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Spoilers Did Picard finally ''right the ship'' with Picard season 3?

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Doesn't sound like it to me. PIC2 writing
So I came on as they had just finished shooting Season 1, and they had started a little mini-room for Season 2. And that's when I when I came on, I was in a room with Akiva and Michael Chabon and a few others, and I said: "Well, do you guys have any ideas for Season 2?" And obviously, I had a trillion, right? [laughs]. And they said, "No, do you?" And I said: "Well, it's got to be Q. It's one of [Picard's] first relationships." And they were like, "Okay." Immediately, within five minutes, Akiva was like: "Okay, that makes sense. That's probably right for Picard." And then we said something about the aging, and I'm like, "Well, he would just appear how he was, and then Q would say something [to Picard]: 'Oh, I don't want you to feel so bad' and then he'd snap his fingers. So it was just it was just one of those things that sort of easily flowed right from the get go.
Terry Matalas
We didn't see ridged Klingons until TMP.
Nu-uh! When you like at Kor's make up in "Day of the Dove" there are clearly ridges on it and that indicates they wanted ridged Klingons from the start but the studio didn't want it. TMP is the true way Klingons should look, especially with the side burns! That's why they have purple blood! Except when they don't. Because...
Nu-uh! When you like at Kor's make up in "Day of the Dove" there are clearly ridges on it and that indicates they wanted ridged Klingons from the start but the studio didn't want it. TMP is the true way Klingons should look, especially with the side burns! That's why they have purple blood! Except when they don't. Because...
You can really pin down the age of some of these people. 26 years passed before there was a Canon Explanation for Klingon Foreheads. For those who grew up with TNG, they just can't admit they were totally okay with no explanation given for the change until 2005.

If this was 20 years ago, in 2003, there would still be no Canon Explanation for the change and they were totally fine with it at the time. So they're applying double standards for what they don't like. They just can't admit it.
If this was 20 years ago, in 2003, there would still be no Canon Explanation for the change and they were totally fine with it at the time. So they're applying double standards for what they don't like. They just can't admit it.

While I liked that episode, one of Enterprise's big mistakes was what they did with the Klingons and having to spell it out. It's interesting in that it happened the same season they rectified the Vulcans and actually had it make sense from a prequel perspective.
While I liked that episode, one of Enterprise's big mistakes was what they did with the Klingons and having to spell it out.
Well, unfortunately, that reflected an ongoing trend of explaining everything. Solo probably exemplifies this the most, but you have prequels showing teams coming together, or the origins of Wolverine, or Batman beginning. We see this trend of a limited imagination and a requirement to show every single way things happened. It's...disappointing.
Well, unfortunately, that reflected an ongoing trend of explaining everything. Solo probably exemplifies this the most, but you have prequels showing teams coming together, or the origins of Wolverine, or Batman beginning. We see this trend of a limited imagination and a requirement to show every single way things happened. It's...disappointing.
What I love about The Batman is that they didn't do the Origin Story Yet Again. When we see him in the film, he's already been doing this for two years, and they just go right into it. And no ties to the Extended Universe. It's the single best live-action version of Batman ever filmed.

It's something I like about Strange New Worlds too. Because it's following "The Cage" and the first two seasons of DSC, Pike's been Captain for years. Number One and Spock have been there for a while. Everything's already established and we already know roughly what the state of affairs is like.
What I love about The Batman is that they didn't do the Origin Story Yet Again. When we see him in the film, he's already been doing this for two years, and they just go right into it. And no ties to the Extended Universe. It's the single best live-action version of Batman ever filmed.

You think it's better than Dark Knight? It was a good film but I think I liked Dark Knight better.
I don't use "headcanon" often, but I've decided the best way to look at Season 1 of Discovery is that Michael Burnham is an unreliable narrator, and we see Klingons as monstrous because that's how she perceived them.

To take that further, each series has a main protagonist and the differences/inconsistencies between them all are easily reconciled by the same logic - TNG is so pristine because that is how Picard sees Starfleet/The Federation and Picard (the series) is darker as now he is older and feels let down post Romulus that is how he sees the world.

Voyager returns to the TNG approach as Janeway is 70k light years away and so needs that good old Federation feel to keep morale to help get the crew home

Kirk was an old fashioned swash buckler and loved a bit of Chuck Norris - hence the western theme

I like your thinking Eschaton
It remains to be seen whether the ship has been righted - as you say, season 1 and particularly season 2 started off well but very soon went downhill.

That said, the media have been given access to the first six episodes for review purposes and those I'm aware of seem to be very positive. I'm hopeful that many lessons have been learned from all of the mistakes made during seasons 1 and 2 and that season 3 will actually be good. It helps that Terry Matalas is now the sole, main showrunner of season 3 as he seems to respect the Star Trek franchise.

Well, TBH and IMHO, a new showrunner may not have seen older Trek and may want to introduce a new style - hopefully blending in with what had gone before to have a little more robust continuity rather than to feel so jarring... those familiar can still add innovative marks - and that's preferable to try, as it's hard to get less creative than doing outright retreads.

Matlas, from what I've seen, has definitely reinvigorated livened up the show, while boosting aspects* I was finding myself disagreeing to before.

Some people are trying to pass off the under-lit sets as "cinematic', but I disagree. For decades, nothing had to be under-lit. Even "Generations", which under-lit the 1701-D interior sets because they were knackered after 178 episodes over 7 years and any imperfection would show up on higher quality film, didn't turn the lighting completely down to zero. If for no other reason than "it looks bad", try waking up at 1am to go potty and don't fumble to find the light switch - if the act of finding the switch in the dark isn't evidence enough, go the extra mile and see if you can make it before it makes you. The word "impractical" comes to mind, along with a bunch of others... Add in 1701-E and scores of other sets over the decades, nothing be nigh-on pitch black and it still all looks cinematic.

But that's the only gripe I've actually got**. The quality of the storytelling and acting has me focused where it's supposed to be; the background details*** aren't as jarring.

* e.g. the profanity - but the newfound context makes it feel genuinely appropriate and less out of inane jocularity in a mistaken belief that the use of the verbiage for its own sake is "adult" (like many comedians who swear every third word because they think it's funny and inventive, those routines haven't dated as well, but I unsurprisingly digress), but I may never assimilate to today's use of diminutive slang, replacing entire words with just their first syllables because someone thought it was "cool" and it somehow caught on, sometimes beyond context and reason, not to mention inflection or lack thereof that made it compelling in the first place - rendering most people parroting it that much lesser. We've all done it at one point because we all want to be "cool".

** save for the overuse of the well-tread dull teal/orange palette, but complementary (or split-complementary) is a given

*** smirk
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