Spoilers The game changing Voq theory


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Intrigued by the few snippets released about this guy - the POW PTSD angle could be interesting - but slightly concerned/suspicious about how little he has featured in the promos/interviews? I noticed lots of the cast have bigged up Ensign Tily's character and Saru but few seemed to have mentioned his? Anybody have any ideas/opinions about his character - what they hope/want him to be? Could he be Section 31 - or a Klingon is disguise? A shock 'red-coat' death after two eps? As Shazad is English - if he plays him as an English character - I personally hope he is not a cliche Hollywood Brit - being all 'stiff upper lip' and 'repressed' Ha! He looked quite he up for a bit of ultra-violence in the last promo so hopefully that bodes well! Love to know what people think!
I'm curious to how he will play into the whole thing. Didn't the writers at some point imply that he and Michael will be friends and possibly lovers?
Had no idea he was a pow type character. That's interesting. He's a fantastic actor btw, was excellent in Penny Dreadful.
I think Shazad mentioned it at one of the Comicons - Not sure how much they will push that - but it could be fun and good for her character - not necessarily in a romantic sense - to have someone to spark off - She lpoks like she may need a friendon the ship too! I find it odd that he went to audition for a Klingon and ended up as a Starfleet Officer ha! I have an strange feeling that there may be 'twist' element to his character!
He has billing in the opening credits (alongside Martin-Green, Jones, Rapp, Wiseman, and Isaacs) so I'm expecting quite a bit from the guy. Looking forward to meeting him soon. Will he be in "Context is for Kings"? I know Isaacs, Rapp, and Wiseman all are (heck, there's already a promo clip with Rapp and Wiseman) but I'm not sure about Latif.
That's actually comforting if true. Given the apparent narrative aims of this series, I'd prefer he not be introduced until a little bit later, so as to give him more attention once it occurs. We're getting our first glimpses of Lorca, Stamets, and Tilly this week, plus other side characters aboard the Discovery and the return of (admittedly, presently-just-a-face) Detmer. That's plenty, heh.
Every time I see his name, I think someones talking about me...

....he should be in a fair few episodes with the billing he has but I'm hoping to see something more than "stock relationship" as assumed. There's a few places to go with the POW angle, and tying that together with Burnham. But there's also a lot more interesting thing to do other than the 'chemistry' Latif mentioned.

I had read somewhere that Tyler was a POW along with Lorca. Not sure where that came from at all though as I've not found a source for it other than a couple of blogs citing the ncc1031 site, and there's no sources there...
Right Tyler watchers! Three amusingly polarising Disc eps in and still no sign of of the Mysterious one! While Sullivan and Harbets big up the other cast members and their characters - barely a mention has been made of the man known only to fans as: 'He in the CBS Pic sitting in the shuttle pod'...Hmmm...Is he a bounder? A Starfleet cad? An evil doppelganger intent on cruelly making Burnham smile? Will ep 4 finally see his bestubbled chin and floppy' British Indie Band 1996 hair' making an appearance? Or does ep five - with it's slightly Joy Divison-esque title - give us Tyler 'fanatics' the best chance of enjoying his hopefully British accented Ultra-violence? Until then...Keep watching the skies Tyler fan...Keep watching the skies...