Poll The ever-changing Trekthusiam thread!

How hyped are you for future Star Trek?

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Strange New Worlds - First season wasn't bad. It was good enough that I'll likely watch season 2, unless I drop P+ (see below).
Discovery - lost whatever charm it had.
Picard - I'll avoid it like the plague. If it turns up on my TV and the remote is not within reach I'll throw something big and hard enough to break the screen.
Lower Decks - Tried one episode. It was exactly what I thought it would be; not funny enough to be a comedy, not serious enough to be a drama.
Prodigy - no interest in the kiddie show, and my grandkids aren't old enough to find it interesting.

So, streaming Trek is batting 10% for me, which is pretty bad. There are so many other things that I watch religiously and enjoy that Paramount Plus may be on the chopping block in favor of other services.
Mine has waned a lot, but that is largely a combination of fatigue at the toxic fanbase and the move to P+.

Of the specific shows:

Disco - Loved the first two seasons, but the third felt like a misstep. Haven't bothered to get P+ for the fourth yet,
Picard - I liked S2 more than most, but I hated the way they shoved aside characters for a TNG reunion which I don't care about in the slightest. I'll be going into S3 with a lot of resentment.
Lower Decks - Will watch S3 just because I happen to have Prime, but I don't find it particularly worthwhile.
Strange New Worlds - Haven't watched it yet given it's on P+ and am only mildly interested.
Prodigy - No interest in a kids' show.
Fourth Kelvin film - Will believe it when I see it.
Based on the two trailers I've seen so far (Picard and Lower Decks), and going to the Star Trek convention and having a pretty good time (Organizational wise could have been better), my enthusiasm has grown. I think based on the last few months, I would rank the series based on enthusiasm:

Lower Decks - Talking to Tawny Newsome and seeing the first three episodes of season 3 has made me absolutely love this show

Prodigy - I'm looking forward to the new trailer hopefully today. There has been a surprisingly lack of Prodigy news and I need to know when to start watching the first few episodes again

Picard - I didn't like Season 2, but I talked with some folks at the convention who had more insider information than I do (twitter mostly) and I just saw the trailer and my mood is slowly becoming positive

Strange New Worlds - I like the cast, and I liked Season 1 (minus what they did with the Gorn) but it is kinda down on my radar at the moment. That will change.

Discovery - Honestly, I miss the first two seasons of the show and if they are close to ending it, I probably wouldn't shed any tears. I don't think being in the 32nd century has worked as well as I hoped.

Movies - News about the movies seems to change monthly and I don't know how much I care. I just got back from seeing Wrath of Khan in the theaters and found out Cinemark is showing Voyage Home next week. I guess I just don't know anything about the Kelvin new movie to make any judgement other than just get it done already.

I'm sad people are writing off Prodigy because it's targeted to children. I'm 38 and love the show. I think it has something for everyone and wish you would at least give it a shot.
Prodigy has dark shadowy figure. I'm good on that right now in my SF.

But, the one thing that had inched my enthusiasm up a notch...Nerf phaser.
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On the plus side, as the old adage might still suggest, people who "moan" still are interested in a franchise and thus can be dependable customers. Conversely, if people stop talking, regardless of whether they're a sycophant or an iconoclast or anything in between, if it has to be said, then that's usually not a good sign for the "health" of that special squeezable thing...
I'm ecstatic about the Seven of Nine show. Otherwise, I wish they'd slow down though. Too many shows at once to keep up with.
I'm not going to lie: I'm more interested in a Kelvin TNG Movie than a Kelvin TOS Movie. We already pretty much know what we'd get with a fourth Chris Pine Trek film. But a first NuTNG film? There's some mystery behind what that would be like. Could be great, could be terrible, but it would be something different on the movie-front.
I'm not going to lie: I'm more interested in a Kelvin TNG Movie than a Kelvin TOS Movie. We already pretty much know what we'd get with a fourth Chris Pine Trek film. But a first NuTNG film? There's some mystery behind what that would be like. Could be great, could be terrible, but it would be something different on the movie-front.
I'm almost intrigued. I'm trash for alternate timelines, so to see how TNG would play out in the new timeline is tempting. But, not if they're just going to treat it like a reboot. By that I mean, just recreating the same basic cast and storylines for a modern audience.

I don't just want to see "Best of Both Worlds" remade with busy modern graphics, and Daniel Ratcliffe as Captain Picard. I'd want them to treat this as an alternate timeline, something to compliment the original show, not replaced it.

They could develop the possession bugs from "Conspiracy" as the main villains. Keep Tasha Yar onboard for the full trilogy. Toss Tuvok or Dax onto the Enterprise, just to really drive home that this is another timeline.

But who am I kidding. The Kelvin TNG movie would revolve around Q and the Borg, recreating famous moments from the show, and very little else. But at least Zendaya would make a good Deanna Troi.
Sky High Enthusiasm over the possibility of Sisko being mentioned or possibly even, <coronary> a surprise sighting in the next Lower Decks!!
My enthusiasm for Trek is on an all time low. Still watch Lower Decks and hopefully Season 3 of Picard (if it is on Amazon), but most likely won't suscribe to P+. If it ever will be released in Europe...

Already canceled Netflix and am way too happy with Amazon Prime and Disney+, to ever give my money to people who don't give a shit about nonamerican fans.

Suscribing to a third streaming platform would also be too expensive for me.
Depressed because of DSC, PIC, PRO, and SNW, put hopeful and excited about LOW. I'm not happy with only streaming and with what Alex Kurtzman has done to it. As I've said before: DSC, PIC, and SNW need to be their own universe. I would like a finish to TAS season two, as it is only half of season one. Of course, I would love for ENT to come back, but I believe the ship has sailed for that. Unfortunately, it seems the day of Rick Berman Trek are gone.
I'm not happy with only streaming and with what Alex Kurtzman has done to it.


As I've said before: DSC, PIC, and SNW need to be their own universe.

Considering the "minds" behind the franchise, that's not going to happen. They are determined to scream to the viewers that the series you mentioned are in the same universe as all other ST productions, no matter how much the new series are a classic example of being oil to the original end of the franchise's water.

I would like a finish to TAS season two, as it is only half of season one.

Personally, I'm satisfied with TAS' episode count. By the early 1970s of TAS' run, it had been a standard for most U.S.-produced animated series to have a 1st, "full" season of episodes, and if it was renewed, a 2nd with a handful of new episodes padded out with re-runs from the first. As much as I loved TAS and consider it as it was intended to be--the continuation of TOS--I feel it does not need new episodes, and quite clearly, few would accept re-casting the original actors, while the two who surviving actors who were involved with TAS--Shatner and Takei--no longer sound like the people they were 50 years ago.