Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

I'm not a huge fan of it, but I will say it's nice to see the television series leaning into "non-canon" material like STO. Playing games like Elite Force, The Fallen, Armada, Bridge Commander, Away Team - I had so badly hoped some of the ships, technology, and aliens would one day appear in the live-action series. Seeing something come from STO is actually pretty cool to me. I wonder if this could be the beginning of normalizing this.... or .... it could just be a one off. *sigh*
I see it more as a political move. The Federation wants their flagship to be the Enterprise, so they decommission the previous one to use the name. Then they could recommission the older ship with a different name. This is what possibly happened with the A and the B.
I'd say that is the most logical solution.

Let's say the Enterprise-E was badly beat up, but repairable.

There's a "Shiny New Ship" about to be deployed, move the Enterprise name onto the new ship.

Then you have a new PR move and reason to celebrate a new Enterprise.

The old ship would get a new name, and be sent back out into the field later on, once repaired.

That could explain the short life-spans of the Enterprise E & F.

StarFleet Upper Brass wants the "USS Enterprise" to always be the latest & greatest ship-class, regardless of what it's operational status is. If there's a new shinier, better ship about to come out, time to move over the name.

A better look at the flag officer uniform
Mica Burton, looking extra HOT in a StarFleet uniform.

I wish they would've kept the Dominion War era collar bone ribbing, but kept the colorful division specific color sections on the shoulder outter section on the sleeve and neck.

Have a nice mix of Dominion War & Voyager uniforms.
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I'd say that is the most logical solution.

Let's say the Enterprise-E was badly beat up, but repairable.

There's a "Shiny New Ship" about to be deployed, move the Enterprise name onto the new ship.

Then you have a new PR move and reason to celebrate a new Enterprise.

The old ship would get a new name, and be sent back out into the field later on, once repaired.

That could explain the short life-spans of the Enterprise E & F.

StarFleet Upper Brass wants the "USS Enterprise" to always be the latest & greatest ship-class, regardless of what it's operational status is. If there's a new shinier, better ship about to come out, time to move over the name.

I think that’s what happened to the A. During the TUC Spock gives every indication that he believes the ship will continue with a new crew. He wants Valaris to take his place.

but the ship gets hammered at Khitomer. And Starfleet decides, hey… let’s retire Kirks ship to the fleet museum so we only really have to do cosmetic fix up work on it and christen this brand new, top of the line Excelsior mk2 or refit or whatever the Enterprise B.
I think that’s what happened to the A. During the TUC Spock gives every indication that he believes the ship will continue with a new crew. He wants Valaris to take his place.

but the ship gets hammered at Khitomer. And Starfleet decides, hey… let’s retire Kirks ship to the fleet museum so we only really have to do cosmetic fix up work on it and christen this brand new, top of the line Excelsior mk2 or refit or whatever the Enterprise B.
I concur, sounds like something that Upper Brass would do to bolster StarFleet PR.
In William Shatner’s Trek novels, the Starfleet-retired Enteprise-A is given to planet Chal to act as its defense and is destroyed only in 2300.
If the F is decommissioned early in the season, sure someone said Episode 1 & like others have said the name gets moved over to a newer design. Could we then see a late series launch of the already built but not yet launched 1701-G?
The old ship would get a new name, and be sent back out into the field later on, once repaired.
The problem with that is according to nautical tradition (which Starfleet seems to follow extremely faithfully) it's considered bad luck to rename a ship after it enters service, making it extremely unlikely Starfleet would rename a ship just so some fancy new ship can have its name instead.

And before anyone brings up the Sao Paulo and the Defiant, that name change occurred before the ship officially entered service.

I will say the Enterprises E and F having such short life spans sure would explain why we haven't seen or even heard about an Enterprise in the 32nd century.
The problem with that is according to nautical tradition (which Starfleet seems to follow extremely faithfully) it's considered bad luck to rename a ship after it enters service, making it extremely unlikely Starfleet would rename a ship just so some fancy new ship can have its name instead.

Gene Roddenberry must have missed the memo, given that it's quasi-canon that the Enterprise-A was previously another ship.

And before anyone brings up the Sao Paulo and the Defiant, that name change occurred before the ship officially entered service.
No it didn't. The name only changed after Sisko took command. The plaque clearly has the Sao Paulo name.
Gene Roddenberry must have missed the memo, given that it's quasi-canon that the Enterprise-A was previously another ship.
That's not canon at all.
No it didn't. The name only changed after Sisko took command. The plaque clearly has the Sao Paulo name.
The ship had no prior history before leaving the shipyards and going to DS9. It's a very flimsy technicality, but it's what they went with.

And really, the only reason there was a plaque in the first place is the props department loves doing those things up.
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I think that’s what happened to the A. During the TUC Spock gives every indication that he believes the ship will continue with a new crew. He wants Valaris to take his place.

Not really. Spock tells Valeris that he intends her to succeed him. Kirk's log indicates "This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew." But there's wiggle room to argue neither really specifies the 1701-A. "This ship" could just mean a ship called the Enterprise.
I think that’s what happened to the A. During the TUC Spock gives every indication that he believes the ship will continue with a new crew. He wants Valaris to take his place.

but the ship gets hammered at Khitomer. And Starfleet decides, hey… let’s retire Kirks ship to the fleet museum so we only really have to do cosmetic fix up work on it and christen this brand new, top of the line Excelsior mk2 or refit or whatever the Enterprise B.
Yup. Out with the old, in with the new.*

*possible motto of the Admiralty.
Wonder why so many here have a problem with the F getting decommissioned in 2405. The NX-01 was only around for 10 years, the C for 11 and the D for 7.
Not really. Spock tells Valeris that he intends her to succeed him. Kirk's log indicates "This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship and her history will shortly become the care of another crew." But there's wiggle room to argue neither really specifies the 1701-A. "This ship" could just mean a ship called the Enterprise.

Spock: “This will be my final voyage on board this vessel as a member of her crew. Nature abhors a vacuum. I intend you to replace me.”

Pretty cut and dried, if you ask me. Spock wants Valeris to replace him as a member of the ship’s crew. Therefore he assumed that the ship would still be in service.

And Kirk’s comment can be taken two ways: the intent, of course, is that the line was meant to foreshadow TNG. But the actual words he uses implies that the A will be relaunched with a new crew. Of course, that’s not what actually happens, because the B will be launched the same year. So his line actually means that he’s talking about the B.
I love the details on these and I've always wanted something more structured for Starfleet. Matalas keeps hitting the right notes.