Spoilers Canon, Continuity, and Pike's Accident

Nero was a terrorist, and he was a Romulan.

John Harrison was a terrorist, and he was a British white guy who was once a dark-skinned Middle Eastern guy.

Krall/Edison was a terrorist who was once a black guy, then a lizard alien, then a black guy again.

I don't think it's so much about the color of one's skin, but rather, what crazy contrived situation can we come up with to use our totally convoluted character?

Hey, isn't this topic supposed to be about Pike's accident?
They literally spoiled it with a TV spot where you see Bones watching them do the space jump and the screen says "KHAN":rolleyes:

Kind of amazing since they made an alternate version of that scene for press previews that said "HARRISON."

It's a really cool TV spot, but it 100% ruined it.

The "This Friday" surprises me, usually they wait for a week or two before letting the ads get a little more spoilery. I guess they were getting nervous about opening weekend.
I don't know where else to put this, so I'll post it here. I don't know how we got to this in another forum, but I figured it would be best if I posted my theory here.

It's about how I think Kirk, Pike, and Number One end up where they end up.

The Enterprise is said to be the flagship in SNW. If Una becomes Captain, she's either Captain of the Enterprise or she's Captain of a lesser-stature ship. Similar to when Riker was offered all of his commands. If Pike is still Captain, then the Enterprise isn't available.

Pike needs a new First Officer. Spock doesn't want to be First Officer. Spock doesn't want Command. TOS establishes this many times. Whenever he has command in an episode, he's out of his element, and people are always aruging with him. "The Galileo Seven", "The Gamesters of Triskelion", "The Paradise Syndrome", and "The Tholian Web". Pike requests that Kirk, already a First Officer, transfer over from the Farragut to become his First Officer.

In "Mirror, Mirror", it's said that Mirror Kirk became Captain of the ISS Enterprise by assassinating Mirror Pike. In SNW/TOS, it probably happens that Kirk is elevated to Captain when Pike transfers off.

Una goes on to serve a long career that's still talked about in LD, Kirk becomes Captain of the Enterprise, and Pike meets his fate.
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Pike has requests that Kirk, already a First Officer, transfers over from the Farragut to become his First Officer.

In "Mirror, Mirror", it's said that Mirror Kirk became Captain of the ISS Enterprise by assassinating Mirror Pike. In SNW/TOS, it probably happens that Kirk is elevated to Captain when Pike transfers off.

The Menagerie throws a wrench in this. Is it plausible that Mendez doesn't know Kirk was Pike's first officer, when he asks if they met?
The Menagerie throws a wrench in this. Is it plausible that Mendez doesn't know Kirk was Pike's first officer, when he asks if they met?
Is it plausible that there's "been subspace chatter about it for weeks," but that Uhura didn't know while Spock did?

(Actually, SNW points to an answer to this vexing problem in story logic: Uhura must be in on Spock's scheme and doing it for the same reasons.)
The Menagerie throws a wrench in this. Is it plausible that Mendez doesn't know Kirk was Pike's first officer, when he asks if they met?
I'll share my other theories before that one.

--- Scenario 2 --

Kirk was to be promoted to First Officer of the Farragut with the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and was shadowing Pike and Una on the Enterprise in order to get training for the position (and give more excuses for Kirk to appear in SNW ;)).

Una's people, the Illyrians, have genetic engineering. Which means Starfleet Command will come up with an excuse to not promote her to Captain. The Federation's attitudes on this issue are still the same, even by the time of DS9. This is what I think they'll go with.

Which means that if Una can't be Captain and Pike is moving on, then that creates an opening for Kirk to become Captain.

They could throw a curveball (I would welcome such a curveball so it doesn't look like SNW is just waiting around for TOS), but something's going to happen where Kirk ultimately ends up in command. This is a prequel. That's what has to happen.

-- Scenario 3 (The Curveball) --

Una becomes Captain of the Enterprise, Kirk transfers over and becomes her First Officer, but she's only Captain for a short time. Something happens to her. Either she dies, she transfers off to another assignment that will somehow make sense, or she goes back to Illyria. Then Kirk becomes Captain.
IUna becomes Captain of the Enterprise, Kirk transfers over and becomes her First Officer, but she's only Captain for a short time. Something happens to her. Either she dies, she transfers off to another assignment that will somehow make sense, or she goes back to Illyria. Then Kirk becomes Captain.

I don't think Una dies before her time. If she did, Boimler's reaction to meeting her would have been quite different. It's like if you were a huge Doors fan and then went back in time and met Jim Morrison. The foremost thought on your mind would be, "Damn, Jim's gonna die of a heroin overdose and I can't say anything about it to him" before any other feelings of wonderment would occur (which is exactly how he and Mariner felt about Pike's accident.)

I mean, c'mon, at some point she has to turn into Robin Lefler's mom, amirite? :D
-- Scenario 3 (The Curveball) --

Una becomes Captain of the Enterprise, Kirk transfers over and becomes her First Officer, but she's only Captain for a short time. Something happens to her. Either she dies, she transfers off to another assignment that will somehow make sense, or she goes back to Illyria. Then Kirk becomes Captain.

I really like that one, but: "I took over the Enterprise from him"
So, going strictly by TOS: By the time Kirk is assigned to the Enterprise, Pike has to be off the ship and Number One has to be off the ship. Captain and First Officer are replaced by another Captain and First Officer at the same time.

This says to me that the Enterprise is either between five-year missions or is in drydock getting a refit. Or both.

If Una doesn't become Captain of the Enterprise and lives, there has to be something she wants more than being Captain of the Flagship. Whether it's another type of Starfleet assignment or a different role altogether within the Federation, or she's needed on Illyria. Maybe some type of combination of those.

Pike recommends Kirk be transferred to the Enterprise and promoted to Captain. Kirk then finds a way to make Spock think becoming First Officer is logical. Maybe Spock thinks Kirk is more impulsive than Pike and agrees to become First Officer to act as someone who can offer alternatives and act as a sounding board for Kirk.