable compensation for their work, especially the writers who’s creativity is at the very core of the shows that they write which *we* love as an audience, being consumers of television and movie media. The impact of strikes can be far reaching with a ‘butterfly effect’ that affects the livelihoods of *many* individuals. I have nothing but support for the WGA cause, and I hopefully have demonstrated this previously.

I did try to make my mini Riker/Janeway fan-fic funny though.
If we want more Star Trek like Picard season 3 and Strange New Worlds (and other high quality television shows and movies) then we need to increase awareness of the issue so that high quality productions such as these can continue to be made in the future. It is only fair that every individual is entitled to receive equitable compensation for their work, especially the writers who’s creativity is at the very core of the shows that they write which *we* love as an audience, being consumers of television and movie media. The impact of strikes can be far reaching with a ‘butterfly effect’ that affects the livelihoods of *many* individuals. I have nothing but support for the WGA cause, and I hopefully have demonstrated this previously.

I did try to make my mini Riker/Janeway fan-fic funny though.

So, to get this straight, you're raising awareness of the writers strike by taking the piss on a forum that's used by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the world population?

I'm sure the WGA are composing their heartfelt letter of thanks as we speak.
I believe that the Titan was never meant to be renamed Enterprise. I think that this was a last minute change. I mean, why would they undo the legacy of the previous Titan ships in such a disrespectful fashion? I am guessing that the ships of the Titan legacy line have now been discontinued? I wonder how Riker would feel about this? Would he be annoyed?

Is it possible that a Titan spin-off series was already rejected by the network, so one last Legacy was left by the Picard production team leaving us with a brand new Enterprise. There is a no greater legacy within Star Trek for both writers and designers than creating a new Enterprise - the *ultimate* Star Trek hero ship.

Here is my fan-fic reaction of Captain Riker upon hearing about the Titan name change:

Captain Riker: “With all due respect, Admiral, the USS Titan has a proud history, and its name should be respected. That ship and her crew accomplished incredible feats both under my command and that of others, and now Starfleet has the audacity to rename her Enterprise? It's an insult to all who served on the Titan, including to the memory of Captain Shaw!”

Admiral Janeway: “Captain Riker, I understand your frustration, and I share your concerns. The USS Titan in all of its guises has had a distinguished career, and it’s name holds a special place in the hearts of many. I assure you that the decision to rename her was not taken lightly and was made after much careful consideration.”

**Admiral Janeway walks to the the replicator and replicates a coffee**

“Computer, coffee, black, hot.”

Captain Riker: “That ‘ship’ was a symbol of strength, perseverance and unity. Renaming her is not only disrespectful it's a blatant disregard for her legacy and lineage. The Titan was a ship that inspired confidence within the fleet and instilled fear in to our enemies, that gave hope to those in need…. championing for the just whilst helping to chart new frontiers, going boldly ‘out there’.

**Captain Riker performs the ‘Riker manoeuvre’, placing one leg on to a chair, leaning in towards Janeway**

To take away her name is to diminish all that she and those who served aboard her stood for. The crew of the Titan deserves better than this. We earned the right to carry that name with pride, and it's not something that can so easily be erased with the stroke of a pen. This decision is unacceptable, and I won't stand for it.”

**A pause, Janeway takes a sip of her coffee as Riker looks on**

Admiral Janeway
: “The Enterprise has a long and storied history as you more than anyone are very much aware of Captain, Enterprise is a symbol of excellence and exploration. I’m sure that you wanted to command her yourself one day…

Captain Riker: “Well… if the position is going…”

Admiral Janeway: While the Titan may have been equally impressive in its own right, it is understandable that some may feel that renaming it to the Enterprise is not fitting. That being said, we must also remember that names are just labels and what truly matters is the legacy of the ship and her crew.

Captain Riker: “Absolutely, Admiral. What is a ship if it is not for her crew…. and her Captain.”

**Riker smiles at Janeway, a wanting twinkle in his eyes… a hunger for command, for the Enterprise.**

Admiral Janeway: “I have no doubt that the USS Titan, now known as the USS Enterprise, will continue to uphold the highest standards of Starfleet and honour the legacy of her predecessors. Let us focus on the future and the great things this ship and her crew will accomplish rather than dwell on the name.

**A pause**

Seven of Nine has been appointed as Captain of the Enterprise.

**An awkward silence. Janeway eventually taps her comm badge, Riker’s heart is visibly broken**

Janeway to Captain Seven.”

Seven of Nine: “Yes Admiral”

Admiral Janeway: “The Enterprise is yours. Take her… out there.”

Seven of Nine: “Ensign Laforge, let’s go.”

Ensign Laforge: “…boldly, sir.”

**The Enterprise warps off**

Captain Riker: “Now just wait a god damned minute!”

**Captain Janeway smirks, sips her coffee and breaks the fourth wall, winking at the audience through the camera.**

I refuse to write any more fan-fic, I am now on strike in consolidation with the Writers Guild of America! :p
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Every writer has a different writing style. After having listened to enough of Terry Matalas' insights, I can piece together how he thinks. It's not a complete picture, but it's a starting point.

After I've watched The 12 Monkeys, if the pattern still holds, I'll know for absolute sure.

If we want more Star Trek like Picard season 3 and Strange New Worlds (and other high quality television shows and movies)
I enjoyed PIC Season 3 for what it is (TNG as a TOS Movie), but no. I don't want more of that. I like it as a One Time Thing, and that's as far as it goes. Strange New Worlds is okay but I haven't re-watched any of it; and it if ended tomorrow, I wouldn't care.

Sorry to burst your sarcastic bubble.

EDITED TO ADD: And rejecting a Star Trek series because the ship was called the Titan sounds preposterous. Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Discovery would all like a word. So would Lower Decks and Prodigy, if you want to throw those in. Throw in Picard too, right up until the next-to-last episode. Plus Starfleet Academy coming soon to a streamer near you. There are now more Star Trek series without the Enterprise as the Hero Ship than there are with.

And if you think Terry Matalas is nothing more than a professional fanfic writer, let's go with that for the sake of argument. Which one sounds more fanfic-y to you? Captain Seven of the Nine of the Titan, or Captain Seven of Nine of the Enterprise? We both know the answer to that one, even if you won't say it. It's the Enterprise.
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BTW, in my fan-fic above I wanted the Admiral to be Shelby, so that character dynamics and tensions between Riker and her could be continued in regards to the renaming of the Titan. There is also Shelby’s knowledge of Riker’s yearning to command the Enterprise, and personal conflict could result in Shelby wanting to ‘cancel’ Titan’s legacy in order to get at Riker. Unfortunately, Terry Matalas killed Shelby off so I had to use Janeway instead which gives it a different spin. I was also tempted to go with Nechayev, but I think that she may be long retired now.
Titan never should have become the Enterprise. Not because it wasn't a good enough ship. Its that it shits on the legacy of the Titan.

Titan has near zero legacy on screen and only a marginally larger one if you include novels etc. It’s not a sacred cow that can’t be touched in my opinion.

Only problem I had with it was, like just about every Picard Federation ship, it was under lit and in near darkness.
One way of looking at the choice of the Titan is that it fits the overall theme of season 3 of returning to past things after the new stuff utterly fails. The Neo-Constitution Class is a new ship class rooted in a rememberance of the past. The theme, that "the past matters," which is what Picard states the Enterprise-D is proof of as they shut her down to rest at the Fleet Museum, is something that's repeated again and again.

It's true for all of the characters too. For the TNG characters, they've become distant from their past selves and come to realize what they've lost over the course of the season after re-finding each other. The theme of the past mattering is even true for Vadic and the Borg Queen.

After "No Win Scenario," I did see some comments online that wondered whether the Riker storyline (of him going from a dour outlook on life to being able to feel the beauty of the universe again), as well as the scene of him apologizing to Troi, might be metacommentary from the writers and producers acknowledging a shift in tone and a course correction for the series.

TROI: You haven't said anything as lovely as that in a very long time.

RIKER: I know. And that's on me. And I'm sorry. I'm gonna fix it. With you.
I hate to be the weird outlier again but I loved the dark titan, it was my kind of workplace :lol:

They should not have gone for the sappy rename, regardless of what the ship looks like, it was just silly unless Riker or Picard were going to captain it. The only reason renaming the Sao Paulo was okay in my book was because it was wartime, the manner in which the ship got destroyed, it was intended to be the replacement for the Defiant, Sisko was its captain and it clearly meant so much to him to call it the Defiant (suits his personality). I also agree with others, you don't need an 'Enterprise' for it to be Trek.
I think an Enterprise can be anything. Get wild and give it a different saucer/nacelle configuration. We don't have to be so strict and narrow. Top of the line, or worst ship in the fleet, doesn't matter. It's just a name. Having a small, less state-of-the-art Enterprise doesn't diminish the accomplishments of the crews of past Enterprises.

Just because something has been true in the past (each Enterprise is bigger, each is top of the line), doesn't mean is must continue to be so. There is room for broader possibilities.
Titan has near zero legacy on screen and only a marginally larger one if you include novels etc. It’s not a sacred cow that can’t be touched in my opinion.

Only problem I had with it was, like just about every Picard Federation ship, it was under lit and in near darkness.

Just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It had enough in universe legacy to get an -A suffix. (Even if the refit thing was dumb.) The crew of the Titan-A played a significant part in saving Starfleet in this incident. Seems like there’s some legacy there to me. Instead, Matalas has to do the asinine fanfic thing and rename her the Enterprise because nostalgia, apparently, rules.

In other words, Enterprise doesn’t have to be the only hero ship out there.
At the end of the day, I am just happy that Seven of Nine is the Captain of the Enterprise G like I wanted. Terry must have wanted it too. :shrug:

If they do not start making this new show soon, I’m going to spoof fan-fic-it instead. I’m going to see the new Guardian of the Galaxy movie on Monday, I may get some ideas from that.

They could always build a new Titan anyway if they wanted to, but what would have been the point in renaming the previous Titan as Enterprise only to christen another ship with the original name Titan yet again? You cannot just swap starship names around all willy-nilly. They may just as well have renamed the potential new Titan ‘Enterprise’ instead of the old Constitution III ship, so that the 1701 range can have a swanky new top of the range ship assigned to it again fresh off the production line of the San Francisco Yards or maybe even the new Emirates or Khartoum Yards? I have grown to adore the Constitution III design though, I just would quite simply have preferred for the ship to be a little bigger and less angular.

Paradoxically, the need (if there is indeed the need) for a new Titan only arose subsequent to the renaming, for it was not as though the original Titan had been destroyed…. It was ‘absorbed’ and ‘rebranded’. :shrug:
Perhaps like the old USS Titan under Captain Saavik, Starfleet plans to swap who the fleet flagship is. Renaming the smaller Constitution III-class Titan-A to USS Enterprise-G to honor the crew of the Titan-A and the Enterprise-D in this recent Borg incident, but also planning in building a new USS Titan-B to be the new fleet flagship, while Enterprise does exploration stuff instead. After that they will sit down and design a proper follow up to the prematurely decommissioned USS Enterprise-F and in probably twenty years, the new USS Enterprise-H will reclaim the mantle of Flagship of the Federation from USS Titan-B.
I wish that A. it had been the Enterprise-E being decommissioned, with a quick scene of the Odyssey-class being revealed as the latest and greatest in Starfleet and B. the last scene had played out with Jack still being assigned to the Titan but parked right next to it is, as Jack reveals to Picard, the Odyssey class Enterprise-F, commissioned in honor of him and his crew. Titan retains its legacy, we get to see the E-E one more time and the Enterprise is once again the pride of the fleet.
Perhaps like the old USS Titan under Captain Saavik, Starfleet plans to swap who the fleet flagship is. Renaming the smaller Constitution III-class Titan-A to USS Enterprise-G to honor the crew of the Titan-A and the Enterprise-D in this recent Borg incident, but also planning in building a new USS Titan-B to be the new fleet flagship, while Enterprise does exploration stuff instead. After that they will sit down and design a proper follow up to the prematurely decommissioned USS Enterprise-F and in probably twenty years, the new USS Enterprise-H will reclaim the mantle of Flagship of the Federation from USS Titan-B.
That sounds like an even worse way to treat the Titan A's crew. "Hey y'all just helped save the Federation. So as a reward, we're renaming the Titan the Enterprise G. But you guys aren't going to be the flagship, that honor is going to the new Titan we're building, which will be crewed by a bunch of people who had no part in the recent heroics. Thanks for your service!"
If it was the Enterprise D crew that was going to take command of the G then sure. But no one on board the titan has anything to do with an enterprise .. So why rename a ship that saved the planet something else that means nothing to the current crew?
Titan has been the titan for years .. Titan strong etc.

Also.. There were 13 Oddesy class ships in that fleet.. Just rename one of them?

Im sure the old Enterprise F captain (not sheby) was thinking he or she would move on to the G.. But no give it to a neophyte captain.

But yeah... A new Galaxy class two named USS Jean Luc Picard would make more since
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