Spoilers Canon, Continuity, and Pike's Accident

So, going strictly by TOS: By the time Kirk is assigned to the Enterprise, Pike has to be off the ship and Number One has to be off the ship. Captain and First Officer are replaced by another Captain and First Officer at the same time.

This says to me that the Enterprise is either between five-year missions or is in drydock getting a refit. Or both.

If Una doesn't become Captain of the Enterprise and lives, there has to be something she wants more than being Captain of the Flagship. Whether it's another type of Starfleet assignment or a different role altogether within the Federation, or she's needed on Illyria. Maybe some type of combination of those.

Pike recommends Kirk be transferred to the Enterprise and promoted to Captain. Kirk then finds a way to make Spock think becoming First Officer is logical. Maybe Spock thinks Kirk is more impulsive than Pike and agrees to become First Officer to act as someone who can offer alternatives and act as a sounding board for Kirk.

We know that Pike knows that it has to be Kirk who takes over the Enterprise. Perhaps he confided this information to her and she willingly accepts that she cannot have the Enterprise. She trust Pike explicitly and would trust him on this.

I still like the idea of her taking command of a different Starship and taking La'an as her Number One. She could also take on Erica as her helmsman and Pelia as her Cheif Engineer, leaving the Enterprise in the hands of Scotty, who I suspect will be somewhat of an understudy to her in the coming seasons.

If this whole TV movie thing pans out, I could see them making a film for the 60th Anniversary. Pike's last adventure as Captain of the Enterprise. By the end of the film we'll witness the historic transfer of command to Captain James T. Kirk.

I mean, what better way to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Star Trek than to see Kirk take command of the Enterprise and bringing the entire franchise full circle?
The Enterprise is said to be the flagship in SNW. If Una becomes Captain, she's either Captain of the Enterprise or she's Captain of a lesser-stature ship. Similar to when Riker was offered all of his commands. If Pike is still Captain, then the Enterprise isn't available.

Pike needs a new First Officer. Spock doesn't want to be First Officer. Spock doesn't want Command. TOS establishes this many times. Whenever he has command in an episode, he's out of his element, and people are always aruging with him. "The Galileo Seven", "The Gamesters of Triskelion", "The Paradise Syndrome", and "The Tholian Web". Pike requests that Kirk, already a First Officer, transfer over from the Farragut to become his First Officer.
I like this! Not exactly how I imagined it personally, but it fits all the facts as we currently know them.

Personally, I think SNW might introduce Gary Mitchell before the series is over. After all, Dr. Dehner did say that Spock served with Mitchell "for years." And I love the idea that at the time of WNMHGB, Mitchell actually knew Spock better than Kirk did.
-- Scenario 3 (The Curveball) --

Una becomes Captain of the Enterprise, Kirk transfers over and becomes her First Officer, but she's only Captain for a short time. Something happens to her. Either she dies, she transfers off to another assignment that will somehow make sense, or she goes back to Illyria. Then Kirk becomes Captain.
Hmm, also interesting. I really hope they don't kill Number One, though. Partly because I like her, partly because it would seem redundant with Pike's fate.
If this whole TV movie thing pans out, I could see them making a film for the 60th Anniversary. Pike's last adventure as Captain of the Enterprise. By the end of the film we'll witness the historic transfer of command to Captain James T. Kirk.

I mean, what better way to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Star Trek than to see Kirk take command of the Enterprise and bringing the entire franchise full circle?
I LOVE this idea! Even if I don't end up liking how they do it, that would be a great way to celebrate the 60th Anniversary!
I'd love to see a SNW feature in 2026 showing that same idea. It wouldn't be that hard to move these characters over to the big screen. They're pretty damned lovable.
We know that Pike knows that it has to be Kirk who takes over the Enterprise.

Does he?

He knew little about Kirk in "A Quality of Mercy." He never showed any sign of recognition.

One might infer that he knows everything that wheelchair Pike will know about everything, as a result of his brief vision, but that hasn't been made clear. It would be a dramatically troublesome assumption.
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Una goes on to serve a long career that's still talked about in LD, Kirk becomes Captain of the Enterprise, and Pike meets his fate.

What about Pike's fate happening off-camera?

It would be terribly anticlimactic for SNW to end with Pike disfigured and in a wheelchair.
I'd love to see a SNW feature in 2026 showing that same idea. It wouldn't be that hard to move these characters over to the big screen. They're pretty damned lovable.

Paramount's movie division might have some issues with that (They created the Kelvinverse for a reason).

Trek's TV characters aren't being permitted to cross over onto the big screen.
Paramount's movie division might have some issues with that (They created the Kelvinverse for a reason).

Trek's TV characters aren't being permitted to cross over onto the big screen.
They're all owned by the same company again, I don't think it matters.

What about Pike's fate happening off-camera?

It would be terribly anticlimactic for SNW to end with Pike disfigured and in a wheelchair.
They've already showed it back in Discovery and a bit in SNW 1, that ship has already sailed.

They don't have to show him in the wheel chair, show him walking on Talos.
I think Pike arriving on Talos IV was the end of his story in TOS... but not the end of his story in SNW.

I don't know how many of you have watched Better Call Saul (a prequel series to Breaking Bad), so I won't spoil it if you ever do decide to watch it, but the show is about a scumbag lawyer who goes by the name Saul Goodman, who was the lawyer to a chemistry teacher turned drug lord Walter White, a.k.a. Heisenberg. Better Call Saul is a prequel, but every season started with a flashforward to his life after Breaking Bad, where he's in hiding. Then the final four episodes of BSC were exclusively post-BB. So, where Saul ended up at the end of Breaking Bad was no longer the end of his story. There was more story to tell.

Likewise, I think we'll see some of Pike's life on Talos IV and what happens afterwards. It's something I've always figured and I don't think I'll be wrong about it. TOS introduced the character, and DSC re-introduced the character, but SNW would want to have the Final Word since it's the show where he's the Main Character. That's not a spoiler, it's speculation, but I think it's also common sense.

EDITED TO ADD: Anyway, on a sidenote, Better Call Saul is my second-favorite television series ever, after Mad Men. So, I highly recommend it. I actually like it better than Breaking Bad.
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Paramount's movie division might have some issues with that (They created the Kelvinverse for a reason).

Trek's TV characters aren't being permitted to cross over onto the big screen.

Not sure the accuracy of that but a source would be fantastic. Because that seems like a huge amount of presumption.
They're not making another Kelvin Movie. They can't get anything made. I imagine Paramount can't be happy about this. So if JJ Abrams and his team can't do it, it would make sense for Paramount to have someone who can.

I think JJ Abrams retroactively sees Star Trek as a stepping stone to his getting Star Wars. Now that he's directed two Star Wars movies, and he's lived his childhood dream, what does he need Star Trek for? You want someone to direct and produce Star Trek who's hungry for it. Not someone who's like, "Been there, done that, moved on."

It's been a minute since I watched the episode, but wasn't it made fairly clear that he understood it was Kirk who needed to be "in the chair?"

I figured that his sitting down for a chat with Kirk during the aftermath of the battle, and him looking up Lt. Kirk's file while back in the present, punctuated that idea. Could be wrong. I'll watch the episode later.

Paramount's movie division might have some issues with that (They created the Kelvinverse for a reason).

They're supposed to be making TV movies. A TV movie for Strange New Worlds would make a pretty good series finale.
It's been a minute since I watched the episode, but wasn't it made fairly clear that he understood it was Kirk who needed to be "in the chair?"

I figured that his sitting down for a chat with Kirk during the aftermath of the battle, and him looking up Lt. Kirk's file while back in the present, punctuated that idea. Could be wrong. I'll watch the episode later.

They're supposed to be making TV movies. A TV movie for Strange New Worlds would make a pretty good series finale.
Not really. Meeting Kirk brought the kid to his attention, and may result in his eventually recommending Kirk for the command. But the only message that Pike clearly took away from the vision or whatever was that trying to avoid his destined path would cost Spock's life.

For all Pike knows, Kirk is "destined" to command Farragut. He doesn't even know that, if he accepts promotion, Enterprise will be the ship on the scene when the Romulans show.

It's not unreasonable to infer that Kirk winds up Captain of the Enterprise because of Pike and the events in "A Quality of Mercy." But one can also construct an alternative series of events without contradicting that episode or the explicit meaning of Pike's experiences in the alternate future.
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To maunder a bit more on the subject, IMO if Pike doesn't think that Una's equal to handling a crisis like the Romulans he's already got a big personnel problem as a commander.

Plus, Una already knows that Pike has seen the future. Since he can disclose useful information to her and expect to be believed, one might think he'd see an advantage to passing the reins to her.

PIKE: I've already recommended to Starfleet that they promote you to replace me as Captain of the Enterprise, of course.

UNA: Thank you, sir.

PIKE: There is one thing that I need tell you: don't trust the Romulans.

UNA: Chris, no one trusts the Romulans.

PIKE: I know, I know...but I'm telling you. I need you to hear it. Do you understand?

UNA: This is going to come up later, isn't it?

PIKE (shrugs) Maybe.
It's been a minute since I watched the episode, but wasn't it made fairly clear that he understood it was Kirk who needed to be "in the chair?"
I took more that Pike was not to be the one in the chair, that his attempts to avoid his fate resulted in a lot of other tragic things, including Spock dying and increasing hostilities with the Romulans.
I took more that Pike was not to be the one in the chair, that his attempts to avoid his fate resulted in a lot of other tragic things, including Spock dying and increasing hostilities with the Romulans.
I gotta re-watch the episode tonight. I could swear there was something in there pointing to Kirk being the answer, but it sounds like I may be in the wrong.