Spoilers The game changing Voq theory

He has a light sensitivity and loves to hear balls of fur purring. He's really a very soft-natured guy. ;)
Everyone assumes Ash Tyler is Voq, but what if the writers are pulling a bait & switch twist and Voq is really disguised as the other person that escaped the klingons? Lorca!
He ate the cookie like it was the first time he'd ever had one.

I still think the actor playing Voq is Shazad, tho.
I don't know about the Lorca part, but the idea of Latif's dual roll being misdirection is almost plausible. What we actually know, after all, is that the identity of the Voq actor is being hidden and that they've used Latif's birth name to hide it. Could be clever.
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This theory has already been discussed in the other Voq thread, and other than the cookie reference, which is not really a spoiler, it doesn't contain info about the new episode, so I'm merging it with the other thread.
Tyler is Voq would be pretty silly, given that TOS already established that Klingons can't fake simple medical screens and (even more) the ridiculousness of a religious fanatic Klingon being able to seamlessly imitate a dashing human rake, knows how to flirt with any female within eyeshot. (Come to think of it, men too.)

I mean, come on. If you're going to write that angle, at least have the guy be mentally damaged (easy enough, the Klingons supposedly had him for 7 months), so that his behavior is a bit odd by normal human standards. As with either Lorca or Burnham. Now *they* could credibly be Klingon plants.

I think the writers have been misdirecting the fans with their various little "tip offs." At least I hope so. If Tyler is Vog it not only would be a "OK it's about time for the reveal" moment when that finally happened, but as I wrote above, stretching credibility even for a show that exists to stretch credibility.
I think the writers have been misdirecting the fans with their various little "tip offs."

I like THIS theory. It's a double misdirection. I looked at Voq, looked at Tyler, even with all this make up, they just don't look the same. Now, lets take a step back. The OP on reddit who posted this theory. Well, guess what, he has nothing posted earlier than 18 days ago as well. Does that mean anything? Maybe not, or maybe so.
STD make up is good, but not that good. Can they really make the actor so unrecognizable? If it wasn't for the reddit post, no one would think twice of Voq as Tyler. So I'd like to think that CBS is pulling a fast one on everyone. What if, hear me out, the reddit OP is a plant from CBS. CBS hypes up the post, feeds it to few online sites and it becomes a full blown conspiracy...
If this whole Voq is Tyler is actually false and is planted story by CBS it would be a mighty impressive thing for CBS to pull off.
Y'know, back when WB made Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, the story contained a mystery about who might be the Joker in disguise. So they got Mark Hamill to voice a second character to throw people off from the real answer.

STD make up is good, but not that good. Can they really make the actor so unrecognizable? If it wasn't for the reddit post, no one would think twice of Voq as Tyler.
The theory was floated on these boards before that reddit post went up.
A lot of people couldn't tell that was Mark Lenard underneath the Klingon Commander's makeup in ST:TMP. Frankly, had a lot of us not learned from the credits or sometime later on that the same actor who played Spock's father and a Romulan had also played the first Klingon ever seen with head ridges we might still wonder who the guy under those prosthetics was.
I 100% believe this theory. If it turns out to be true, I'll be pleased with the setup thus far. If it turns out to have been misdirection and there's a different twist coming, so much the better!
If it happens that Lorca is actually the Klingon, could that explain the disappearance of the tribble? It started to freak out when Lorca got back to his ready room and he got rid of it?
I still think it's dead. Dissected already in Ep 4: