Spoilers Does anyone else think the Titan-A was... (SPOILER)


Too much of a piece of shit to be the next Enterprise?

The Enterprise is traditionally a top of the line pride of the fleet kind of ship.

The Titan-A seems very standard - a step down from the D about on par with the C.

I wouldn't say a piece of feldercarb..
But usually an Enterprise is a plum assignment on a front line ship. We ding the A, but it wasn't a clunker, it was an up to date ship that could hold her own.
Through its own captain saying, the Neo Connie wasn't a frontline ship, it was an exploritory. Sure it had weapons, but pretty much generic torpedos and phasers. No Type 12 multiphasic phasers, no quantum torpedos, etc. just a bum standard equip.

Its not a bad ship, but it doesn't scream Enterprise.
I think it made sense in the context of the plot.

Starfleet probably suffered a significant loss of both personnel and equipment after the Borg attack. Putting the crew of Titan back out there with the Enterprise name was probably a public relations move by the Federation to restore confidence in Starfleet, after it was corrupted to the point of coming within a hair's breath of murdering everyone on Earth.

Also, whether Utopia Planitia has or hasn't been rebuilt in Mars orbit might put another pressure on whether Starfleet is able to produce new ships. I've wondered whether you could combine the backstory of the Titan-A that they created (where they cannibalized the original Luna Class Titan constructing it) with the Mars storyline from season 1 to indicate that Starfleet has been having problems with starship construction with one of their major shipyards being out of commission.

Beyond that, I'm curious as to how much time Matalas would let elapse and where he would pick up the story again if Star Trek: Legacy happens. They could pick up the story some years later and have the Enterprise-G having undergone a refit to have new tech that has brought it up to having top-of-the-line specs.
I'm not a big fan of the Constitution III-class design at all. In fact, I can honestly say I dislike it both inside and out. I much prefer the Odyssey-class, and while that design has a number of detractors on this board, I have my knives pointed at the Constitution III-class, so there. :razz: Thing looks like someone stepped on it before it was even finished. I know some work went into it, but that makes it even more tragic because I've seen other fan-made designs that were better homages to the Constitution- and Constitution II-classes, yet still were obviously post-VOY.

I wish it had been the Enterprise-E that was decommissioned after Frontier Day and it was the Enterprise-F that replaced her. That made more sense to me, and it was actually what I expected to happen after seeing the initial trailers for PIC's third season. What we actually got was contrived and convoluted fanfiction made official.

As far as being the Federation flagship, only the Enterprise-D was ever called that. For all we know, she was the only Enterprise to have that unique title and it went to another vessel after her demise (or rather decommissioning).
I don't like the 25th century nacelles.
They just look like modified 23rd century stuff.
Its ok for older ships, but for most ships we saw? NOPE!
The Intrepid was a pretty good looking ship, but then those 23rd century style nacelles (upgraded to say late 24th century with same layout and same everything)... just makes the nacelles look TOO NAROOW and affect the aesthetics of the ship itself for the worse.
I don't like the 25th century nacelles.
They just look like modified 23rd century stuff.
Its ok for older ships, but for most ships we saw? NOPE!
The Intrepid was a pretty good looking ship, but then those 23rd century style nacelles (upgraded to say late 24th century with same layout and same everything)... just makes the nacelles look TOO NAROOW and affect the aesthetics of the ship itself for the worse.

They're really not that different from the nacelles on the Akira class and are even less of a throwback than the Sovereign class nacelles..which were intentionally designed (per John Eaves) to evoke the Constitution and Excelsior classes.
They're really not that different from the nacelles on the Akira class and are even less of a throwback than the Sovereign class nacelles..which were intentionally designed (per John Eaves) to evoke the Constitution and Excelsior classes.

Yes, and I didn't care for the Akira class nacelles either.
Those kinds of nacelles are just not appropriate for 24th/25th century aesthetics in general.
They do work for older style ships which were in service for a long period of time, but the Intrepid didn't seem like an old design. It felt more like a 25th century one in fact... but then those ugly nacelles.
I think the original intent was that it was, until ST6 retconned that away.

The productions forgot that the Warp engines had become smaller because the technology was better.

How exactly did ST6 retcon that away? All it had was the Excelsior moving from experimental into normal active service. Are we to expect that the Constitution was going to remain the top of the line until the Galaxy class entered service 80 years later? Encounter at Farpoint had Excelsior Class ships in service when it debuted in 1987, so its not like TUC suddenly changed the game for the Constitution class Enterprise-A

Even as early as STIII it was clear there were more ambitious and advanced starships on the horizon.
The Enterprise-A was hardly a top of the line vessel.
The Excelsior-class was superior to the Refit Constitution-class / Enterprise-A in every respect at that time.

So I concur with you on that assessment.

There's no surprise that the Enterprise-B was a modified Excelsior-class.

I think it’s good the Enterprise isn’t the absolute top of the line, most powerful in every way type ship this time.

it creates better story opportunities and is less magical box thinking than before.
The USS Enterprise are only "Top of the Line" for a very brief time.

Technology marches on with the passage of time and new ships gain that title "Top of the Line" or "Fastest/Best at ___"

Intrepid-class USS Voyager was the fastest ship of it's time when it launched.

Only to soon be surpassed by the Prometheus Class for "Top Speed"
I assume they will be going the “tough little ship” route for this iteration.
I mean, just because it’s a smaller cruiser/escort type ship doesn’t mean it’s not a top of the line ship or a piece of shit. It’s just not a “big” ship like a Galaxy or Sovereign.

There is nothing suggesting the weapon systems, engines, etc…aren’t the latest tech. Especially after a years long repair job between when we leave it after the Borg were defeated and Jacks arrival.
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