Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

I always hated the "streaking stars" of TNG/LDS/Orville. Stars are massive and distant, yet they passed like tiny dust motes between the camera and ship sometimes. This also infuriated me in ENT when "stars" would appear like snowflakes in a breeze at impulse speeds.

Thus the Star Wars/Stargate hyperspace tunnel is an infinitely large upgrade, IMHO.
I always hated the "streaking stars" of TNG/LDS/Orville. Stars are massive and distant, yet they passed like tiny dust motes between the camera and ship sometimes. This also infuriated me in ENT when "stars" would appear like snowflakes in a breeze at impulse speeds.

Thus the Star Wars/Stargate hyperspace tunnel is an infinitely large upgrade, IMHO.
Same here. Very confusing from a visual standpoint.
I always hated the "streaking stars" of TNG/LDS/Orville. Stars are massive and distant, yet they passed like tiny dust motes between the camera and ship sometimes. This also infuriated me in ENT when "stars" would appear like snowflakes in a breeze at impulse speeds.

Then obviously what we're seeing aren't actually stars. Particles of the interstellar medium or incident photons from distant stars interacting with the warp field perhaps? We already know that warp speeds are nowhere near fast enough for real stars to actually seem to be moving like that anyway.
If they're keeping STO's length for the Odyssey (and I think they are based on that one shot in the trailer), this is how it looks side by side with the sovereign.


Perhaps only to be used when the ship is separated :D

I hope we see all kinds of angles, flybys, closeups of her :luvlove:
According to the VFX Supervisor they didn't make the model 'hero ship' quality, they used the STO model straight up, so it won't be as high quality as the Titan or other ships that will receive close ups.

Fly bys like in the trailer most likely.
This image by Enethrin on DeviantArt really shows one of the big problems I have with the Odyssey-class design... its stupid fat wedge-shaped saucer. I honestly think it would look much better with a more classically shaped saucer as with this redesign.


Those big banana nacelles, though, are beyond help :nyah:
This image by Enethrin on DeviantArt really shows one of the big problems I have with the Odyssey-class design... its stupid fat wedge-shaped saucer. I honestly think it would look much better with a more classically shaped saucer as with this redesign.


Those big banana nacelles, though, are beyond help :nyah:
Doesn't STO have at least 5 different, and very different looking, subclasses for the Odyssey?
Terry on the Ent-F again
The Enterprise-F is not at all the focus of the season, although it does appear in very, very important moments. It is not the focus. The Next Gen cast does not all gather on the Enterprise-F and go have a bunch of adventures.