Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

Specifications for the Enterprise-F: https://twitter.com/DaveBlass/status/1647227842093109255
I didn't think it was possible for me to truly and absolutely dislike an Enterprise.... I mean, even the Enterprise-B has a few redeeming qualities, but this....... has literally nothing I like. Every angle is crap. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old trying to "one-up" his friends.

"Oh yeah? Well my Enterprise is way bigger! And it has has phaser cannons, type 12 phasers, multi-vector operations mode AND a second ship build into it."

Blow it up.
I didn't think it was possible for me to truly and absolutely dislike an Enterprise.... I mean, even the Enterprise-B has a few redeeming qualities, but this....... has literally nothing I like. Every angle is crap. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old trying to "one-up" his friends.

"Oh yeah? Well my Enterprise is way bigger! And it has has phaser cannons, type 12 phasers, multi-vector operations mode AND a second ship build into it."

Blow it up.
While others do like it.. :nyah:
More inbuilt support systems like additional craft make sense in-universe to me, after what happened to the USS Voyager. Plus, all those galaxy ending enemies Starfleet seems to run into these days.
I mean, some of that is in reference to STO game mechanics. You can put cannons on it in the game.
In fact most ships can support cannons or turrets.

And it has has phaser cannons, type 12 phasers,
The sovereign class also has Type XII phasers. This wasn't just some one upmanship.

A lot of the names of things on their are based off existing canon, or licenced non-canon lore.

Thomas Marrone is a big starship nerd, he owns all the tech manuals and other shit like that.

I'm fine with you disliking the design itself, just getting upset over the specs is kinda weird, it's no different than the spec sheets you'd see for the Ent-D or Voyager.
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I didn't think it was possible for me to truly and absolutely dislike an Enterprise.... I mean, even the Enterprise-B has a few redeeming qualities, but this....... has literally nothing I like. Every angle is crap. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old trying to "one-up" his friends.
Looking at that schematic, I think I finally "get" the Odyssey-class. It is to the Excelsior-class what the Sovereign is to the Constitution II class. I look at the aft view and I'm like, "Oh, Excelsior." It doesn't make me like it better -- I still think it's a bit ungainly -- but it makes more sense to me.
I mean, some of that is in reference to STO game mechanics. You can put cannons on it in the game.
In fact most ships can support cannons or turrets.

The sovereign class also has Type XII phasers. This wasn't just some one upmanship.

A lot of the names of things on their are based off existing canon, or licenced non-canon lore.

Thomas Marrone is a big starship nerd, he owns all the tech manuals and other shit like that.

I'm fine with you disliking the design itself, just getting upset over the specs is kinda weird, it's no different than the spec sheets you'd see for the Ent-D or Voyager.

Also add that the Enterprise-E ended up with these armaments by Nemesis:
16 phaser arrays
1 forward quantum torpedo launcher
3 forward photon torpedo launchers
6 aft photon torpedo launchers
6? I thought it was 4.
I got it off MA, I was surprised too. According to what was written:
"The refit saw the addition of five more tubes: three on the dorsal saucer section (a single tube facing forward on Deck 3 and a twin-tube launcher facing aft (located above the aft saucer airlock) as well as two on the secondary hull, both facing aft – one above and one below the secondary hull shuttlebay."
I mean, some of that is in reference to STO game mechanics. You can put cannons on it in the game.
In fact most ships can support cannons or turrets.

The sovereign class also has Type XII phasers. This wasn't just some one upmanship.

A lot of the names of things on their are based off existing canon, or licenced non-canon lore.

Thomas Marrone is a big starship nerd, he owns all the tech manuals and other shit like that.

I'm fine with you disliking the design itself, just getting upset over the specs is kinda weird, it's no different than the spec sheets you'd see for the Ent-D or Voyager.
I dunno, just seems like everything has been cranked to 11 with that thing. Probably doesn't help that I have no interest in STO. But you're right. It is weird the amount of dislike I have for that thing and I should check my hatred at the door. It takes all sorts to make the world go round. This one just isn't for me.
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I didn't think it was possible for me to truly and absolutely dislike an Enterprise.... I mean, even the Enterprise-B has a few redeeming qualities, but this....... has literally nothing I like. Every angle is crap. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old trying to "one-up" his friends.

"Oh yeah? Well my Enterprise is way bigger! And it has has phaser cannons, type 12 phasers, multi-vector operations mode AND a second ship build into it."

Blow it up.

I've never liked the Odyssey-class either, going right back to when it was first introduced in Star Trek Online. Feels completely wrong for an Enterprise to me – bulbous in the wrong places, pointy in the wrong places, unnecessarily curvy. It's like the worst aspects of the Galaxy-class and the Sovereign-class and the Intrepid-class had a horrible transporter accident and ended up blended together. Bernd Schneider caused a minor stir on Twitter earlier when he referred to the Enterprise-F as a "pompous fat bucket" in his Ex Astris Scientia episode review, a sentiment I entirely agree with. It looks like an affronted duck to me.

But hey ho. I'm sure there are ships I like that other people hate with a passion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the ugly ones just make us appreciate the pretty ones that much more – on that at least I'm sure we can all agree :beer:
Bernd Schneider caused a minor stir on Twitter earlier when he referred to the Enterprise-F as a "pompous fat bucket" in his Ex Astris Scientia episode review, a sentiment I entirely agree with. It looks like an affronted duck to me.

I think if Bernd hadn't spent the better part of the last 20 years screaming at clouds (proverbially) in the Trek universe his take would cause more of a stir

But yeah, the E-F isn't a looker
I don’t love the F, but I thought it looked pretty good in the episode. It’s never going to be a ‘hero’ Enterprise, so I don’t really invest too much thought into it.

File it away with the ring ship, the B and the C.
I like the F design. Hope we get to see more of her.
Just look at past designs .. Excelsior, even galaxy were hated.. Now people are ugly crying when the see the D now. Perceptions change.
I don't like the Excelsior and haven't for multiple years.

The Galaxy class never grew on me.

The Ambassador still is super ugly.

I don't see my opinion changing.