What's your unpopular opinions on SNW?

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Star Trek is rarely as progressive as it thinks it is when it comes to sex.

Okay. But even on other CBS production like S.W.A.T., thouples have happened.

Its not even playing into the progressivism of today, though today’s audience would positively receive it. It very much plays into a Trekkian idea circa TMP regarding free love. Something from 45 years ago.

They are many different ways to approach it.

- A throuple of Vulcans committed to “the old ways” of Vulcan relationships before the reformation of Surak. Seeing as Romulan marriages are supposed to be thouples, and there was a Romuluan exodus from Vulcan, maybe having Spock explore his Vulcan heritage as he tries to figure out what to do about his relationship with T’Pring leads to this discovery.

- First contact with a new species where throuples are predominate over couples

- Use it to flesh out a species where polyamory is already practiced (Bolians, Denobulans, Andorians (at least according to beta canon)

- Maybe the relationship between Chapel and Dr Korby starts out as a throuple (maybe a female to explore Chapel’s bisexuality that's hinted at in SNW), and eventually turns into solely Chapel and Korby.
Okay. But even on other CBS production like S.W.A.T., thouples have happened.

Its not even playing into the progressivism of today, though today’s audience would positively receive it. It very much plays into a Trekkian idea circa TMP regarding free love. Something from 45 years ago.

They are many different ways to approach it.

- A throuple of Vulcans committed to “the old ways” of Vulcan relationships before the reformation of Surak. Seeing as Romulan marriages are supposed to be thouples, and there was a Romuluan exodus from Vulcan, maybe having Spock explore his Vulcan heritage as he tries to figure out what to do about his relationship with T’Pring leads to this discovery.

- First contact with a new species where throuples are predominate over couples

- Use it to flesh out a species where polyamory is already practiced (Bolians, Denobulans, Andorians (at least according to beta canon)

- Maybe the relationship between Chapel and Dr Korby starts out as a throuple (maybe a female to explore Chapel’s bisexuality that's hinted at in SNW), and eventually turns into solely Chapel and Korby.
If you do it using alien customs it just becomes a cop out.
There is no way Spock would have a 3-way. Despite their logic the Vulcans are the biggest prudes in the galaxy. They don't even like talking about Pon Farr. They should do a story that explores that. This would be good way to bring T'pol on the show. She could help him out by having a one night stand.

Spock feeling more relaxed with it being another Vulcan and one who has experience with have feelings for another human like he does only with her it was her late Husband Trip who died about 10 yeas ago peaceful in his sleep due to old age and certainly not because of a bad valentine experience. Anyways Spock opens up and we find out more about what makes him tick.
She literally has retired from acting.

Going to blow your whole budget on one actress?

Perhaps she could be convinced to come out of retirement. I mean I would not blow the whole budget to get her back but perhaps I could simply talk her into doing it by showing her how great the script is and you get to have a impact on Spock. She was a fan of classic Star Trek I heard and liked Spock or by kissing butt and appealing to her vanity about talking about how much the fans would love it and so forth.

Also would your kids like to come and talk to the real life Blippi. I could set that up. If I am offering her the job I assume I am enough of a big wig I could do something that would woo her into working for scale for what amounts to a thank you to all her fans.
I want a flashback to Nhan’s time on the Enterprise. Presumably she was La’an’s predecessor as security chief.

And I want Starfleet Marines. (How’s THAT for unpopular?)
Man, reminding me of Nhan existence and that she served on Pike's Enterprise just blew my mind. After having seen two seasons of SNW, it makes no sense to me that a character like Nhan could serve in the SNW Enterprise environment, yet behave as she does on Discovery. Just. Makes. No. Sense.

I like SNW's version of the Trek universe.

- SNW is a separate timeline, caused by the events of FC and the Temporal Wars, and continuing where DIS and ENT left off. And it needs to be accepted.

- The Spock-T’Pring-Chapel love triangle should not just be messy. It should be a trainwreck. With T’Pring-Stonn, Chapel-Korby and a possible female interest for Chapel, and Spock-Lelila Kalomi and possibly a member of the crew (anyone - La’an, Uhura, Ortegas, Jenna, maybe even a flashback to Nhan).

- There should be a resumption of the Klingon War as a season-long arc. And it should be a major event like the Snap in the Avenger movies, in that it gets rid of a lot of the DIS legacy characters, but also ushers in the world of TOS.

- The show, while it is exploring strange new worlds in new ways (ex. the musical episode), is also getting away from seeking out new life and new civilizations

- Bringing in legacy characters is a good thing. But they rely on the mainstream TOS legacy characters too much.

- I find myself caring about Erica Ortegas less and Jenna Mitchell more, despite them having the same level of development. Although S2E8 did wonders for Ortegas’ character, S2E4 was a let down.

- There aren’t enough throuples in SNW

- It would be nice to see someone wearing the miniskirt or skant without them also wearing pants.

Talk about unpopular opinions: I think I disagree with everything you said here, except that I would like to see more actual strange new worlds (but it is part of the show's DNA to have a lot of "money saving" ship-based/bottle episodes; so I am not expecting much unless The Powers That Be decide to expand the number of episodes per season).

I rewatched The Squall, last night, the 'Aspen' acting was good until they, as Captain Angel went all Christmas Panto villian.

I want a Mirror episode, just to see Mount acting handsomely cool, calm and totally evil
When I rewatched Squall prior to season 2, I came to somewhat the opposite opinion. When I had first watched the episode, when it originally aired, I didn't like her change and felt it was over the top. But during my rewatch it didn't feel as exaggerated, just that the character was a little free-er and having more fun. I think the actor did a great job not going over the top.

I am not interested in any more Mirror Universe episodes unless they actually have something to say in them about humanity or our characters. I think out of all the existing MU episodes only "Mirror, Mirror" and "Crossover" have anything to say (and maybe the final 2 episodes for Mirror Georgiou and the Guardian, but it is hard for me to remember as I really, really dislike Mirror Georgiou and her whole entire storyline). The rest (including the rest of DS9, ENT, and DIS) are just pointless exercises where the writers and actors get to play at opposite day. I find them tedious for the most part.
Pike will only be respected if he goes bald like KIrk(his toupee is canon!) Picard, Sisko , Saru and Robau.
Pike will only be respected if he goes bald like KIrk(his toupee is canon!) Picard, Sisko , Saru and Robau.
Well in one episode I spotted Mount has a cute bald spot, so bald might be on his way!
Then he will be a real Captain. Bald with a goatee, ala Sisko, that's cool!
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Man, reminding me of Nhan existence and that she served on Pike's Enterprise just blew my mind. After having seen two seasons of SNW, it makes no sense to me that a character like Nhan could serve in the SNW Enterprise environment, yet behave as she does on Discovery. Just. Makes. No. Sense.

I like SNW's version of the Trek universe.

Talk about unpopular opinions: I think I disagree with everything you said here, except that I would like to see more actual strange new worlds (but it is part of the show's DNA to have a lot of "money saving" ship-based/bottle episodes; so I am not expecting much unless The Powers That Be decide to expand the number of episodes per season).

When I rewatched Squall prior to season 2, I came to somewhat the opposite opinion. When I had first watched the episode, when it originally aired, I didn't like her change and felt it was over the top. But during my rewatch it didn't feel as exaggerated, just that the character was a little free-er and having more fun. I think the actor did a great job not going over the top.

I am not interested in any more Mirror Universe episodes unless they actually have something to say in them about humanity or our characters. I think out of all the existing MU episodes only "Mirror, Mirror" and "Crossover" have anything to say (and maybe the final 2 episodes for Mirror Georgiou and the Guardian, but it is hard for me to remember as I really, really dislike Mirror Georgiou and her whole entire storyline). The rest (including the rest of DS9, ENT, and DIS) are just pointless exercises where the writers and actors get to play at opposite day. I find them tedious for the most part.

If you disagree with his opinion, then his opinions are basically unpopular. At least you vote for it.
Talk about unpopular opinions: I think I disagree with everything you said here
And here I go again, defending my unpopular opinions...

- Its an idea suggested many times before, since the early days of ENT. I can’t imagine people being upset if that happened…who am I kidding? I totally can. Still, it’s not an unusual or new idea.

- We know Dr. Korby is going to show up. Chapel is alleged to be bisexual in the show. Leila Kalomi, someone Spock is familiar with in TOS, has been brought up a lot. The Kelvinverse opened up the possibility of Spock & Uhura. “The Serene Squall” established that Stonn works alongside T’Pring, meaning the relationship between them lasts at least 8 years. Why shouldn’t the T’Pring-Spock-Chapel love triangle evolve into a trainwreck involving more people? Maybe revealing a past romance with Spock reframes Nhan leaving the Enterprise to go to the 32nd century with Discovery, as well as Spock meeting with T’Pring in the SNW premiere. The relationship with Stonn would allow SNW show T’Pring’s vengeful side or extortionist side or political side from the novels. Let Chapel be involved with both Korby and a female co-researcher. Who knows? Maybe reframing Spock’s love life in SNW devolving into a trainwreck would help explain the casual sexism of Spock in TOS, and reframe Kirk’s historical reputation as a womanizer as actually a way to protect Spock’s reputation.

- I’m not bothered by resuming the Federation-Klingon War. The DIS version was jarring because of the writing, plus the random jump to the mirror universe in the middle of it. SNW has better writers and thus will tell better stories. They can always do a M*A*S*H* episode in a resumed Klingon war, or a Casablanca episode or a Trek version of The Imitation Game or Were Eagles Dare. It doesn’t need to be all Band of Brothers or The Hunt For Red October or Dunkirk. If they really want episodes to be different genres, this would allow for it.

Plus, who knows? Maybe they’ll make it canon that swapping out the red for the khaki uniforms from the The Cage and WNMAGB are the TOS era version of the FC/DS9 grey militaristic uniforms. Thus explaining the uniform discrepancy.

- Sorry, but they do rely on the mainstream TOS legacy characters a lot. For one, Kirk is too prominent in the show, even though some of his appearances have been from alternate timelines. Its very small universe. Its an example of the concerns back in the TNG era of having two exploration ships from two concurrent shows running into each other. That’s why we had DS9, as well as saw VOY set in the Delta Quadrant. Second, they aren’t really doing anything new with the mainstream TOS legacy characters. At least with seeing Sulu in the sciences division, it can say something new about Sulu. Just like if there was a time travel episode and the crew meets Bones while he’s judging the gymnast competition, it can say something new about Bones.

- I’m sorry, but repeating one line about one’s role on the ship isn’t character development and not compelling or entertaining.

Jenna is like Chief O’Brien circa TNG, whereas Ortegas is like Mayweather or Sato. Jenna could evolve to become a more prominent character, if not on SNW, then a spinoff show. With Ortegas, much more should be going on with her, but she isn’t spotlighted enough for the audience to know or to care. Would we know that Mayweather was more than a space boomer and had an ex who works in Starfleet Intelligence without that spotlighting? Or that Hoshi’s interest went beyond linguistics, and she broke someone’s arm for busting up her poker game that she organized? If nothing happens with her character in S3, write her out the show.

- I’ve already said my bit on throuples. Though I would add one final thing in that exploring a throuple relationship on the show could allow an exploration into the relationship between Sarek, Amanda and Sybok’s mother. Okay, Sarek loves Amanda. But why?

- The miniskirt/skant is a preference thing. Doesn’t even have to be a major character, it can be a background character wearing it.

except that I would like to see more actual strange new worlds (but it is part of the show's DNA to have a lot of "money saving" ship-based/bottle episodes; so I am not expecting much unless The Powers That Be decide to expand the number of episodes per season).

I fail to see what expanding the number of episodes has to do with more episodes involving the crew meeting new life forms. Keeping stories confined to the ship never stopped TOS or TNG from introducing new species or exploring previously established species.

This was S2 in a nutshell:

- Two of the episodes were related to the Klingon War in DIS
- One was a court room episode, though the first few minutes were on a strange new world
- Two time travel episodes
- One Gorn episode
- Two episodes with new life forms, that happened to be back to back
- One follow up to a TOS pilot
- One musical episode

S1 was much better at exploration.

SNW would benefit from meeting colony creature humanoids like Bem, or the plant species like Phylosians (The Orville has a plant species appear on the show just fine), or the shapeshifting Vendorians, or massive unidentified insectoid ships of some long fallen and extinct civilization. Or even expanding on Edosians and Caitians like they are doing for the Gorn. Arex was Chekov’s navigator instructor, according to startrek.com, so an appearance from him is certainly possible in the future. Similarly, M’Ress is a trainee and friend of Uhura. Imagine if there was an origin story of them meeting on SNW.
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